Emily Dickinson & other poetry.

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i sing of Olaf glad and

i sing of Olaf glad and big
whose warmest heart recoiled at war:
a conscientious object-or

his wellbeloved colonel(trig
westpointer most succinctly bred)
took erring Olaf soon in hand;
but--though an host of overjoyed
noncoms(first knocking on the head
him)do through icy waters roll
that helplessness which others stroke
with brushes recently employed
anent this muddy toiletbowl,
while kindred intellects evoke
allegiance per blunt instruments--
Olaf (being to all intents
a corpse and wanting any rag
upon what God unto him gave)
responds,without getting annoyed
"I will not kiss your f.ing flag"

straightway the silver bird looked grave
(departing hurriedly to shave)

but--though all kinds of officers
(a yearning nation's blueeyed pride)
their passive prey did kick and curse
until for wear their clarion
voices and boots were much the worse,
and egged the firstclassprivates on
his rectum wickedly to tease
by means of skilfully applied
bayonets roasted hot with heat--
Olaf (upon what once were knees)
does almost ceaselessly repeat
"there is some s. I will not eat"

our president,being of which
assertions duly notified
threw the yellowsonofabitch
into a dungeon,where he died.

Christ (of His mercy infinite)
i pray to see;and Olaf,too

preponderatingly because
unless statistics lie he was
more brave than me:more blonde than you.

e.e. cummings
W {ViVa} (1935)


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Jehovah buried, Satan

Jehovah buried, Satan dead,
do fearers worship Much and Quick;
badness not being felt as bad,
itself thinks goodness what is meek;
obey says toc,submit says tic,
Eternity's a Five Year Plan:
if Joy with Pain shall hang in hock
who dares to call himself a man?

go dreamless knaves on shadows fed,
your Harry's Tom,your Tom is Dick;
while gadgets murder squawk and add,
the cult of Same is all the chic,
by instruments,both span and spic,
are justly measured Spic and Span:
to kiss the mike if Jew turn kike
who dares to call himself a man?

loudly for Truth have liars pled,
their heels for Freedom slaves will click;
where Boobs are holy,poets mad,
illustrious punks of Progress shriek;
when Souls are outlawed,Hearts are sick,
Hearts being sick,Minds nothing can:
if Hate's a game and Love's a fuck
who dares to call himself a man?

King Christ,this world is all aleak;
and lifepreservers there are none:
and waves which only He may walk
Who dares to call himself a man.

e. e. cummings 1935

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

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Kathy asked me to write a

Kathy asked me to write a poem about quantum chemistry, and here's my take on the subject:

A molecule in disarray
(Mutations in my DNA)
Proteins are wild
(But my fever is mild)

Hydrogen bonds are easily snapped
And Schrödinger killed the cat
Antiprotons are rarely trapped
Not even under my hat!

The smallest stuff
Made the world with a puff
And the grandest machines
Study the tiniest of things

And the sun rises in the east

Ain't life grand!

Click my stat image to go to the BOINC Synergy Team site!

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thanks Kathy and HomeGnome,

Message 22081 in response to message 22080

thanks Kathy and HomeGnome, very inspiring!

ode to a mushroom

shiitake reishi maitake-e

and viruses take a walky

LDLs shrink a lot

HDLs hit the spot

horticulture ancient ways

lighten up my elder days



Kathy asked me to write a poem about quantum chemistry, and here's my take on the subject:

A molecule in disarray
(Mutations in my DNA)
Proteins are wild
(But my fever is mild)

Hydrogen bonds are easily snapped
And Schrödinger killed the cat
Antiprotons are rarely trapped
Not even under my hat!

The smallest stuff
Made the world with a puff
And the grandest machines
Study the tiniest of things

And the sun rises in the east

Ain't life grand!

everything is true, the opposite of everything is also true

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Day Is Done by Nick Drake

Day Is Done by Nick Drake (1969)

When the day is done
Down to earth then sinks the sun
Along with everything that was lost and won
When the day is done.

When the day is done
Hope so much your race will be all run
Then you find you jumped the gun
Have to go back where you began
When the day is done.

When the night is cold
Some get by but some get old
Just to show life's not made of gold
When the night is cold.

When the bird has flown
Got no-one to call your own
Got no place to call your home
When the bird has flown.

When the game's been fought
You speed the ball across the court
Lost much sooner than you would have thought
Now the game's been fought.

When the party's through
Seems so very sad for you
Didn't do the things you meant to do
Now there's no time to start anew
Now the party's through.

When the day is done
Down to earth then sinks the sun
Along with everything that was lost and won
When the day is done.

Love, Michi

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at 45th high school

Message 22083 in response to message 22082

at 45th high school ree

lots of friends i see

smooth skin what a lift

everybody got a gift

at 50th i wondered why

suddenly skin went dry

wrinkles made it hard to see

what it looks like to be me

hardly recognized Barbara B

who are you said old Jack G

where have all the teachers gone

to cosmos college, star grade one

everything is true, the opposite of everything is also true

Chipper Q
Chipper Q
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You want the answers bright

You want the answers bright minds seek,
That nature's not a spoof,
You want to hear the sharp tongues speak,
That there is only truth,

You want to know that all is well,
That time's moments are eternal,
That destiny is not a spell,
And daylight's not nocturnal,

So can you change the future's past,
And strum the sixth before the first,
And still expect the song to last,
As tho' melodies reverse?

But if you knew ahead of time,
The song when it was new,
Then you'd loose some peace of mind,
Knowing you must sing it too...

The future's yours, so live it well,
As night turns into day,
The past got told, as time did tell,
And that's just always been the way...

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The Moon by Emily

The Moon

by Emily Dickinson

The moon was but a chin of gold
A night or two ago,
And now she turns her perfect face
Upon the world below.
Her forehead is of amplest blond;
Her cheek like beryl stone;
Her eye unto the summer dew
The likest I have known.
Her lips of amber never part;
But what must be the smile
Upon her friend she could bestow
Were such her silver will!
And what a privilege to be
But the remotest star!
For certainly her way might pass
Beside your twinkling door.
Her bonnet is the firmament,
The universe her shoe,
The stars the trinkets at her belt,
Her dimities of blue.

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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"The Rain Is Over" the

"The Rain Is Over"

the rain is over
and the storm is gone
the sky is clearing
there is snow on the lawn
the dark of night
can't hide the light
of the moon up above

the air is colder
creeping in through my coat
my breath explodes
like a foggy ghost
as I stand here and marvel
at the change that came
in just one day

(2006 d. b. michel)

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O Lord, let me be a burden on my children
For long they've been a burden upon me.
May they fetch and carry, clean and scrub
And do so cheerfully.

Let them take it in turns at putting me up
Nice sunny rooms at the top of the stairs
With a walk-in bath and lift installed
At great expense.....Theirs.

Insurance against the body-blows of time
Isn't that what having children's all about?
To bring them up knowing that they owe you
And can't contract out?

What is money for but to spend on their schooling?
Designer clothes, mindless hobbies, usual stuff.
Then as soon as they're earning, off they go
Well, enough's enough.

It's been a blessing watching them develop
The parental pride we felt as each one grew.
But Lord, let me be a burden on my children
And on my children's children too.

© Roger McGough

Physics is for gurls!

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