Mysterious Island / Jules Verne
More Than Human / Theodore Sturgeon
Journey To The East / Hermann Hesse
Sigmund Freud / Ernest Jones, Volume one
Homo Aestheticus / Luc Ferry
About to start The Rule of Four
Thought DaVinci Code a nice retirement fund for Dan Brown. Period.
Because of a committee I'm on I've been reading a lot of Immanuel Kant, particular his writing about ethics and the idea of right/rights.
Name 3 your favorite books~
Too many to choose from...
Trigger Fish by Tim Dorsey
tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
Sick Puppy by Carl Hiaasen
RE: Too many to choose
I've not read before~
I will read someday
Hello everyone!I'm Zhang Chi from China.I am 16 and I am a middle school student.And I love science. I want to be a scientist in the future!
Greetings from the U.S. of
Greetings from the U.S. of A.
Mysterious Island / Jules Verne
More Than Human / Theodore Sturgeon
Journey To The East / Hermann Hesse
Sigmund Freud / Ernest Jones, Volume one
Homo Aestheticus / Luc Ferry
About to start The Rule of Four
Thought DaVinci Code a nice retirement fund for Dan Brown. Period.
Because of a committee I'm on I've been reading a lot of Immanuel Kant, particular his writing about ethics and the idea of right/rights.
Das Zauerberg/Thomas
Das Zauerberg/Thomas Mann
Journal d'un cure' de campagne/Georges Bernanos
Vol de nuit/Antoine de Saint Exupery
(diacriticals omitted)
Have you ever heard Lu Xun? A
Have you ever heard Lu Xun?
A famous writer in China.
Every students have read his article.
Hello everyone!I'm Zhang Chi from China.I am 16 and I am a middle school student.And I love science. I want to be a scientist in the future!
RE: Too many to choose
Oops. That first one should be Triggerfish Twist By Tim Dorsey.
For Everybodies
For Everybodies Information:
A Western Look at
Lu Xun
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
To Many Favorites: I am
To Many Favorites:
I am reading now :
"Truth A Guide" by Simon Blackburn (Tough Read)
"History of Jazz" by Ted Gioa
"I am Charlotte Simmons" by Tom Wolfe
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
I am now reading Tagore's
I am now reading Tagore's peomes
It's the best peomes I have ever read~
Hello everyone!I'm Zhang Chi from China.I am 16 and I am a middle school student.And I love science. I want to be a scientist in the future!
I have to go to school have
I have to go to school
have a sleepy afternoon~
Hello everyone!I'm Zhang Chi from China.I am 16 and I am a middle school student.And I love science. I want to be a scientist in the future!