I'm a happy cruncher NOW !

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: Dear Gary,

Message 17446 in response to message 17444


Dear Gary,

Seti has been preempted at 5 am with a progess of 88.44 % and 03:41:21 to completion with 28:13:47 CPU time.

While EAH was running until now 10 am , progressing from 1.07 % to 5.57 % (within 4 hours), with 92:47:10 To completion and 05:29:06 as CPU time.

Isn't the rate of progression a bit slow? Although EAH has the 70%?


Thanks for the new set of "football scores". The team is definitely winning!! :).

The numbers simply confirm that your machine will do a Seti result in 32 hours total and an EAH result in just over 98 hours. I am pleased that the EAH time has dimished slightly from the original estimate of 100 hours. It may continue to diminish, and if it does it may well be a sign that some of the cpu saving tweaks that you have been doing may be having a beneficial effect.

Increasing the resource share from 50 to 70% for EAH does not affect the total time that an EAH result will take. If it's going to take 100 hours then 100 hours it is, even if we made the resource share 99%. All the resource share does is control when a project gets preempted. For instance, now that BOINC has decided that it is time to preempt Seti, you should see more regular changes between the two projects. The decision about which project to run will be made each hour if you haven't changed the default preference for this (and I'd be totally surprised if you had). So during the next 10 hours for example, BOINC should run EAH for 7 hours and Seti for 3 hours. By that time the Seti result will be just about finished and EAH should have progressed to around 13%.

Now we need to think about the downloading of the next Seti work unit. We need to delay it as much as possible so that it doesn't start to go "stale" by sitting on your computer for too much time before crunching commences. I've just checked and you haven't received a new work unit yet from Seti but it could happen at any time now while you are connected to the internet. The best way to delay the new work unit is to change a setting on one of the websites (it will be set automatically on the other website). Let's do it on Seti. You are changing your general preferences as before and you are looking for one called "Connect to network about every 0.1 days" 0.1 is the default and we want to change it because 0.1 or 10% of 24 hours is more than we need and BOINC will probably make that a bit bigger anyway. We wish to change the number from 0.1 to 0.03 for example. This means that a new work unit should only be downloaded when there is less than about an hour of crunching left to do. After we make this change and "Update" the website we have to come back to BOINC Manager and "Update" the Seti project there. The change will flow to EAH automatically.

We will have to make sure that we are connected to the internet when BOINC decides it needs new work. It doesn't matter if we forget about it for a bit because BOINC will remind us with messages and will wait for us to establish the connection. In the meantime, if necessary, the other project will keep crunching away until the new work finally arrives. Because your other project has a long time to crunch, there is absolutely no chance of your cpu growing cold through lack of work!! :).

Can you please make the change to the "Connect to Network" interval and report back when you have done so thanks?


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: Dear C , thank you

Message 17447 in response to message 17441

Dear C , thank you for your care, i checked the CPU, it is not throttled back , and my laptop is not on a desk but on floor and a lot of things(books) under it, so the air circulates freely , not any problem, i used for this setting a huge book of mythology with hard cover as desk and between it and the labtop 2 small books of "the 1000 and 1 nights" (the tales of Sheherezad) with very hard cover, don't worry the heat problem is set.

I'm intrigued :). How are you so confident that your machine is running at the correct speed (ie not throttled back). How were you able to check the cpu speed? What utility did you use? :). Your ability to absorb knowledge and scale the technological heights is very impressive!!

And whilst we are discussing heights, I'm am trying to stop falling off my chair with laughter whilst visualising Ariane's laptop perched precariously on the heights of Mythology with Ariane, herself perched somewhere??? - perhaps in mid-air - with one of Scheherazade's famous tales - perhaps the one that finally saved her life for good on night number 1001, wafting into the breeze ....

Seriously, to save yourself from a nasty accident in toppling off Mythology Mountain number 2, do you actually have an external keyboard, mouse and monitor that allows you to remain comfortably seated at your desk (you do have a desk, don't you??) while your laptop sits in all its glory, perched upon Mt Mythology number 1? :).

The movie rights get more valuable every day!! :).


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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Dear Gary, the change has

Dear Gary, the change has been done (0.1 changed in 0.03 for network connection) , also the updates on Seti website and on Seti Boing Manager.

EAH progress is 9.90%



Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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RE: Dear Gary, the

Message 17449 in response to message 17448


Dear Gary, the change has been done (0.1 changed in 0.03 for network connection) , also the updates on Seti website and on Seti Boing Manager.

EAH progress is 9.90%


P.S. I have not changed the default preference about which project to run each


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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RE: RE: Dear C ,

Message 17450 in response to message 17447

Dear C , thank you for your care, i checked the CPU, it is not throttled back , and my laptop is not on a desk but on floor and a lot of things(books) under it, so the air circulates freely , not any problem, i used for this setting a huge book of mythology with hard cover as desk and between it and the labtop 2 small books of "the 1000 and 1 nights" (the tales of Sheherezad) with very hard cover, don't worry the heat problem is set.

I'm intrigued :). How are you so confident that your machine is running at the correct speed (ie not throttled back). How were you able to check the cpu speed? What utility did you use? :). Your ability to absorb knowledge and scale the technological heights is very impressive!!

And whilst we are discussing heights, I'm am trying to stop falling off my chair with laughter whilst visualising Ariane's laptop perched precariously on the heights of Mythology with Ariane, herself perched somewhere??? - perhaps in mid-air - with one of Scheherazade's famous tales - perhaps the one that finally saved her life for good on night number 1001, wafting into the breeze ....

Seriously, to save yourself from a nasty accident in toppling off Mythology Mountain number 2, do you actually have an external keyboard, mouse and monitor that allows you to remain comfortably seated at your desk (you do have a desk, don't you??) while your laptop sits in all its glory, perched upon Mt Mythology number 1? :).

The movie rights get more valuable every day!! :).

Oh dear Gary, don't fall off your chair, it's very simple , i'll describe a bit : there is not any desk and chair, just imagine an old persian carpet covering the floor with mysterious weaved symbols and drawings (like the "flying carpet"in one of the tales of Sheherezad ), put on it a mythological book with 1.5 inch of tickness,9 inch width and 13 inch of length and on this one 2 small books of 1000 and 1 nights, each with 1 inch of tickness, 4 inch width and 6 inch length , arranged in a manner that the laptop has the least tangency with the very hard cover of the books, so the air circules easily under the pc. At my right on the carpet is put 2 mouse pads, one the picture of a multicolor parrot perched on the branch of a tree in a paradisiac island, the other just a blank rose . And me, always the elbows pressed on a soft pillow (in spite of my sores and the stress on my shoulders tendons ),lying down on the carpet, just in front of my computer , do my works. Sometimes, when tired, i sit down in a posture of yoga and watch the screen or type texts . Since my childhood, this position of lying down for doing my readings, studying or watching TV, or even eating was my favorite . So i have a best blood
circulation in my brain and toes. Seldom i can sit on a chair or an armchair, they make me nervous , it is why i can never assisting in a tea party or some sort of cultural or lecture assembly or going to a theater , the last time i went in a movie theater was in 1988 in France for the best technical version of "Lawrence of Arabia" with Peter O Tool (LOL). Going somewhere by bus or taxi is not always my option, unless i have not other alternative, i go everywhere walking or running . This was a detailed description of my postures in front of my laptop , (often the posture of Cleopatra !).



Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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OK, I get it now. So how is

OK, I get it now. So how is the "score" going? Has your Seti result got to 100% yet? Is switching between EAH and Seti happening at more regular intervals now?

Once Seti is finished, the result will be "uploaded" if you are online. The status will then say "Ready to report". If you are not online if will be in a state of "uploading" until you connect to the internet again. Under the "transfer" tab you can right click the result and "retry now" once your internet connection is up.

When your status says "Ready to report" you can "Update" Seti in your BOINC Manager window and your first credits will be recorded at the website for all to see. BOINC should normally be left alone as it can do all this for itself under normal circumstances. However, with your unreliable internet connection, I think it would be best to do it manually and grab your credits in case something unfortunate happens to them!! :).

I imagine you might need the above instructions when you first check your status this morning (Monday morning).


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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Dear Gary, thanks for the new

Dear Gary, thanks for the new instructions :

- No Seti didn't finished yet and since sunday morning preempted with 88.44% at 5 am , until now 11:45 am Monday , this is always EAH which run with 20.90% as score .
- No switching betwen Eah and Seti doesn't happen at regular intervals.

I will use those instructions when Seti is running and about to finish its work.



Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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Hi, Ariane How do your

Hi, Ariane

How do your Einstein times look now? Is the total (CPUtime + to completion) still coming down a little?

"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: Dear Gary, thanks

Message 17454 in response to message 17452


Dear Gary, thanks for the new instructions :

- No Seti didn't finished yet and since sunday morning preempted with 88.44% at 5 am , until now 11:45 am Monday , this is always EAH which run with 20.90% as score .
- No switching betwen Eah and Seti doesn't happen at regular intervals.

I will use those instructions when Seti is running and about to finish its work.


Thanks for the update. The person (John McLeod VII - JM7 for short) who wrote the scheduling code (the instructions on how to allocate work between projects) did warn that it could take up to a week or more for things to settle down into a routine. So at first you were concerned that EAH was always preempted. Now it is Seti's turn not to run. Obviously this is to be expected for the moment. Eventually it will all settle down and the changes back and forth will become more regular.

It's actually quite nice to see EAH getting a good run which will bring it back more into alignment with the 70/30 resource shares we have chosen. You should see now that if we had a much bigger "connect to network" interval and if a second Seti work unit had been downloaded when the first one was say at 60%, the extra work unit would have been sitting on your hard disk going stale with no immediate prospect for starting its crunching life.

I have checked your results lists on the websites and all continues to look perfectly normal. Your result will finish soon enough I'm sure.

Now that EAH is at 20.9% what is the total of the two times? Does it continue to fall below 98 hours?

Good luck, and happy crunching!!


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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I see Michael and I are

I see Michael and I are asking the same questions!! Obviously the suspense is killing us!! :).


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