FreeBSD 6.1 ports setup with seti already running question

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Topic 191845

I have FreeBSD 6.1 machine which has a freash install of all ports via the portsnap command. I had previously got seti running fromt he ports, and now wish to add Einstein as my second project.

First, I stopped boinc for the previously installed port of seti by using the following command. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/boinc stop.

I went into ports/astro/Einstein and did the make, make install, and make clean. After a clean compile, and the proper directories being created in /var/db/boinc I restarted boinc from /usr/local/etc/rc.d/boinc start

At verified that the app_info.xml file was built in the project directory for einstein and that the exectuable was there also.

When I did the boinc_cmd --project_attach, I received a parsing error on the app_info.xml file. When I went to look for this file, both the einstein directory and files were gone. I redid the port install and boinc_cmd several times, and this occured every time.

Also, I currently run both these projects on my windows machine. I am not trying to share the work between both machines, but have each machine do its own work.

Any sugestions here???? Please

Pav Lucistnik
Pav Lucistnik
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FreeBSD 6.1 ports setup with seti already running question

Can you copy and paste the paste error? There should be one, and it should be harmless.

Or, please try this: install the port, edit app_info.xml remove the blank lines at the top and the bottom of the file, start boinc, try to attach. Tell me if that changes anything. At least the parse error should be gone.

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Ok, this is going to be long

Ok, this is going to be long winded. But, I captured everything including my commands and you can see everything that I did. I appoligise for the flood.
disone# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/boinc stop
disone# pwd
disone# make deinstall
===> Deinstalling for astro/boinc-einsteinathome
===> Deinstalling boinc-einsteinathome-4.09,1
disone# make
disone# make install
===> Installing for boinc-einsteinathome-4.09,1
===> boinc-einsteinathome-4.09,1 depends on executable in : boinc_client - found
===> boinc-einsteinathome-4.09,1 depends on shared library: c.5 - found
===> Generating temporary packing list
===> Checking if astro/boinc-einsteinathome already installed
install -d -o boinc -g nobody /var/db/boinc/projects
install -d -o boinc -g nobody /var/db/boinc/projects/
install -o root -g wheel -m 444 -o boinc -g nobody /usr/ports/astro/boinc-einsteinathome/work/projects/ /var/db/boinc/projects/
install -o root -g wheel -m 555 -o boinc -g nobody /usr/ports/astro/boinc-einsteinathome/work/projects/ /var/db/boinc/projects/

Just run boinc_gui, choose Attach, and follow instructions.
Project URL is

*) If this is your first time in any BOINC project, create a new account at

*) Or get your account key at

*) Attach to the project:
cd /var/db/boinc
boinc_cmd --project_attach bf9d118dceffe659cce6f31139613a13
===> Registering installation for boinc-einsteinathome-4.09,1

disone# make clean
===> Cleaning for compat5x-i386-
===> Cleaning for boinc-client-5.4.9
===> Cleaning for localedata-5.4
===> Cleaning for curl-7.15.4
===> Cleaning for boinc-einsteinathome-4.09,1
disone# ls
app_info.xml einstein_S5R1_4.09_i386-unknown-freebsd
disone# pwd











disone# cd ../../
disone# pwd
disone# disone# cd ../../
disone#: Command not found.
disone# disone# pwd
disone#: Command not found.
disone# /var/db/boinc
/var/db/boinc: Permission denied.
disone# disone#
disone#: Command not found.
disone# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/boinc start
Starting BOINC client.
disone# ls projects
disone# boinc_cmd --project_attach
disone# ls projects
Ok, question I guese.
When I first installed seti, the only tutorial I found with regard to the app_info.xml told me to put it in 3 locations which I did. Could that be messing this up now because of those extra app_info.xml files????


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baaa, I found the reason.

baaa, I found the reason. Don't know what to do about it, but I found the problem.

The account key that I used was my existing one from seti. This is the account key that I used on my windows machine to participate in both projects, but I had redirected all output to a file and follows is what I found:

2006-09-19 20:15:36 [Einstein@Home] Message from server: Invalid or missing account key. Visit this project's web site to get an account key.
2006-09-19 20:15:36 [Einstein@Home] Resetting project
2006-09-19 20:15:36 [---] Rescheduling CPU: exit_tasks

Hmmm, I wanted all my work to be under one account. Is that not possible??


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Ok, now that I found a log

Ok, now that I found a log and know what the error is.

I requested that my account key be sent to me, and I used that in the attach. Checking the logs and my account, this machine is finally attached. Grrrrrrrr, irritate me to no sin. I don't understand why that worked on the windows machine and not on my UNIX box. Oh well, it works now. Which is all that counts.

I am sorry for the dumb questions, but thank you for your help.


Pav Lucistnik
Pav Lucistnik
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The keys used to attach are

The keys used to attach are different per project. It's not really a problem, because the pairing of your accounts across projects is done using 'Cross-project ID' thing. They look similar, but are different things :)

Good to see you managed to make it moving.

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