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Topic 190558

A Windows message started appearing today with the captioend title and the message:

"Invalid access to memory location"

I run BOINC as a service under the Administrator account on a W2K SP4 system. The message cannot be cleared by clicking the "OK" button, only by stopping the BOINC service. It also appears when I run the BOINC Manager with the service stopped.

My BOINC version from the BOINC Manager Help menu is 5.2.13

Any ideas ?


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A Windows message started appearing today with the captioend title and the message:

"Invalid access to memory location"

I run BOINC as a service under the Administrator account on a W2K SP4 system. The message cannot be cleared by clicking the "OK" button, only by stopping the BOINC service. It also appears when I run the BOINC Manager with the service stopped.

My BOINC version from the BOINC Manager Help menu is 5.2.13

Any ideas ?


Since this appears to be your first Albert unit and it appears to be a Windows "permissions" issue, I would think that you need to give the Albert application permission to write to disk in your BOINC/Einstein folder.

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RE: RE: A Windows message

Message 23821 in response to message 23820


A Windows message started appearing today with the captioend title and the message:

"Invalid access to memory location"

I run BOINC as a service under the Administrator account on a W2K SP4 system. The message cannot be cleared by clicking the "OK" button, only by stopping the BOINC service. It also appears when I run the BOINC Manager with the service stopped.

My BOINC version from the BOINC Manager Help menu is 5.2.13

Any ideas ?


Since this appears to be your first Albert unit and it appears to be a Windows "permissions" issue, I would think that you need to give the Albert application permission to write to disk in your BOINC/Einstein folder.

No, I've been using Einstein@home since March 2005. I checked my Messages area after reading your post and found some lines that suggest I have an "overcommitted" computer. There is also a suggestion that I "reset" the project. Will this zero my credits you think?

08/01/2006 1:14:24 PM||Starting BOINC client version 5.2.13 for windows_intelx86
08/01/2006 1:14:24 PM||libcurl/7.14.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8 zlib/1.2.3
08/01/2006 1:14:24 PM||Executing as a daemon
08/01/2006 1:14:24 PM||Data directory: D:\\Program Files\\BOINC
08/01/2006 1:14:24 PM||BOINC is running as a service and as a non-system user.
08/01/2006 1:14:24 PM||No application graphics will be available.
08/01/2006 1:14:25 PM||Processor: 1 GenuineIntel x86 Family 6 Model 6 Stepping 5 434MHz
08/01/2006 1:14:25 PM||Memory: 575.55 MB physical, 1.37 GB virtual
08/01/2006 1:14:25 PM||Disk: 18.62 GB total, 11.07 GB free
08/01/2006 1:14:25 PM|Einstein@Home|Computer ID: 65196; location: home; project prefs: default
08/01/2006 1:14:25 PM||General prefs: from Einstein@Home (last modified 2005-03-06 20:38:18)
08/01/2006 1:14:25 PM||General prefs: no separate prefs for home; using your defaults
08/01/2006 1:14:26 PM||Remote control not allowed; using loopback address
08/01/2006 1:14:26 PM|Einstein@Home|Resuming computation for result r1_1217.5__1770_S4R2a_2 using albert version 437
08/01/2006 1:14:26 PM||Suspending work fetch because computer is overcommitted.
08/01/2006 1:14:26 PM||Using earliest-deadline-first scheduling because computer is overcommitted.
08/01/2006 1:14:28 PM|Einstein@Home|Result r1_1217.5__1770_S4R2a_2 exited with zero status but no 'finished' file
08/01/2006 1:14:28 PM|Einstein@Home|If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project.
08/01/2006 1:14:28 PM||request_reschedule_cpus: process exited
08/01/2006 1:14:29 PM|Einstein@Home|Restarting result r1_1217.5__1770_S4R2a_2 using albert version 437
08/01/2006 1:14:31 PM|Einstein@Home|Result r1_1217.5__1770_S4R2a_2 exited with zero status but no 'finished' file
08/01/2006 1:14:31 PM|Einstein@Home|If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project.
08/01/2006 1:14:31 PM||request_reschedule_cpus: process exited
08/01/2006 1:14:31 PM|Einstein@Home|Restarting result r1_1217.5__1770_S4R2a_2 using albert version 437

Sharky T
Sharky T
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No you don't need to reset

No you don't need to reset the project.And no,it will not erase any credits..nothing can erase your granted credit actually.
That reset line happends often after the above line "... exited with zero status..." and is nothing to worry about.

Why your computer is overcommitted,is because Boinc client thinks you have too much work and have gone to EDF mode (Earliest Deadline First).
Which mean that it crunch the WU which is nearest a deadline.
If that is related to your hangup problem I can't tell.

You did download your first Albert WU today if that is a clue..

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RE: No, I've been using

Message 23823 in response to message 23821

No, I've been using Einstein@home since March 2005. I checked my Messages area after reading your post and found some lines that suggest I have an "overcommitted" computer. There is also a suggestion that I "reset" the project. Will this zero my credits you think?

Your computer may be overcommitted and BOINC may be scheduling work to deal with that issue; BUT, I don't think that is the problem you are having with Einstein. That is, since Albert 4.37 is a new application (which has never been run before on your computer), I think you have a true "permissions" issue with it. And, I don't think resetting the project is likely to fix it. I think there is something you need to "allow" as an "administrator".

Unfortunately, since I do not run BOINC as a service, I can't tell you exactly how to do it. Hopefully, somebody who does know will be along shortly.

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Thanks to everyone who has

Thanks to everyone who has replied with their suggestions.

I have since re-installed BOINC to run, not as a Service this time, but as a 'normal' process at each user logon. Einstein@home still returns the same message, however.

To check the idea that permissions is an issue I adjusted my auditing setup to monitor failures in the following areas:

Account logon events
Account management
Object access
Privilege use
System events

Only one item related to Albert gets logged when I run Einstein@home: an Information entry in the System Events area:

Event Type: Information
Event Source: Application Popup
Event Category: None
Event ID: 26
Date: 11/01/2006
Time: 6:53:59 PM
User: N/A
Computer: KIRALY
Application popup: albert_4.37_windows_intelx86.exe - Fatal Application Exit : Invalid access to memory location.

So I don't think it's a permissions issue. I mentioned that I re-installed BOINC; I also deleted the directories before I installed.

Any more ideas, folks?

Thanks, again


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