What is the screen saver trying to show?

Neal Watkins
Neal Watkins
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Topic 190598

If it's only where the target area is, then it's kinda boring. What kind of data is it seeing and what sort of result would be "significant"? Just seeing the target move around on the sphere is nice but meaningless in ref to the data being processed.


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What is the screen saver trying to show?

Screen saver description, as linked from the front page of the project.

Also: BBCodes for how to link images correctly, using the img tags. :)

[ img]http://www.boincstats.com/signature/user_20021.gif[/img] (remove the first space).

And you can put the image link in your signature.
In the box at the bottom of your forum preferences.

Neal Watkins
Neal Watkins
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I still have no idea of what

I still have no idea of what i'm looking at on the screen saver. Are all those neat purple dots the new "events" this work unit discovered? No.
They are what other folks (in aggregate) have seen -> boring. Am I looking for something or am I not?

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Did you look at the link I

Did you look at the link I gave you? All the blue text in my other post are links to various other places. Click the one saying "Screen saver description". It links you to a page, linked from the front page of this project, which details everything about the screen saver.


The purple dots represent the known pulsars, which have been detected electromagnetically. Notice that these are clustered in the plane of our galaxy (the Milky Way), predominantly toward the center of the galaxy. You may also notice two small clusters of pulsars in the celestial southern hemisphere. These pulsars are located in the large or small Magellanic Clouds.

If you are wondering what you are looking for, the read this report.

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