New Account Issue

Mark Schussler
Mark Schussler
Joined: 7 Feb 23
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Topic 229039

I was able to create an account and can login to the URL. When I try to add Einstein to the Boinc Manager, I use my email and password but I get back a response saying I need to register which I have already done. 

Please advise,

Mark Schussler


Joined: 22 Jan 05
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Mark Schussler wrote: I was

Mark Schussler wrote:

I was able to create an account and can login to the URL. When I try to add Einstein to the Boinc Manager, I use my email and password but I get back a response saying I need to register which I have already done. 

Please advise,

Mark Schussler

Every time you add a project in the Boinc Manager it needs to know who you are at that project before it can contact the project to get new tasks for you, so yes you have to log in, as an existing user, using the same email and password you did on the website when you add a project in the boinc manager. The good thing next time you want to add a project you can skip the webpage part, at least in the beginning, and just say you are new user instead of an existing one and you can get tasks. The advantage to going onto the website is you gain the ability to tailor the tasks you want to get instead of just generically getting what the project wants to send you.

Adding your email address to your posts increases the likelihood of you getting spam but it's your choice, I deleted if from my response though.

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