This is the fight of our lives
I draw a line in the sand here.
This planet can be saved, this is how:
We suffer from a stunning lack of education in natural sciences.
Stop being fatalistic about the climate. I have realized I am in a particular path to save us collectively. The pattern in my life is I see the path and people don't want to admit I am correct, then they later admit they should have listened to me. Please don't let this be our fate here.
As some who have read these posts realize, I have several passions. One of them is my passion for agronomy.
Just like you the soil can be caught in a vicious cycle. If you don't feed the soil well it will become sick and slowly become less productive. This carries over to forests' growth and their ability to sequester carbon.
Since I was young I wanted to start a nursery. My current evolution of that desire is hemp consultation. I am pivoting from consulting about hemp production to exploring market entry.
With that said I discovered many things when I was evolving scalable organic farming techniques. I have made a system to focus on feeding soil rather then feeding any given plant. I have no desire to make any money off this and have posted it for free on Youtube. I am not sure about self promotion but I could give the name or link to the channel if that isn't in violation. I have yet to prove the method by showing plant growth on my soil feeding technique on camera, I just gave away my method for now. I plan on publishing further and demonstrating my methods by opening the process up to filming all stages this year.
I basically read a book here:
I spent about 5 years reverse engineering what he did. Then I took about 15 years to perfect it.
The method I developed is a method of biome transplantation and soil inoculation. I will go into greater detail later, for now know that it is different than most others because of its use of compost tea brewing in conjunction with biome seeding. This takes advantage of bacterial consumption and secretion of organic materials and works to tie large chains of micro and macro nutrients in a process known as
chelation. Geological chelation is, at its core, a bonding processes with a polydentate ligand or single central metal molecule and other materials. This creates the long chain molecules that allow for more nutrient to be in contact with the same given root structure. This then in turn allows for nutrients to be available to the plant that wouldn't normally be up taken by the roots. This has a virtuous cycle with the plants' ability to fight off pests and diseases. When used in conjunction with eugenic oils you can create a systemic immunity to fungus, pests, and diseases. This in turn increases the fruiting or flowering rate of growth. This process also for instance extends to a vegetable's shelf life and window of marketability.
**Here is the solution to climate change**
We need a multi channel solution. I will provide and outline here and more detail below.
Ramp up Carbon Sequestration:
Begin costal marine reclamation by planting sea grass, kelp, and trees all detailed below. Start shifting from corn to alfalfa, cannabis, kelp, kudzu, and azolla for feeding plants and animals.
Subsurface Barge Farming in the Sea. We must create ballasted barges that are used for subsurface sea cultivation of sea grass. We would then harvest it and use it in composting for plant nutrients. For instance, Neptune grass is a sea grass that has many, many times that of the same surface area of the Amazon rainforest in carbon sequestration capabilities.
Building material change:
Change to carbon negative hempcrete buildings, that has lower heating and cooling costs and additionally are fireproof. They also have 6-7 times higher air quality inside. At the same time they sequester carbon in the environment and remove carbon during the 100 year life of the building while the hempcrete is petrifying.
Erosion will hasten our demise if not countered:
Erosion control needs to be a priority. We need to start a campaign to identify places that are under populated with plant life that is also threatened by erosion. This needs to extend to sub sea and costal environments.
Cannabis Bioremediation:
This is the process of planting crops to help recover impurities from the soil. This is a process that Cannabis happens to be really great at. Hemp has successfully cleaned land of heavy metals and radio active elements left from the Chernobyl disaster in the contaminated zone near Pripyat Ukraine. I know this is a wild long shot, but if anyone who reads this has a connection to the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, that would be really helpful.
Runoff mitigation
We must stop with feeding plants non-renewable resources that damage the soil biome. We can get better results using biome transplantation and inoculation without toxic runoff. Also, runoff will be mitigated by erosion control plantings as well. Toxic plant food means toxic water. If we don't have control over the nutrient water we lose control of the eco-system.
*This is going to get in to the weeds here buckle up.*
**Creating a virtuous cycle in our planets ecology**
*As above, so below.*
Even if you have gardened, I am likely going to go against some convention you know. I am not saying this is the only way, just this is my way. I know is this isn't the end all be all method and you may have improvements from your method to augment. That's fine, what I can say is this method is a great basis to use then tailor a specific plants needs. That is also known as the nutrient exchange of organisms.
Feeding Soil vs Plants:
Understanding the process of chelation is key. This is where animal waste comes in to play and explains what the water of life is for plants and the dyadic of the Tree of Life. For plants the water of life is the correct balance of chelation agents found in the digestive track of animals mixed with the correct balance of nutrition that those agents like to feed on. Moreover, we want advantageous secretions when they break down into nutrient rich secretions for the plants, the purpose of which is to leverage nutrient exchange between the biome and the roots. This is what I mean by feeding soil and therefore the plant instead of the idea of just feeding the plant itself. When you feed the soil well, all plants will have more nutrients available due to the increased symbiosis of the roots with fungi, micro biome, and long chain organic compounds. This creates a virtuous cycle that feeds itself, and that is also why scientists have their hair on fire right now. They see that we have been running on fumes of a bygone virtuous cycle.
Green Manure:
Never weed, always mulch and feed the plants you don't want to the plants you do want. The next step of this is to plant companion plants with the purpose of feeding. The idea is that you plant one plant near the other and when they both start to fight for space you compost one to feed to the other. This also works with the Neptune grass, and nitrogen fixation plants.
When to feed:
Winter time through early summer. This seems counter intuitive, but lots of these nutrients have very long break down horizons so you must expand your idea of what your feeding and how big of an area that nutrient will travel in a well nourished system. To keep shelf life up I recommend non chelation agents when feeding in July through harvest with most crops. Depending on the plants and the food, you could feed plants through harvest.
Terroir concerns vs Genetic expression: RNA expression in plants vs terroir and feed they are exposed to is a sorely missing data stream in modern horticulture. We need more telemetry efforts around data collection for cultivar and terroir. This will allow us to analyze and adjust to create perfect interplay in the Tree of Life.
Anaerobic vs Aerobic decomposing / composting:
This is really easy to grasp: the concept if you bury something, and just let something rot on the ground it will decompose vastly different. The mastery of interplay between the two could take a lifetime to understand. The concept here to grasp is some nutrients only can be preserved at certain gradient levels on the spectrum from aerobic compost tea to anaerobic compost tea. This means to get the best results you must keep both teas brewing at all times. You then use the anaerobic to feed the aerobic mix. Allow 72 hours of aeration to pass then feed them to the soil.
This can be done easily from full automation to mixing a stick in a bucket for 2 minutes 3 times a day to accomplish the aerobic mix.
To be clear, in my experience, the minimum is this recipe:
Fresh animal manure, preferably 4 chamber ruminate that ate fresh nitrogen fixating plants.
Take that material soil from an area that is always moist. I prefer running water like near a river, lake, or creek.
Fresh green manure from a nitrogen fixing plant.
Next is a mineral. Now this is bit tricky because you have to understand your terroir. If you don't have
that luxury use sea kelp. If you can, use optional calcium based colloidal clay, with decomposed granite, or potash if possible. Others can be used sparingly, but it is best to do soil testing before you add minerals to a large extent.
Process for the recipe:
If you found anything fresh you should use composting techniques found in the book linked above. If not, you can apply properly aged material in non potted plants. If you have potted plants make sure you don't get a green manure buildup on the top of your plants. If you are on top of the ratios this should ever be a problem.
You can use non fresh materials in place of fresh, but your results will take a bit longer and be a bit less impressive.
A root loving network of fungi that helps connect plants and balances the entropy of nutrients of both animals and plants. This even allows for dying trees to redistribute their nutrients across living ones.
Landrace genetic expression and RNA adaptations:
Basically the longer you grow something somewhere the more RNA is likely to evolve genetic expression to be favorable to the climate it is exposed to. This can be backstopped by DNA at some point in breeding cycles in similar conditions.
Nitrogen fixation cycle:
This is the process in which mastery allows us to feed a population many many times what we have now on earth for very little resources by comparison to our methods now. It employs organisms that eat certain plants, usually in the legume family that in turn secretes nitrogen into the soil if it isn't present in abundance.
Biome transplantation / inculcation:
My channel is the best place for this. A title to a video on my channel that best explains it is: Simple composting process that could end world hunger (Turbo Composting Part 1).
Soil health and capturing carbon:
Trees that are planted in certain soil can become stressed causing the trees planted in the soil to absorb less carbon. The inverse is also true, the healthier the soil the more the trees will sequester. These boundaries are poorly understood. Research into telemetry will allow for more refined compost tea brewing.
Tillage vs Mounding:
Usually plants do much better in a mound of nicely decomposed potting soil. Then you can put that over a bed of nicely aerated medium. I like pea gravel and black cinder sand. This seems to do really well with the method outlined in this post.
Systemic abatement:
When you feed eugenic oils to the roots or through foliar the plants will many times take those chemicals and compounds and incorporate them into their own cellular tissue. This acts as a low level repellent if your compounds fed correspond to the abatement required. This is another source of telemetry that would be really useful to plant production.
Getting the right mulch isn't easy. I Prefer organic wheat straw if possible, with wide hulls. If you cannot get that use what you can. Things to consider are: you want to mulch during establishment phases to allow the canopy to shade the root mounds well. Mulch does break down and alter ph, it can also feed soil depending on what you use. Another consideration is if you use rocks or textiles you can remove them as the season progresses. Generally you want your mulch to disappear in the flower / fruiting phase.
**Plants of Life:**
(incomplete list)
I define a plant of life as a plant that is highly valuable to life.
Turtle Grass
Creates food and habitat for many small creatures in sheltered waters. Helps to prevent erosion.
Neptune Grass
Rapid carbon absorption. 15x per acre more than the Amazon jungle. It grows bi-directional rhizomes. Helps to prevent erosion.
Ribbon Weed
This is the largest living organism by surface area. It can produce pollen or clone itself. Helps to prevent erosion.
Cannabis is the plant. Hemp is a legal definition of .3% THC with proper testing protocol at time of harvest. This plant grows faster then any other planted in earth and above sea.
Number two isn't close. Help prevent erosion when roots are left in the ground after harvest.
Montezuma Cypress
Largest living plant on earth by mass. This tree loves rivers and some versions grow in swamps. They also grow cypress knees. Help prevent erosion due to it loving to be planted near water.
Olmec oral tradition said they were used as raised planters near swamps and helped them reclaim soil. In the same place much later, the Aztec then used those same beds as a template to reclaim soil and help build more farmland and cities.
This plant is a keystone in the system due to it being a small floating plant that grows fast and is nitrogen fixing.
This plant is a prolific grower and a nitrogen fixer.
An amazing plant that may take long to root, but is in many places, and is a great nitrogen fixer. Fresh is best. Often times the corners of a field cannot fit the combines so they are wasted. Next best is pellets, cut and chilled.
Sea Kelp
Very nutrient rich, prolific grower, and great habitat. Feeding kelp to animals helps lower their methane emissions.
This plant is very old, and is a treasure for its tolerance. This tree is our greatest tool in coastal erosion control. Great habitat as well.
**Practical plant knowledge:**
Over head water harms plants in the heat of day: The heat has nothing to do with the fact some plants dislike overhead watering. Most plants love it especially in the heat of the day.
Crop Rotation is a necessity in gardening:
Crop rotation is a solution to a problem that can be solved by properly feeding your soil.
Soil blights / fungal colonization mean the soil must be removed:
With correct soil compost tea feeding, medium isolation, and inculcation I believe you can overcome any soil condition not caused by temperature.
Seeds are seeds:
Nope, well maybe you have heard of heirlooms, that must be what you mean? Wrong, what I mean is people don't keep their seeds like they used to. Why is this important? When you buy your seeds from the box store, or the sweet heirloom supplier you get a seed that was produced by some big outfit somewhere. Why is this important? The "somewhere" really matters, if the seeds were produced near you and your terroir then perfect! If not, like is almost always the case, that means the first season you have that seed in the ground the plant will be adapting to your climate. Unless you keep the seeds for the previous season, or know someone that has, you are continually suffering from overstressed expressions for the given plant you're growing. Epigenetics is the attempt to express this, but it isn't complete understanding. From what I see, plants have a complex RNA/ DNA interplay that has been an area of interest for a long time in biology. It would appear to be a dyadic relationship. The more I understand and speak with biologists the more I find the inadequacy in the explanation of natural selection alone.
The next is they lack imagination:
A great way to kill slugs is trays of beer. If you have a pest consider baiting them with plants they love as a lure. If you are not clever with abatement you will likely fail.
Expectations of Biome Transplantation:
In my experience expectations should be 25%-50% increase, all other things being equal. However I will say RNA expression can adapt to the methods, and if that happens I have seen far larger, easily over 100% increase in yields. Also, these methods have the opposite effect of soil depletion so every year it gets better. The rate of average growth seems slow, around 3-5 years under production.
The solution to our mess:
Build off shore kelp, sea grass farms, plant areas above and under coastlines, plant cypress near swamp and fresh or brackish water. Plant mangrove on coastlines. Start turning all building into hempcrete as soon as possible. Create Azolla and Kudzu automated farms one with pools the other with collapsing spires respectively. Bio remuneration of toxic sites with cannabis planting. Leverage the system that is invented. Water is favored as a nutrient delivery method.
Fatalism in climate change debate:
We can't feed the planet. Normal hemp plants grow about 10-15 feet at their largest. My largest was 22 feet tall with full flower sets. Hemp clones on a good day average 1.5 pounds of dried flower. The plant I am referencing was a seed breed from that terroir processed at 15.24 pounds of dried flower. These methods mean per plant yields matter less then canopy size.
Myth: We cannot remove carbon from the air at scale, or cesium from the soil.
**Areas of interest:**
Radiation of seeds: several sources indicate this would be a very interesting line of research.
Soil terroirs vs. cultivar telemetry.
Ionic acceleration uptake nutrient balance with geological chelation catalyzed by energetic fields.
Good luck guys!
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Very good article and I've
Very good article and I've actually heard of most of it before, the problems you will face in this getting implemented imho is the profit that farmers will lose going from what they currently know how to plant and grow to switching over to what you propose. My wifes family was into farming in Central Illinois ever since the beginning of it being a place where people could do that stuff and my wifes Uncle told me he wished he could afford the 5 years it would take to switch from chemical based fertilizers to non chemical based fertilizers. He said no farmer can afford the 5 year time frame to make better 'land' that anything can grow in as opposed to the current method of using chemicals to get the most out of each acre. He said the way farmers are growing things right now is on the edge of bankruptcy every year so alot of the 'family farms' have sold out to 'absentee' owned farms managed by someone of some large entity someplace in the big city. Once that happened the local farmer has less and less say in what gets planted and what chemicals or non chemicals get put on a farm.
Yes, I am well aware of the
Yes, I am well aware of the problem. I have gone deep in all aspects. This would be backstopped by a proof of life audit and a forward executed contract bidding system.
Let me address the question more directly. With the method above you switch to organics before the certification happens. You would gain more growth over traditionally methods. So the downside is less then null due to the fact the cost of feeding is lower. Not only that your cost of abetment also lowers. 5 years go by, and you get your certification. You have your peak yields.
Guys, the Einstein@Home
Guys, the Einstein@Home forums are the wrong place to discuss matters like this. For on overview of the respectively topics of our forums please refer to this page. It clearly says that the "Cafe Einstein" forum is meant to "Discuss anything relating to Einstein@home".
We're an open and welcoming community but please respect what's written underneath the list of forums:
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My bad I am deleting my
My bad I am deleting my account now.
This post:
Lead me to believe this was ok.
Well I guess all my posts go too, want people to see my response (if they stay up), so I will give a week or so.
Clearly delete any posts you like of mine, fair play. I will be back to claim the difference.
Civitasvox wrote:My bad I
That's your freedom of choice, of course, but you're welcome to stay.
We don't have any reason to do so, as long as you respect our rules to which we transparently referred you multiple times now.
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