Boinc Core Client 4.24
I've been using 4.24 for the last 36 hours without issue. I've just found a post Rom Walton made to the Seti forum-number crunching. Below is what he said.
Rom Walton
Forum moderator
Project developer
Joined: Apr 27, 2000
Posts: 284
ID: 85465
Posted: 25 Feb 2005 22:48:40 UTC
I am pleased to announce that the new client is ready for those who want to Beta test the client.
We are down to just a few bugs that need to be fixed before we can release to the world, but given the usage numbers, we would like to get some more coverage on a broader selection of machines.
If all goes well, we'll be releasing the Windows client in the next week or two.
We have also started to use a bug tracking service that is publicly available. You can sign-up and track the progress of a bug that you are concerned about through email or the website. Or you can add any additional information you have about a bug.
Feel free to check it out at:
Thanks in advance.
----- Rom
BOINC Development Team, U.C. Berkeley
have a good weekend
Boinc Core Client 4.24
I also gave it a try on an old dustbin saved PII-300, running Linux 2.6.8, not a single problem since then. (36hrs)
The Intel Celeron is up now for about 12 Hrs running Linux 2.6.4. Both machines produce the nice Graphics.
On the linux platfoem the WU's seem to require more time to complete even with niced priority settings.
Thanks Development team for the nice work.
i've just tried to instal
i've just tried to instal 4.24 on Windows 98 SE.
when i ran installer without uninstalling 4.19 i got a message that i need to uninstall first. I did so
then i ran the 4.24 installer once a gain and got the following error:
"Error 1720. There is a problem with this Windows
Installer package. A script required for this install to
complete could not be run. Contact your suppoprt
personnel or package vendor"
And it does not help when i restart my PC and try again :(
Please hand this message over to some boinc staff...
> i've just tried to instal
> i've just tried to instal 4.24 on Windows 98 SE.
> when i ran installer without uninstalling 4.19 i got a message that i need to
> uninstall first. I did so
> then i ran the 4.24 installer once a gain and got the following error:
> "Error 1720. There is a problem with this Windows
> Installer package. A script required for this install to
> complete could not be run. Contact your suppoprt
> personnel or package vendor"
> Please hand this message over to some boinc staff...
It could be a problem with the 4.24 installer pgm, but check to see that you have the 1.1 update for windows installer.
> It could be a problem with
> It could be a problem with the 4.24 installer pgm, but check to see that you
> have the 1.1 update for windows installer.
I did installed the Windows Installer but it did not solve the problem with BOINC 4.24 installer pgm, i still get the same error message
> > It could be a problem
> > It could be a problem with the 4.24 installer pgm, but check to see that
> you
> > have the 1.1 update for windows installer.
> I did installed the Windows Installer but it did not solve the problem with
> BOINC 4.24 installer pgm, i still get the same error message
Please report this to:
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