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Tom M
Tom M
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Preliminary results of an Amd

Preliminary results of an Amd Radeon 5700 running under Linux show a processing speed for Pulsar Search#1 to be pretty much Radeon VII speed.  (~369 seconds).

1 task / gpu.  Default cpu settings.

I have switched it over to Gravity Wave gpu but it will take a while to get there so I can compare its crunching speed to a high end Nvidia card (about 9.5 minutes).

Tom M

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Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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I'm curious to know how the

I'm curious to know how the RX5700 does with GW. most of the guys with AMD cards are all points-whoring on Gamma Ray only. or they don't have a proper CPU to support running GW tasks.


but 369 seconds = over 6 minutes. TBar showed a Radeon VII processing tasks at a rate of about 3 mins per task on GR, so that would make the RX5700 about half as fast as a Radeon VII.


Tom M
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I run under Ubuntu 18.4.x in

I run under Ubuntu 18.4.x in a simplified install called an "All-In-One" install which has been very reliable under Linux and allowed much simpler maintenance.

I just tried to get a Amd Radeon 5700 to co-exist with RX 570's.

Boinc Manager won't recognize the two different OCL versions of Amd gpu drivers at the same time.

However it will recognize a Nvidia card running the Amd OCL 1.2 driver installed after the AMD driver install with: ./amdgpu-pro-install -y --opencl=pal,legacy --headless

The same command will not allow Amd OCL ver 1.2 and 2.0 to co-exist in Boinc Manager for Amd cards.

When I have all 4 Amd gpu plugged in they are recognized by: lspci | grep -i VGA

But not the Boinc Manager.  Any ideas short of reverting to Windows 10 or trying out the Distro version of BOINC?

Tom M



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Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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you cant run them both on the

you cant run them both on the same driver? why are you trying to install two different drivers?

have you tried just removing/purging all drivers, downloading the latest, and with all cards plugged in, run the AMD install with "./amdgpu-pro-install -y --opencl=pal,legacy --headless"?


Tom M
Tom M
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Ian&Steve C. wrote:you cant

Ian&Steve C. wrote:

you cant run them both on the same driver? why are you trying to install two different drivers?

have you tried just removing/purging all drivers, downloading the latest, and with all cards plugged in, run the AMD install with "./amdgpu-pro-install -y --opencl=pal,legacy --headless"?

Yes I have :(

Apparently I can't run Amd cards with the two different OCL drivers.  pal drivers don't recognize the RX 570's and legacy drivers don't recognize the R5700.

With both installed, it will recognize the RX 570's even when the R5700 is in the #1 MB slot.

The last thing I tried was a fresh clean Linux 18.4.x install followed by: ./amdgpu-pro-install -y --opencl=pal,legacy --headless

And then I had to reset the bios/cmos before the motherboard would see the RX 570's again.  After I did that, it was one or the other but not both.

It makes me worry about trying to run a R5700 and a RVII on the same box.  But it now looks like I need to try that on the "other" (Amd 3950x) box first. As well as test an RX 570 side by side with the R5700 on the "other" box.

If I can get the R5700 and the RVII to work on that box at the same time or the R5700 and a RX 570 to work at the same time on the Amd 3950x system.  Then it may be the "slots are die-ing" motherboard is the issue.

Tom M



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Tom M
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Windows 10 -> Radeon VII ->

Windows 10 -> Radeon VII -> Gamma Ray Pulsar Search#1 - ~ 3:48 (min:sec)[1 task per gpu] =edit==

The Windows driver for Radeon VII cannot run the RX 570 I tried.  Device Manager reports card reports error and then disables it.

I will re-test the Linux -> Radeon VII -> GR Pulsar Search#1 to see if it is faster/slower under Linux.  I think it may be slower.

It is clear the R5700 processing Gamma Ray under Linux is not close to the speed of the Radeon VII.  On the other hand it doesn't get much slower when I run 3X.

I don't think ANY version of the GW gpu task on ATI runs as fast as it does on Nvidia cards.

Tom M

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Tom M wrote:...Apparently I

Tom M wrote:

...Apparently I can't run Amd cards with the two different OCL drivers.  pal drivers don't recognize the RX 570's and legacy drivers don't recognize the R5700.

With both installed, it will recognize the RX 570's even when the R5700 is in the #1 MB slot.

The last thing I tried was a fresh clean Linux 18.4.x install followed by: ./amdgpu-pro-install -y --opencl=pal,legacy --headless ...

Have you Tom, or anyone, found a resolution to this? 

I just ran into a similar problem with a RX 5600xt in the same box as a RX 570. In my case, however, the Navi10 card runs tasks (using  OpenCL 2.0 drivers = PAL), but the Ellesmere card doesn't (using OpenCL 1.2 drivers = Legacy).

Both the PAL and Legacy OpenCL drivers were installed as Tom M described, and as confirmed by $ clinfo which only sees the RX 5600xt card:

Driver Version                                  3075.10 (PAL,LC)<br />
Device OpenCL C Version                         OpenCL C 2.0

Both cards are recognized by $ lspci in their respective PCIe slots, so it must be an OpenCL issue.

The display is run off a motherboard graphics port. Do I need the display plugged into the RX 570 card to get it recognized by the boinc-client? I can't imagine how a video connection would affect OpenCL function. (It's not so simple for me to test that at the moment because I have an external case fan zip-ties over both graphic card ports.)

Ideas are not fixed, nor should they be; we live in model-dependent reality.

Tom M
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cecht wrote:Have you Tom, or

cecht wrote:

Have you Tom, or anyone, found a resolution to this? 

I just ran into a similar problem with an RX 5600xt in the same box as an RX 570.

No, I haven't.  I have also tested with Windows 10 and the RX 570 reported some kind of error that caused Windows to disable the card.  While the Radeon VII continued working.  I tried several different windows drivers.  I think I even updated Windows Boinc Manager to the newest Release from Boinc after getting a message about it in my Boinc Manager log.  

No Joy.

So the Boinc Manager doesn't seem to allow AMD OCL2 and OCL1.2 to co-exist in either Linux/Ubuntu or Windows 10.

I am getting ready to switch back to an Rx 570/460 combo because I believe I can get more production out of 6-9 cards on a specific MB than I can out of a Radeon VII which can't run with OCL1.2 cards.

I may not be able to afford to run all 9 cards (only have 7 right now, rest are hung in US Customs).

But the Radeon VII doesn't run GW gpu all that fast compared to the Gamma Ray tasks and the goal of that system is either pure GW gpu with whatever cpu tasks or a mixed GW/GR with whatever cpu tasks.

Tom M



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Tom M
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Someone asked a question

Someone asked a question about the processing speed of the R5700 under Linux/Ubuntu for GW gpu tasks.

I have reviewed this system's results.

It looks like 1 task can process ~ 506 seconds. (8.43 minutes)

And 2 tasks can run as slow as ~ 1,088 seconds (18.1 minutes).  Some tasks ran in the range of 1,013 seconds (16.8 minutes).

I probably need more dedicated Gpu gw experience to determine if 2 tasks will run faster on average. I suspect that sometimes the R5700's were running a mix of GW and Gamma-Ray plus any other data variation.

Tom M


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Tom M wrote:...No Joy. So

Tom M wrote:

...No Joy.

So the Boinc Manager doesn't seem to allow AMD OCL2 and OCL1.2 to co-exist in either Linux/Ubuntu or Windows 10....


To cover the bases, when I installed only the legacy version of the amdgpu opencl drivers, only the RX 570 would crunch;  when both  opencl PAL and legacy drivers were installed, only the RX 5600xt crunched.

I tried installing rocm over the amdgpu radeon drivers, thinking rocm could run OpenCL on the Navi card as well as the Ellesmere card, but somehow mucked the rocm install and ended up uninstalling it.

Ideas are not fixed, nor should they be; we live in model-dependent reality.

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