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Topic 187576

Hallo, is it possible to run the einstein-project at a second computer without an online access? My computer at home is connected to the internet, but my second is only a standalone without internet. Is possible to record the files at a CD, do the work at the second pc, record the resultfiles on a CD, back the internet-pc...

thamks for help.


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offline work


Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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Well, no easy way. It

Well, no easy way.

It _should_ work to set your preferences to contact the server no more than e.g. every two days, let the client fill the work cache on the internet machine, then exit the client, copy the whole BOINC directory (with contents and subdirectories) to the other machine, start the client there (ignore complains about communication errors) and transfer the whole directory back after the Work has been done. Then start the client on the internet machine again and do an "Update project" to upload the completed Results and fill the cache again. I've not tested that, though, and some conveniance (Icons, links, screensaver etc) would be missing on the non-internet machine, but it should work.

The data files (earth, sun and the large 11MB one currently beginning with "H1_") don't change, so they might be only tranfered once, but they need to be present for communication _and_ computation. The same applies to the boinc binaries within the directory. Watch out for newly downloaded data files.

If you would also like to run BOINC on the internet machine itself, you will need to install a second client in a different directory which you need to terminate when running the one from the copied directory for communication.



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