First update

The Wilsons
The Wilsons
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Topic 190340

I can't get the BOINC manager to update after I have processed the very first batch of work. I don't see any clues in the messages to see why it fails to connect and get a new batch of work

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First update

Do you belong to other projects (in particular Seti)?
Have you tried update under the project tab?
Do you show anything under the transfer tab?

The Wilsons
The Wilsons
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RE: Do you belong to other

Message 21190 in response to message 21189

Do you belong to other projects (in particular Seti)?
Have you tried update under the project tab?
Do you show anything under the transfer tab?

I used to belong to seti@home, but I switched because I could not get seti to move to BOINC. (I loat track of my password, and changed ISP's, so I can't get my password sent to the only email address the system is willing to use.)

I have pressed the update tab any number of times

The transfer pane is blank, and the two commands are greyed out.

On the projects pane, the status field on the extreme right of the screen says "Won't get new work". And yet, on the left side of the same screen, it say to allow new work.

I have updated my preferences, but they won't take effect until I successfully contact BOINC. I feel like Alice in Wonderland.

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Click the allow new work

Click the allow new work

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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(A) If you have set your

Message 21192 in response to message 21190

(A) If you have set your usage preferences to kick in work after a delay, it may be waiting for you to leave the computer alone! :-)

Try this in BOINC Manager:

On the "Commands" menu select "Run Always".
Then check into the "Messages" pane, perhaps waiting a bit.

(B) Alternatively if you are referring to the "allow new work" button at the left edge - press it!

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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RE: I used to belong to

Message 21193 in response to message 21190

I used to belong to seti@home, but I switched because I could not get seti to move to BOINC. (I loat track of my password, and changed ISP's, so I can't get my password sent to the only email address the system is willing to use.)

If I recall correctly (I'm not with Seti these days), I read that there IS a provision for those who are in just such a situation as yours - lost password - no-longer-valid email. Check the BoincSeti website.


I have pressed the update tab any number of times

The transfer pane is blank, and the two commands are greyed out.

This problem (greyed out options) is probably because you haven't selected the Einstein project (by clicking on it, highlighting it) before you clicked on "Update". Even though Einstein may be the only project on the list, as in my case, and is in grey, you still need to highlight it manually for the Update, Suspend, etc buttons to work.

"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

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