thank you

paul milton
paul milton
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Topic 192109

i would like to say thank you to the project devs. during the recent downtime you folks kept us informd of the situation and the progress being made. you got the project back up as fast as possible. again i say, THANK YOU!!

seeing without seeing is something the blind learn to do, and seeing beyond vision can be a gift.

Mats Nilsson
Mats Nilsson
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thank you

Where can I find such information,I don´t know where to find and therfor I didn´t know what was going on.

Pooh Bear 27
Pooh Bear 27
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The information was on the

The information was on the Home Page.

The people here deserve a big hand, because this happened over a US Holiday weekend. US Thanksgiving was Thursday, and the schools, etc. all have a 4 day weekend during this.

Thank you Dr. Allen, Bernd, et al.

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Way to go E@H team. That

Way to go E@H team.

That was handled professionally and we the crunchin' community thank you for all your hard work.

And doesn't it always have to happen on your 4 day weekend!

Kathryn :o)

Einstein@Home Moderator

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160 days without failure...

160 days without failure... and when it finally came, it came at the absolute worst time. The E@H team deserves some major appreciation for working this over the holiday for us all.

... and Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

"No, I'm not a scientist... but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express."

Bruce Allen
Bruce Allen
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RE: i would like to say

i would like to say thank you to the project devs. during the recent downtime you folks kept us informd of the situation and the progress being made. you got the project back up as fast as possible. again i say, THANK YOU!!

Thank you for your kind comments.

The file server crashed hard with no previous signs of problems, on Thansgiving evening around 10pm. At that time, David Hammer and Kevin Flasch spent a number of hours trying to get our spare file server working but the bug was apparently related an OS/software issue and the spare machine exhibited the same problem.

I only learned about the problems around 5am local time the following morning. David and I did some further work the following morning and then needed to wait a few hours for a file system consistency check to complete.

I wish it hadn't taken so long, but I am glad that we are 'back on the air' again.


Director, Einstein@Home

Martin P.
Martin P.
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Thank you guys! This was

Thank you guys! This was perfect communication! That's the way it should be!!!!

Jim Bailey
Jim Bailey
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Thanks to the folks at

Thanks to the folks at Einstein for all their time and effort! Great job!!!!!

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I just want to add my thanks

Message 53282 in response to message 53279

I just want to add my thanks for being informed as to what was happening. The communication within this project is one of its finest attributes. And the speedy recovery was also a plus!

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This temporary failure also

This temporary failure also shows how great BOINC is as a program. When Einstein went off the air my computers kept themselves busy with Rosetta without me even noticing!

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RE: This temporary failure

Message 53284 in response to message 53283

This temporary failure also shows how great BOINC is as a program. When Einstein went off the air my computers kept themselves busy with Rosetta without me even noticing!

Humm... I noticed that at least two of my three hosts which were active at the outage reached the dreaded 168 hour back off point well before the end of the outage.

If this was common among people with moderate Einstein work queues, and if folks don't spot it and force update by hand, then there may be a pretty big drop off in Einstein work for the next few days--especially since this hit during a holiday.

None of which diminishes my gratitude for and appreciation of the Einstein project folks. The hope for useful science, the generally smooth running of the project, and the helpful and respectful communication with the crunchers are a potent set of incentives keeping most of my resources here.

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