Known issues page

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Topic 190222

Stick recommended that I post a message about adding a "known issues" page in addition to the FAQ.

The idea would be to have an up-to-date page on known bugs with the current release (and possible solutions). If this were added as a sticky at the top of the bug reports message board, it might lessen duplicate bug reports.


Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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Known issues page


Stick recommended that I post a message about adding a "known issues" page in addition to the FAQ.

The idea would be to have an up-to-date page on known bugs with the current release (and possible solutions). If this were added as a sticky at the top of the bug reports message board, it might lessen duplicate bug reports.



Amen to that, great idea! Anything to cut down on duplicate threads would be a big plus, it would tend to concentrate help postings in specific areas, so people wouldn't have to jump all over the boards to see related problems/cures.

That said, it is questionable how much effort a new poster gives to looking through existing threads before starting a new one. I'll admit that when I posted my first plea for help, I didn't do more than scan through the first page of each of the six forums before I started a thread, and it seems that many new posts are from people who do even less poking around than that. I guess what I'm saying is that there's little we can do to change basic pre-contact behavior. For those who do research some, your suggestion would be of benefit, and any help we can give in that area will be positive direction.



"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

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RE: The idea would be to


The idea would be to have an up-to-date page on known bugs with the current release (and possible solutions). If this were added as a sticky at the top of the bug reports message board, it might lessen duplicate bug reports.


I think this is a great idea! But I wonder if there would also be a way to limit who can post on it (e.g. moderators only) to avoid the possibility of thread becoming cluttered with posts from people who haven't yet "grasped" its purpose.

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Not really a bump but it has

Not really a bump but it has the same effect...and this thread IS still on the first page....

These boards having a search feature - or if they do, one easy for newbs like me to find... would really do alot to facillitate the reduction of multiple posts for the same problem.

It won't eliminate it of course. From what I've seen on boards which do implement post searches, they still have a large number of users who don't bother and that leads to the inevitable "repost" posts.. Fortunately, early on that chain someone usually posts a direct link to the main post & discussion of said bug/misfeature. For others who are more interested in finding an answer instead of posting and waiting then wading through lord knows how much drivel just to get the help that was posted several months earlier a search system can be a friend.

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Partially ignore above post -

Partially ignore above post - just found the "keyword search" found at the top level of these boards.... Ideally though, what I wish would be a search initiated from within a topic, restricted to the topic... i.e. if in "Wish List" I want to search "Wish List" not "Cruncher's Corner" - I have yet to use the feature so I may still be talking like an imbicile if it can do it that way, but where the feature is located intuitively implies to me that it searches all topics - though there should also be a top level search to search everything.

Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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RE: Partially ignore above

Message 19882 in response to message 19881

Partially ignore above post - just found the "keyword search" found at the top level of these boards.... Ideally though, what I wish would be a search initiated from within a topic, restricted to the topic... i.e. if in "Wish List" I want to search "Wish List" not "Cruncher's Corner" - I have yet to use the feature so I may still be talking like an imbicile if it can do it that way, but where the feature is located intuitively implies to me that it searches all topics - though there should also be a top level search to search everything.

Agreed. Wouldn't it be great to implement a Google search, like in the WIKI?

"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

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