I'm a happy cruncher NOW !

Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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Hello again dear Gary and

Hello again dear Gary and Michael, thanks for your reply.

Here at 8.03 pm , EAH 's progress is 27.97

- CPU time : 27:36:32

- time to completion : 71:04:45

My local disk's used space : 390 GB
free space : 629 MB


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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I read just now something

I read just now something interesting about Credit in Boinc-Wiki and some allusion to team credits shared between the members.It should be an interesting option . But i wonder why i never got any credits shared while i belong to Michigan University team for Seti and W-Madison University for Einstein (surprised )! Perhaps i should change my teams and join some teams rich in credits, so i would be able "dormir sur mes lauriers" , sleeping and snoring "a mon aise, au lieu de me tracasser pour ces sacres credits ". (grin)

P.S. Just now , 11.11 pm , EAH is still running , Progress 30.68, CPU time
30:15:34 , to completion 68:21:18 . ( also i'v been disconnected 2 times just for posting this ). (Now 11:18 pm )


Sir Ulli
Sir Ulli
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RE: I read just now

Message 17468 in response to message 17467


I read just now something interesting about Credit in Boinc-Wiki and some allusion to team credits shared between the members.It should be an interesting option . But i wonder why i never got any credits shared while i belong to Michigan University team for Seti and W-Madison University for Einstein (surprised )! Perhaps i should change my teams and join some teams rich in credits, so i would be able "dormir sur mes lauriers" , sleeping and snoring "a mon aise, au lieu de me tracasser pour ces sacres credits ". (grin)

P.S. Just now , 11.11 pm , EAH is still running , Progress 30.68, CPU time
30:15:34 , to completion 68:21:18 . ( also i'v been disconnected 2 times just for posting this ). (Now 11:18 pm )

just wondering

my Athlon64 3.200+ does a EAH WU in 5:30 ...

[URL="http://home.teleos-web.de/ubrinkschmidt/boinc/eah64.jpg"]picture 200 KB[/URL]

ah just see, you have an old AMD-K6 Prozessor......


Greetings from Germany NRW

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Sir Ulli, Thank you for

Sir Ulli,

Thank you for your interest. Ariane has a very slow box but she wishes to contribute to both Seti and EAH. At first she had to get her memory upgraded from 64MB to 192MB just to be able to fully install and start everything she needed. That was difficult for her but she managed to do it. Not only did she complete the install and project attach but also she is getting close to her goal of actually contributing a validated result. Her Seti WU is close to completion but as you have noted, her EAH result still has a way to go. One of her biggest difficulties is a very poor phone internet connection in Tehran. I don't think that we, in the technology rich west, really understand just how tough some people have to do it. We are hoping for some very good news shortly :).


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: I read just now

Message 17470 in response to message 17467


I read just now something interesting about Credit in Boinc-Wiki and some allusion to team credits shared between the members.It should be an interesting option . But i wonder why i never got any credits shared while i belong to Michigan University team for Seti and W-Madison University for Einstein (surprised )! Perhaps i should change my teams and join some teams rich in credits, so i would be able "dormir sur mes lauriers" , sleeping and snoring "a mon aise, au lieu de me tracasser pour ces sacres credits ". (grin)

Ariane, you have misunderstood the Wiki. In a nutshell, it is the team itself that shares your credits as long as you are a member. Members do not share their credits with each other. They remain entirely separate. If you leave a team and join a different one, the old team keeps the credits it gained while you were there and the new team gets to share any future credits. Your personal score, however, remains entirely separate and intact. You are currently a member of both a Seti team and an EAH team. On the lists of those teams, other members will see that you currently have no credit. Shortly that should all change once your results are completed, uploaded, and validated. The credits you earn shortly will be shared with whatever team you have joined. You do not have to join a team if you don't wish to and you can change at any time. Some teams have large numbers or people and you may get some help from team members. Probably not likely while you have zero credit because most people can't be bothered to look for the real reasons for that unfortunate situation.

P.S. Just now , 11.11 pm , EAH is still running , Progress 30.68, CPU time
30:15:34 , to completion 68:21:18 . ( also i'v been disconnected 2 times just for posting this ). (Now 11:18 pm )

Yes, we know it isn't easy for you to reach your goal but you are getting there and it's still all green on the control panel :). Thanks for the update.


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: Hmmm...I gave the .18

Message 17471 in response to message 17461

Hmmm...I gave the .18 Einstein a short (10WU) run 12 days ago or so, with mixed results - all 10 WUs validated fine, but computation times were 10% higher, so I discontinued, and I wasn't able to give it a thorough test for what I assume was the main fix because I can't find an option to display the graphics, although my rig has an Ati Radeon vidcard. Probably has something to do with my initial installation preferences back in March, if there was a "do not use graphic" option, I'm sure I selected it, remembering from SetiClassic how much of a hit WU times took. Besides, Einstein wouldn't be able to find it, because I've since deleted the .scr file from Windows. Any feedback on what effect the 5.1.5 (or whatever) Boinc beta has upon times and benchmarks?

I actually wasn't talking about the beta science app which is giving you the 10% longer crunch time. I was actually talking about your reference to 4.37 which is a version of the BOINC core client that was in briefly on the run up to 4.45, the current recommended version. As 4.37 was a short lived beta version and as we are about to launch into the 5.2.x series "shortly", if the rumours are true, I just thought you might be tempted into trying out the current betas. The core client will have no (or very minor) effect on the crunchtime and I wouldn't expect much change in benchmarks for single cpu boxes. I suppose there could be some changes to address the pitifully low scores often seen on many multi-cpu machines.

As far as the reference to "poor Xeons", no, there was no reference to them in that thread. I was just hoping something could be done for them, for their benchmarks or whatever, because they have such horrible claimed credit, usually in the low 40s. While that usually doesn't affect me, when I see 2 of them partnered with me on a WU, it sets off alarm bells, "Here comes a low granted credit WU", but I can only imagine running one, taking so long on a WU, and then getting basically half-credit for all the time. That must suck. Good thing for them that there are usually others to pull the credit up, the system usually working out OK in the end.

I think there were a couple of threads a fair while ago discussing these sort of "problems" but I don't remember what the final outcome was.


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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Hello dear Gary,Sir

Hello dear Gary,Sir Ulli,Michael and all my other friends,

What i said about credits sharing was just "the joke of the midnight", i didn't believe it truly, an humoristic tought ! I'm still here and happy for the progress of the computation, whatever the result might be. EAH is running beautifully and everything is perfect .

I worry simply for the free space of my local disk. I had just a question : although that engineer told me that the optic of my CD driver was defective , do you think it's always possible that i try myself to change the windows XP and installing a new one , less harmful for the local disk? The softwares of all sort of windows are abundant here , perhaps after the completion of the Boinc's works and the gain of credits i would be able to change the window of course with your instructions in this field. Anyway i want to try all possibilities with this old pc before buying perhaps a good desktop instead of a laptop, with a greater hard disk . We have plenty of them here , and of all sort .

See you later , Cheers


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: ... just "the joke of

Message 17473 in response to message 17472


... just "the joke of the midnight", i didn't believe it truly ...

Hey, good one!! You sure caught me. I had visions of you marching off and demanding your share of the credit from some poor startled team members!! :).

I worry simply for the free space of my local disk. I had just a question : although that engineer told me that the optic of my CD driver was defective , do you think it's always possible that i try myself to change the windows XP and installing a new one , less harmful for the local disk?

If your free space stays where it is you should be OK. Please keep reporting it as you have done because we wouldn't want it to decline much further. You may remember that Michael came up with the good suggestion of cleaning out your previous restore points. Well, I imagine windows will be happily recreating them and that may be what is causing your remaining free space to get less. There will be a limit set on this. To see what that limit is currently, right click on my computer, select properties, and then select the "System Restore" tab. You will see a slider somewhere between Min and Max, a percentage and in brackets the actual value in megabytes (MB). Please tell us what that value is and we will work out if we need to reduce it. Reducing it will limit the number of restore points that windows saves. We may need to do that once we see what the current value is. Just cancel out for the moment.

At the end of the day, my opinion is to leave XP on your machine. There is no immediate need to change it and far too much risk in trying to do so. If you want to check out your CD drive and if you have a software CD you can insert, why not try to use windows explorer to read the CD. Report any error messages you get. I don't imagine the engineer will be wrong however.

Anyway i want to try all possibilities with this old pc before buying perhaps a good desktop instead of a laptop, with a greater hard disk . We have plenty of them here , and of all sort.

The worst part of your computing experience is probably your internet connection. A new computer, whilst nice to own, will not change that problem. Is broadband in any form available in Tehran? I imagine it is prohibitively expensive. Only you can know your financial situation. While your current computer continues to function, it will do for basic email, word processing, surfing, etc. If you had plenty of funds, a modern desktop would be nice, particularly with say a 17" LCD screen. These are now quite cheap in the west but may be very expensive in Iran. How much would a current basic desktop machine cost you to buy?

Edit: PS: The fact that you are actually worrying about the free space on your hard disk is very impressive!! Your computer "savvy" has improved enormously. You are probably just about ready to be awarded the "Trainee Geek" Diploma :).


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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Dear Gary , i post this

Dear Gary , i post this quickly, i checked for the free space :

The slider is to its maximum,

- The percentage : 12 % [ 555 MB ]

I will reply later for the rest.


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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Once again hello dear

Once again hello dear Gary,

This morning i went out buying my internet cards like always from a big cyber-cafe, where i print sometimes some things and being friend with all the technicians there , i asked if installing some other windows will save a bit my laptop , he told me that it will be of no use , because i will lose a lot of programs like yahoo messenger etc. I asked him about the price of the last model of desktop they use in their cyber cafe, he told me that it will be around 400 or 500 $US . But given the huge volume of that engine behind the desktop, it's really not practical for me, very heavy . As long as it's possible to work with this one , i will use it , and when really necessary i will buy a new one .

Just now here 11:42 am , EAH is running : Progress : 34.90 %
CPU time : 34:25:44
Time to completion : 64:11:55

Seti is still preempted to 88.44 %



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