E@H mentioned in russian e-magazine www.lenta.ru

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Topic 191512


what was new to me is that the Landbrokes bookmakers accept bets on detection of gravitational waves

John Hunt
John Hunt
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E@H mentioned in russian e-magazine www.lenta.ru

Anyone here know how to get a translation of this??

I'm afraid I only do two langauges - 1)English and 2)Abusive Cussing.....

[B@H] Ray
[B@H] Ray
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RE: Anyone here know how

Message 41430 in response to message 41429


Anyone here know how to get a translation of this??

I'm afraid I only do two langauges - 1)English and 2)Abusive Cussing.....

I seem to be stuck with the same two also.

Try the Pizza@Home project, good crunching.

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Translated Text with Babel

Translated Text with Babel Fish

119 years ago Albert Michaelson and Edvard Morley placed the experiment, from which it is accepted to count off the history of the theory of relativity. Experiment ended by failure - the authors established that the motion of "universal ether", where it is extended light, cannot be noted. That that ether there does not exist generally, proved Einstein. Later he published the article about the "bent" space-time, which made possible conversations about the quasars, the pulsars and the black holes - and, strictly speaking, entire contemporary astrophysics as a whole. The project, which sets as a goal to recheck the conclusions of Einstein, started in Germany during June 2006. Thus it came out that this selected for instrument (600-meter Michelson interferometer GEO600) repeats the diagram of the device, which made it possible to doubt ether in 1887. The gravity waves, which it began to search for Hannover interferometer, remain one of the most uncommon (and not confirmed, until now) consequences of einstein theory. Them are described as the "folds" in the space-time, which - as the wave of electromagnetic field - can be noted how conveniently far from the source. Analogy it is worth continuing: electromagnetic radiation the charges, which move unevenly, generate, gravitational - accelerated massive bodies. Difference - on scales of phenomenon. So that the distinguishable dark point would remain on the film, it is sufficient one photon. But so that the terrestrial instruments would register gravity wave, is necessary the event of space scales - such, for example, as the collision of the pair of black holes but also in this case effect is considerably weaker: the discussion deals with tensions and compressions of the space of the order of one sekstillionnoy - number with twenty zero after comma. Being this multiplied by length GEO600, coefficient it gives value, into thousands of times of less than nuclear dimensions. GEO600, GEO600, photo from site geo600.uni-hannover.de the sensitivity of interferometer, as declare its creators, several times higher. The billionths of nanometer are measured with laser beam. Semi-transparent mirror splits it it in two and directs the pair of rays along the tunnels, perpendicular to each other, and mirrors at the end of the tunnels force rays to again join at one point. The difference in the distances, passed by light, can be learned on the interference pattern - the special sequence of dark and light strips. In the scientists will the bases consider that the instrument registered gravity wave, if this difference suddenly changes - but only with special means. The way of ray they guard with all precautions. The details of optical system are suspended from the "nonductile" threads from the melted dioxide of silicon. To avoid the shakings of thread are connected with the system of counterweights. So that the rays would not meet interferences in the path, in both tunnels is maintained the pressure in one hundred-million of the atmosphere (thanks to which, by the way, the instrument proved to be in the second place in the lists of the largest vacuum cameras of peace). Nevertheless, on the record is superimposed inevitable noise - for example, because of the underground pushes and even thermal agitation of atoms. For this very reason data require interpretation - bulky computational procedure. It, as in many other cases, they directed volunteers, by consonant to spend the "uncalled-for" computer time for the solution of strange physical, biological or astronomical problems. The distributed calculation, neglected in 2005, was named Einstein@Home - by analogy with the most popular project of such kind, SETI@Home, whose purpose - to reveal the signals of extraterrestrial civilizations in the multi-gigabyte archives of 305- meter radiotelescope. Which is interesting, inoplanetyan and gravity waves search for with the aid of one and the same program. In spite of the temptation of prospect soak to Einstein, there were chances to catch its wave in calculator- volunteers, until now, not. Although GEO600 they for the first time neglected as early as 2002, all this time accuracy is left much to be desired, and thesis was the only content of reports, that in immediate proximity of the Earth the suitable perturbation sources cannot be found. Space The space interferometer LISA, figure from site NASA by the "sources" astronomers imply the sufficiently modest list of object- candidates. First, this of the pair of black holes or neutron stars, which are turned around the overall center of gravity. Losing energy in the form of waves, objects must gradually converge and finally merge - this course of events numerical models predict. The system, which behaves similarly - pulsar PSR 1913+16 with the invisible satellite, opened in 1974 Of khul's and Taylor, future Nobel prize winners. For scientists it was possible to prove that the distance from each body to the center of masses in the course of time diminishes. the Associate- astrophysicists (but later and Nobel committee) sochli this first, although indirect, by the proof of einstein rightness. Besides binary systems, hope they lay also for single pulsars - the neutron stars, which make hundred revolutions around its own axis per second and radiating radio waves. For the speed of rotation of pulsars there are two limits - taking into account gravity waves and without. On the second - three or four thousand revolutions per second (or, in the customary units, hertz) - star it tears up on the part. The first - about 760 hertz - exists because the waves radiated by pulsar take away energy and force it to slow down. The most rapid of the known pulsars accomplishes in second 716 revolutions - and there are no reasons to assume that this value will be soon exceeded. But it means, waves nevertheless exist. That, however, it does not make with more clear, when can be found them. Interferometer deliberately it is not necessary to pass to the scrap, as soon as discovery will be made. On the contrary, scientists they calculate, that from this point on, to it they will pay not less attention, than to space observatories. Revolution in astrophysics they connect with the advent of radiotelescopes, and following them - infrared and X-ray tools in the middle of the twentieth century. "graviskopy", which automatically will become the interferometers, sensitive to the gravity, will prove to be capable of seeing the large part of the universe, to telescopes in principle inaccessible. The discussion deals with the "dark material", which does not emit not in one spectral range and appears uniquely - attracting other bodies. Neither about its structure nor even about the distribution in the space practically nothing it is known. GEO600 - not only instrument, which will prove to be at the disposal of the supporters of "gravitational astronomy". In Japan acts the 300- meter interferometer Tama-300, in THE USA - 4- kilometer LIGO (data of which simultaneously with the data GEO600 are deciphered on the user computers). In spite of sizes, all these instruments thus far be inferior Geo-600 exactly. But a very precision instrument - interferometer LISA - they are intended to use out of the Earth. After it will be put into orbit, it will become largest of all artificial instruments generally: the mirrors of interferometer will be divided by distance into 5 million kilometers. Starting, however, is outlined only in 2015. But nevertheless it is worthwhile to register for the beginning of wave. Rates upon the fact that this will happen up to 2010, several years ago began to assume the large bukmekerskaya office Landbrokes. With coefficient five hundred to one - is approximately such the probability of nine times to toss up die and nine times to see the even face. However, as spoke itself Einstein, god it does not play in the bone. Borislav Kozlovskiy the previous materials on the theme

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