Member since: 11 November 2004
Country: United States
Really started before this date as I was in the BOINC beta test.
23 joined Einstein on this date of which 10 are still active.
Copyright © 2025 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
WOO HOO!!! Congratulations!!!
I echo Mikey's post.....
I echo Mikey's post..... WHOO HOO!! Congratulations!
Proud member of the Old Farts Association
Richard M wrote: ... 23
That, too, is impressive! Gratz to them all!
Ideas are not fixed, nor should they be; we live in model-dependent reality.
Nice work! This has been a
Nice work! This has been a good steady project to crunch for
Is Einstein@home still
Is Einstein@home still planned to end in early 2025?
Micky wrote: Is
Micky wrote:
Is Einstein@home still planned to end in early 2025?
Hello Micky!
That might be a misunderstanding. The current observation run O4 of the GW-detectors ends on June 25. The next run O5 is planned to start on June 27. In between, there are plenty of data to get crunched for us. But that’s my opinion. I’m no official, but a cruncher like you.
Kind regards and happy crunching
and we're not even crunching
and we're not even crunching O4 data. we're crunching O3 data. still a LOT of data to process.
Thank-you. I did the
I did the SETI@Home for years on many computers. 21 million credits.
Five-and-a-half days with Einstein@Home and I am over 3 million credits. On one computer with four year old hardware.
Thanks! Good to know. The
Thanks! Good to know.
The Science tab, 'About Us' says that "the fourth and most sensitive observing run has been underway and is expected to add about 200 gravitational-wave observations before it ends in early 2025."
Thought that might mean the whole @home crunching.
I remember being a bit surprised when SETI@Home ended.
Where do I go in settings to
Where do I go in settings to un-hide my computer?