Can someone explain to me why my computer has been "ignored" and not granted any credit like the other computers even though it completed the WU with success?
Thanks in advance.
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Result=Success, Claimed 127, Received 0 (zero)
Sure - go to the URL you gave, click on the "result ID", and see what it says:
Validate state Invalid
This means that your result was not "close enough" to the other three to be considered a match. There are a couple of error messages in there too - you might want to check the Wiki to see what it says about those errors. Obviously they were not "bad enough" to cause the result to error out, but maybe they caused the calculations to be off just a bit. Possibly a system crash while working? Overheating? I don't know...
Your machine was the last one
Your machine was the last one to return the result for this workunit. The other 3 machines were all Windows boxes and yours runs Linux. Because of differences in the Math libraries between Windows and Linux, there is a small chance that the validator may find your result to be sufficiently different from the other results to be declared invalid. This appears to be what happened with this result. Your previous result was declared to be valid but it was helped by the fact that one of the other computers in the quorum was also running Linux.
This is a known issue that has been discussed considerably on the message boards in the past. At one stage it was a lot worse than it currently is. The developers have put a lot of effort into tweaking the validator to try to stop this from occurring as much as possible. At the moment the rate of invalidation due to this situation is reported as being very small. You were probably just unlucky. Let's see how your next one goes.
Thanks for the
Thanks for the replies!
I'm happier now knowing that this is probably just a minor glitch that hopefully won't happen again and that I'm not being left out ;)
Just to reitterate the
Just to reitterate the meaning of SUCCESS it just means a result was downloaded, cruched and returned in a normal way. It does not mean the result is valid. It's a sense of false security when seeing the word SUCCESS. I personally think they could have worded it differently. I do not have a recommendation as to how, but with as many words as we have in the Americanized-English language, one could be found.