Motherboard Reviews

Mr P Hucker
Mr P Hucker
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mikey wrote: Keith Myers

mikey wrote:

Keith Myers wrote:

It's already cranked Mikey!  Epyc cpus aren't overclockable.  I have mine running at its max 200W TDP and it runs 24/7 all year round.

Along with the 3080 with its 240mm radiator and a 2080 Ti it puts out plenty of heat in the wintertime

And summertime too unfortunately.  Plenty of open windows and fans running all the time and A/C too.  

Yup it's the same here at the beach in NC, but my computer room is finally finished and as soon as I find all the hubs and network cables all the pc's will be up and running, only about 5 or 6 are right now. The problem with a room though, even though it's in the garage is no windows because of it's location so the only way to cool it off is to open the door and the side door to the garage as well. I put a storm door on it just for that so we will see how it works, I'm thinking I may still need a fan or two.

You can always make a window in the wall.  Just take some bricks out.

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Mr P Hucker
Mr P Hucker
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Keith Myers wrote: Fans work

Keith Myers wrote:

Fans work pretty well as long as you have good inflow and outflow.  I cool really well when there is a north breeze that comes into the computer rooms where they are inches from the window.  Then have fans to assist the incoming breeze to exit the rooms and traverse the rest of the house to exit the south exposure windows.

But reversing the breeze and have it come from the south does not work well at all.  Too much impedance and restrictions for the south input breeze to make much headway to the north rooms.  Even turning the exit fans around in direction does not work well.  Still too many restrictions.  South breeze =  A/C being run.

One day I'll join my garage to the house.  It's only 1.5 metres away.  The conservatory got me most of the way there.  Then I can put the heat from the computers into the house in winter instead of heating the house with a heater and throwing the computer heat outside!

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Tom M
Tom M
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Assuming faster ram makes a

Assuming faster ram makes a significant difference to universe at home CPU crunching. What is fastest am4 socket ram you trust?

Tom M

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Tom M wrote: Assuming faster

Tom M wrote:

Assuming faster ram makes a significant difference to universe at home CPU crunching. What is fastest am4 socket ram you trust?

Tom M

I stick with AMD's DRAM specs which limit the OC to DDR4-3600 (with DOCP enabled).  According to AMD, if you go higher than DDR4-3600 you run into the infinity fabric no longer being a 1:1 ratio which inhibits speed potential.  (i.e.: it slows down.)  I have my 3950X running with DDR4-3200 because that is what I thought AMD said it was rated at.  I was wrong, it can handle DDR4-3600 OK, I just haven't bought any yet.


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Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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You can actually push the

You can actually push the FCLOCK to 1900Mhz and use 3800 DDR4 and still keep the system and cpu clocks synchronous at 1:1:1.

But that takes an excellently binned cpu and memory and lots of trial and error tuning to get it stable.

3600Mhz is pretty easy on good memory if you follow the suggestion on the Ryzen OC calculator.


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Peter Hucker wrote: mikey

Peter Hucker wrote:

mikey wrote:

Yup it's the same here at the beach in NC, but my computer room is finally finished and as soon as I find all the hubs and network cables all the pc's will be up and running, only about 5 or 6 are right now. The problem with a room though, even though it's in the garage is no windows because of it's location so the only way to cool it off is to open the door and the side door to the garage as well. I put a storm door on it just for that so we will see how it works, I'm thinking I may still need a fan or two.

You can always make a window in the wall.  Just take some bricks out.

No bricks for me it's stick built with Hardie Board siding on the outside, meaning cement based siding for both fire and hurricane protection. The problem is it would then look out onto the sidewalk to the front porch and that's never going to happen. I MAY end up putting an exhaust fan in the ceiling to exhaust it outside, they use vents in the soffit to do that around here so they are essentially invisible. The mini-split heads are also on that same wall and the the drain had to come thru the Hardie Board and be 'covered' by a bush so people can't see it. Yes I live in an HOA neighborhood and yes they have a few quirky rules but for the most part they are okay. We just moved an existing bush over closer to the siding and all is good, once I paint the small pipe the wife will be happy too.

Mr P Hucker
Mr P Hucker
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mikey wrote:No bricks for me

mikey wrote:
No bricks for me it's stick built with Hardie Board siding on the outside, meaning cement based siding for both fire and hurricane protection. The problem is it would then look out onto the sidewalk to the front porch and that's never going to happen. I MAY end up putting an exhaust fan in the ceiling to exhaust it outside, they use vents in the soffit to do that around here so they are essentially invisible. The mini-split heads are also on that same wall and the the drain had to come thru the Hardie Board and be 'covered' by a bush so people can't see it. Yes I live in an HOA neighborhood and yes they have a few quirky rules but for the most part they are okay. We just moved an existing bush over closer to the siding and all is good, once I paint the small pipe the wife will be happy too.

Rules can be ignored or got around.  My colleague lives in a house where you're not allowed a satellite dish.  He got a transparent one and it's allowed because it's hardly noticeable.  In my street we're not allowed to:

1) Run a business from home (my friend is a taxi driver and another is a tradesman - as in plumber, electrician).

2) Specifically you cannot do embroidery and sell it.  WTF?

3) You may only own 1 cat and 1 dog.  I've had up to 20 cats and 15 parrots.  People have complained about noise and smell, but the council has never suggested I'm not allowed them.  A neighbour has 40 rabbits.

The rules on extending the house are a lot more relaxed than people think.  You don't need planning permission in Scotland if you:

Build an outbuilding of 1 storey (garage, shed, etc).

Extend your house back only (not to the side or front) up to 6 metres or 8 metres if your house is detached, and 1 storey.

Yet people get it anyway, then the council pokes their nose in about insulation, electrics, drainage etc.  Best not to tell them.  Cost my neighbour 14 grand to build a room, cost me 1 grand.

I'm about to build an outdoor aviary which my neighbour says is against the rules.  Screw her - her son is the taxi driver.  One goes, so does the other.

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Tom M
Tom M
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Would anyone object if I ask

Would anyone object if I ask a moderator to move this portion of the mb review thread to the conversation about our systems thread that I also have started?

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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I won't. Go ahead and move

I won't. Go ahead and move the posts accordingly.


Mr P Hucker
Mr P Hucker
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Tom M wrote: Would anyone

Tom M wrote:

Would anyone object if I ask a moderator to move this portion of the mb review thread to the conversation about our systems thread that I also have started?

If you wish, please tell me where that is so I can subscribe to it.

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