11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: <html><head>
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: <title>500 Internal Server Error</title>
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: </head><body>
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: <h1>Internal Server Error</h1>
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: <p>The server encountered an internal error or
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: misconfiguration and was unable to complete
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: your request.</p>
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: <p>Please contact the server administrator at
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: [no address given] to inform them of the time this error occurred,
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: and the actions you performed just before this error.</p>
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: <p>More information about this error may be available
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: in the server error log.</p>
Of course, the request didn't complete, so there's no publicly viewable server log for the transaction.
It's been like that for
It's been like that for nearly an hour.
I sent a PM to Bernd about it about a half hour ago.
The scheduler shows as "Not running" in red.
More from the
More from the logs:
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: <html><head>
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: <title>500 Internal Server Error</title>
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: </head><body>
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: <h1>Internal Server Error</h1>
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: <p>The server encountered an internal error or
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: misconfiguration and was unable to complete
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: your request.</p>
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: <p>Please contact the server administrator at
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: [no address given] to inform them of the time this error occurred,
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: and the actions you performed just before this error.</p>
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: <p>More information about this error may be available
11/08/2022 11:34:18 | Einstein@Home | [http] [ID#1] Received header from server: in the server error log.</p>
Of course, the request didn't complete, so there's no publicly viewable server log for the transaction.
Richard Haselgrove wrote:Of
Yep, same for me.
Can you please send Bernd an email in case he doesn't notice PMs. I currently don't have access to email.
I've had a response from
I've had a response from Bernd.
He's working on it.
And he's got it running again
And he's got it running again - manual updates are working.