It looks like validation of the 1.16 app version gets worse with time (i.e. as we move to higher frequencies). I'm not sure that what we gain in speed for individual tasks (on some computers an depending on the setup) still outweighs what we loose in validation. Is anyone here deliberately using the 1.16 version?
1.16 has been deprecated, 1.17 is now available even without allowing "Beta" work.
Hallo Bernd! I had no
Hallo Bernd!
I had no problem with failing or invalid tasks of OA3S (error rate <= 0.1%). Except OA3S_BUB, that was really worse. But I’m crunching under Win11.
Indeed, I observe in E@H Server Status since Feb. 17th a high rate of inconclusive tasks of ~ 8%. The invalid rate rose to 0.6%.
See my graphs.
I assume, they result almost all from crunching under LINUX.
May be, that helps a bit.
Kind regards and happy crunching
Bernd Machenschalk wrote: It
1.16 has been deprecated, 1.17 is now available even without allowing "Beta" work.
Bernd Machenschalk
Seems to be available only for Linux.