How to use other harddisk

Ruben West
Ruben West
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Topic 190811

How can i get boinc to use my other harddisk ('d:' with more space)?

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How to use other harddisk

Uninstall your present BOINC, move over the BOINC folder to the other harddrive, reinstall BOINC to that harddrive.

That's the easiest.

Wurgl (speak^Wcrunching for Special: Off-Topic)
Wurgl (speak^Wc...
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RE: Uninstall your present

Message 25351 in response to message 25350


Uninstall your present BOINC, move over the BOINC folder to the other harddrive, reinstall BOINC to that harddrive.

That's the easiest.

And do not forget to move the Einstein/SETI/whatever directories to the new location before restarting the crunch :-)

Ruben West
Ruben West
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That will not help, because

That will not help, because the main program is already on my D: Drive.
Boinc may use 1.5 Gb but only usses 19,27 MB (for Einstein) and 4,02 MB (for SETI); is this enough?

One other problem: boinc now uses the internetconnection (LAN/Cable) every few seconds instead of 0.1 times in the hour!! How can i fix this or is it no problem ??

@ Ageless : Bedankt (dit kan toch in het nederlands ??) ik zag dat je LINUX gebruikt; welke ? RED HAT ? Werkt dat fijn, ook met het installeren van nieuwe programma's ??

@ Wurgl : Danke für ihre 'reply'

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RE: That will not help,

Message 25353 in response to message 25352

That will not help, because the main program is already on my D: Drive.
Boinc may use 1.5 Gb but only usses 19,27 MB (for Einstein) and 4,02 MB (for SETI); is this enough?

No, BOINC cannot put the files in one place and use another drive for data yet.
So if you set it to use 1.5GB and you're not getting any messages that it needs more space, then yes, you are using it correctly.

One other problem: boinc now uses the internetconnection (LAN/Cable) every few seconds instead of 0.1 times in the hour!! How can i fix this or is it no problem ??

Open Boinc Manager, Options, Options, Connections. Check that your setting is set to use your Local Area Network (LAN) option.

@ Ageless : Bedankt (dit kan toch in het nederlands ??) ik zag dat je LINUX gebruikt; welke ? RED HAT ? Werkt dat fijn, ook met het installeren van nieuwe programma's ??

Ik gebruik geen Linux. Mijn vriendin wel. Gentoo. En nog een zooitje andere distros.

Wurgl (speak^Wcrunching for Special: Off-Topic)
Wurgl (speak^Wc...
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RE: @ Ageless : Bedankt

Message 25354 in response to message 25352


@ Ageless : Bedankt (dit kan toch in het nederlands ??) ik zag dat je LINUX gebruikt; welke ? RED HAT ? Werkt dat fijn, ook met het installeren van nieuwe programma's ??

Trying to decrypt ... ;^)

I run it on Gentoo, debian, Suse and Mandrake. All work fine. When you have a very old system (eg. Suse 7.x), then you need to copy from a newer Linux to some directory and fiddle around with the LD_PRELOAD environment variable.

Ruben West
Ruben West
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Thanx! I'm not using Linux at

Message 25355 in response to message 25354

Thanx! I'm not using Linux at this moment, but was wondering wich linux type was the best for a new computer. Is it easy to install new programs, or more difficult than windows? Do you need more technical computer knowledge?
Did you translate my Dutch lines? if so, with which programma?

Another Problem: Boinc uses my LAN every few seconds (also when i am working with other programms). In spite of my setting to use the LAN 0.1 p/day!
This only stoppes with exiting the Boinc manager. Why is this and how can i fix this; i want boinc to use the LAN only 6 times per hour (f.e.).

Wurgl (speak^Wcrunching for Special: Off-Topic)
Wurgl (speak^Wc...
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RE: Thanx! I'm not using

Message 25356 in response to message 25355

Thanx! I'm not using Linux at this moment, but was wondering wich linux type was the best for a new computer. Is it easy to install new programs, or more difficult than windows? Do you need more technical computer knowledge?

For a first experiance, I would suggest Ubuntu (with Gnome) or Kubunto (with KDE). The difference of these two is just the graphical interface. These two seem have the best installer and as I have read, you can start them from the CD without installing to the disk.

Did you translate my Dutch lines? if so, with which programma?

No translation. I can get an idea when reading very, very, very slow :-)


Another Problem: Boinc uses my LAN every few seconds (also when i am working with other programms). In spite of my setting to use the LAN 0.1 p/day!
This only stoppes with exiting the Boinc manager. Why is this and how can i fix this; i want boinc to use the LAN only 6 times per hour (f.e.).

No idea :-( Having a flatrate, I do not care for such a behaviour, but there is no need to run the manager, just exit this tool and the box continues to crunch.

Pooh Bear 27
Pooh Bear 27
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RE: Another Problem: Boinc

Message 25357 in response to message 25355

Another Problem: Boinc uses my LAN every few seconds (also when i am working with other programms). In spite of my setting to use the LAN 0.1 p/day!
This only stoppes with exiting the Boinc manager. Why is this and how can i fix this; i want boinc to use the LAN only 6 times per hour (f.e.).

The "LAN" activity you are seeing is LOCALHOST only. It is not going out to the world. The BOINC Manager and Client talk TCP/IP. If you are watching Zone Alarm (or other firewall software), and you look fruther into it, you will see it's just the Localhost that is talking.

Ruben West
Ruben West
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RE: RE: The "LAN"

Message 25358 in response to message 25357


The "LAN" activity you are seeing is LOCALHOST only. It is not going out to the world. The BOINC Manager and Client talk TCP/IP. If you are watching Zone Alarm (or other firewall software), and you look futher into it, you will see it's just the Localhost that is talking.

Yes, you are right :'it isn't going out to the world'. I thought so late last night when going to bed when i saw there was activity in zonealarm (red and green "leds") but the green led on my cable-router for RD ('recieve data') wasn't flasing ! I think the BOINC-manager and Client use my loopback-adapter. So it is only internal. Thanx for your reply.

Ruben West
Ruben West
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RE: For a first experiance,

Message 25359 in response to message 25356

For a first experiance, I would suggest Ubuntu (with Gnome) or Kubunto (with KDE). The difference of these two is just the graphical interface. These two seem have the best installer and as I have read, you can start them from the CD without installing to the disk.

Thanx i will look for them. Which one is more graphical, looks the most like windows? And is it difficult to install new programs (like BOINC)?

No translation. I can get an idea when reading very, very, very slow :-)

You are from austria: so you read deutsch, it is a lot like Holländisch


No idea :-( Having a flatrate, I do not care for such a behaviour, but there is no need to run the manager, just exit this tool and the box continues to crunch.

What is a 'flatrate'?? With 'box' you mean boinc-client or not ?

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