Killing Graphics Kills the WU

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Topic 187452

cc 4.19
einstein 4.72

When running the GUI, I clicked on "Display Graphics" while an Einstein WU was processing

Saw the star-sphere, click on the "x" to close the graphics window and the WU aborted.

I can provide details if desired

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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Killing Graphics Kills the WU

I think that this is a quite common setup (e.g. of one of my machines,too) - 2k/4.19/472. I don't know of anyone who has also observed this.

Can you still tell the name of the Workunit / Result? I'd like to look it up in our database.



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Yup,he is right, but after

Yup,he is right, but after restarting BOINC, all worked as before!

Greetings from Germany

Join Ad Astra

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Same setup here. Just tried

Same setup here. Just tried it and everything was fine

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I have the same setup here on

I have the same setup here on multiple machines, but I can't make the WU fail; I've tried it several times now, and it just continues to keep crunching away as if nothing bad has happened.

My Win2k is currently patched to SP4. There are some minor updates available from the MS site, so I'm going to go ahead and Update, then test again.

EDIT: Nope, I still can't duplicate the problem. I have two machines FULLY PATCHED now, so I guess whatever the issue is, it doesn't seem to be related to the OS patch level, or at least not if you've kept up-to-date. ;)

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- Seven of Nine

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I am running Windows Server

I am running Windows Server 2003 & BOINC CC 4.65, and have the same problem. Still, not every WU does the same.

As far as I remember, all of those crash with "There are no child processes to wait for. (0x80) - exit code 128 (0x80)" message. One sample is - crashed yesterday, after 40000 seconds of processing, having some 10 minutes till completion :(

First I thought that it is beta client problem, but it seems that I am not alone, and the users running "final" versions have the same prob, so I decided to report it too :)


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> I think that this is a

Message 2328 in response to message 2323

> I think that this is a quite common setup (e.g. of one of my machines,too) -
> 2k/4.19/472. I don't know of anyone who has also observed this.
> Can you still tell the name of the Workunit / Result? I'd like to look it up
> in our database.
> BM

[Einstein@Home] Unrecoverable error for result H1_0200.4__0200.5_0.1_T03_Test02_3 ( - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005))


[Einstein@Home] Unrecoverable error for result H1_0200.4__0200.5_0.1_T03_Test02_3 ( - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005))

I tried on my other home machine - Win98se. no problems there. The problem machine again is cc4.19, Win2kPro/Sp3, Einstein 4.72.

FWIW - This also happened on a Pirates WU this morning.

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> FWIW - This also happened

Message 2329 in response to message 2328

> FWIW - This also happened on a Pirates WU this morning.

Strange. It looks like a host "installation" or "environment" problem rather than an common misbehaviour.

Me to, can't reproduce an error when closing the graphical display with "X".

Having several w2k host running, all sp4. Different grafic cards used.
Nope all are showing the grafical part well.

Exception: access violation (0xC0000005)

means mostly something is "jammed".

Are you using active antivirus/firewall/defragmentation/indexing processes?

Try to enable drWatson (-->start -->run drwtsn32.exe) and take a closer look into the "what was active while abending" and was drWatson having also other entries with 0xC0000005?

On the list of tasks, offered by DrWatson, take a look if there wasn't more than one "einstein_4.72_windows_intelx86.exe" task running.. (or two on HT based cpus)

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> > FWIW - This also happened

Message 2330 in response to message 2329

> > FWIW - This also happened on a Pirates WU this morning.
> Strange. It looks like a host "installation" or "environment" problem rather
> than an common misbehaviour.
> Me to, can't reproduce an error when closing the graphical display with "X".
> Having several w2k host running, all sp4. Different grafic cards used.
> Nope all are showing the grafical part well.
> Exception: access violation (0xC0000005)
> means mostly something is "jammed".
> Are you using active antivirus/firewall/defragmentation/indexing processes?
> Try to enable drWatson (-->start -->run drwtsn32.exe) and take a closer
> look into the "what was active while abending" and was drWatson having also
> other entries with 0xC0000005?
> On the list of tasks, offered by DrWatson, take a look if there wasn't more
> than one "einstein_4.72_windows_intelx86.exe" task running.. (or two on HT
> based cpus)

I have both NAV and ZoneAlarm running on this box. zDr Watson says no errors found - Does that mean that I have to do it again, and lose another Einstein WU?

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