Unrecoverable error with Boinc

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Topic 190436


I'm getting this error quite a lot and it's bugging me since i'm getting only a little work done with this computer. It's a 3 Ghz Pentium IV HT processor. I was using Boinc client version 4.** for a long time and today i upgraded to 5.2.13 but these errors still keep coming.

Here's the error copied directly from Boinc client.

23.12.2005 22:34:32|Einstein@Home|Unrecoverable error for result w1_0125.5__0125.6_0.1_T15_S4hD_1 ( - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005))
23.12.2005 22:34:32||request_reschedule_cpus: process exited
23.12.2005 22:34:32|Einstein@Home|Computation for result w1_0125.5__0125.6_0.1_T15_S4hD_1 finished
23.12.2005 22:34:40|Einstein@Home|Unrecoverable error for result w1_0513.5__0513.7_0.1_T10_S4hD_3 ( - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005))

Is this something that can be fixed by the Boinc team or is it something i have to do?

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Unrecoverable error with Boinc

Additional info, may not be the exact same result:

- exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005)

Resuming computation at 7396/576450/577800
Resuming computation at 8003/618836/619016
Resuming computation at 8077/620726/625226
Resuming computation at 12078/911131/911131
Resuming computation at 12143/911761/917791
Resuming computation at 12214/919501/920581
Failed to open checkpoint-file for writing. Exiting.

Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x7C91433A read attempt to address 0x00040000

0: Stackwalker not initialized (or was not able to initialize)!

You're running WinXP, and Einstein 4.79; do these by chance happen when the screensaver kicks in, or when you hit "show graphics"? If so, it _could_ be the "graphics bug", but based on the "failed to open checkpoint-file for writing" message above, I'm guessing that it's more likely to be a virus-scan application. BOINC is constantly changing files in the BOINC directory, which makes virus software go nuts constantly checking those files for viruses. If the virus software has the file open, looking at it, BOINC errors out trying to write to it. The best fix is to tell your virus software to ignore the BOINC folder, and then when you _want_ to check things, stop BOINC and run the scan manually.

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RE: Hello I'm getting this



I'm getting this error quite a lot and it's bugging me since i'm getting only a little work done with this computer. It's a 3 Ghz Pentium IV HT processor. I was using Boinc client version 4.** for a long time and today i upgraded to 5.2.13 but these errors still keep coming.

Here's the error copied directly from Boinc client.

23.12.2005 22:34:32|Einstein@Home|Unrecoverable error for result w1_0125.5__0125.6_0.1_T15_S4hD_1 ( - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005))
23.12.2005 22:34:32||request_reschedule_cpus: process exited
23.12.2005 22:34:32|Einstein@Home|Computation for result w1_0125.5__0125.6_0.1_T15_S4hD_1 finished
23.12.2005 22:34:40|Einstein@Home|Unrecoverable error for result w1_0513.5__0513.7_0.1_T10_S4hD_3 ( - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005))

Is this something that can be fixed by the Boinc team or is it something i have to do?

Exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005) is the classic "graphics bug" error code. It is a problem with Einstein 4.79 and the newer BOINC versions. Best thing to do is to stop using the BOINC screensaver (or "Show graphics" option) until the new science application is downloaded. Note the announcement today on the EAH homepage regarding the new application named Albert. The new app should fix the "graphics bug".

Joined: 18 Mar 05
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Ok i will disable the

Ok i will disable the screensaver for now to see how it handles from there on.


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