I'm a happy cruncher NOW !

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: ... I will set just now

Message 17416 in response to message 17415

... I will set just now the problem of screensaver and will leave the computer doing its works. Thank you again for the instructions.

Just out of interest, what was the screensaver set to?


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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RE: RE: RE: Dear Gary,

Message 17417 in response to message 17415


Dear Gary, i wonder why the status of EAH is always preempted, although i changed the share resource (70 /30), the progress of EAH is stopped to 1.70%.Yesterday Friday EAH was running for a while and the 0.90% reached 1.70% of progress and is stopped at this level. Should i change something or letting things going their train ?


P.S. the progess of Seti is : 44.36 %


As the progress of EAH has gone from 0.9% to 1.7% then it is not always preempted. Please just be patient and have confidence in BOINC. Just report each day the progress you see and BOINC will take care of things. Just leave your computer on as much as possible and you should see a pattern of EAH getting 7 hours and Seti getting 3 hours for every 10 hours total time.

The time to completion estimates are also of interest. To get this you add together the current cpu time and the estimated remaining time. Yesterday for Seti these numbers were about 10.5 and 21.5 giving a total of 32. Today it will probably be longer because Seti seems to run very fast initially and then slow down. I wouldn't be surprised to see the total today much closer to 40 hrs rather than 32 hours. Hopefully EAH will still be about 100 total.

To make sure you give the maximum cpu cycles to the two science projects, I want you to confirm that you have no screensaver running. If you right click on your desktop and select "properties" you will get a window with the "screensaver" tab. Select that tab and confirm that the word "Blank" is visible in the screensaver drop-down box. If it is not, then click the drop-down arrow and select "Blank" and apply the change. This will prevent any screensaver from stealing your precious cpu cycles. You need every one you can get :).

@ Any-other-lurker
If anyone else knows of good easy ways to save cpu cycles then please chime in. If we get desperate, I'll probably get Ariane to turn off any unneeded services that might be running. BlackViper used to have a very good page for this which now seems to have been hijacked by "Network Solutions" claiming to own "www.blackviper.com"???? Does anyone know what is going on with BlackViper??

Anyway Ariane, I've checked the results lists on both websites and everything seems totally as expected. Keep up the good work and you'll soon have some Seti credits!! :).

Ah Ok Dear Gary, i will set just now the problem of screensaver and will leave the computer doing its works. Thank you again for the instructions.


GARY ! I applied the change for Blank on Screensaver tab. Now i will leave the pc doing its work.



Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: GARY ! I applied the

Message 17418 in response to message 17417

GARY ! I applied the change for Blank on Screensaver tab. Now i will leave the pc doing its work.

Yes, OK, but what did it say before you changed it to "Blank". Did it always say "Blank" anyway, in which case there will be no change. Also what is the time interval before the screensaver kicks in set to? It's a box showing the number of minutes.


Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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Gary and Ariane, Here are

Gary and Ariane,

Here are some adjustments to save a few cycles:

A. Eye Candy

1. Gary mentioned this one before. The XP Luna GUI vs Classic. This is entirely a matter of user preference, but the Classic desktop saves.

2. Wallpaper can be set to "none"

3. Animations, shadows, etc. Right-click "My computer", then "Properties". On the "Advanced" tab is a box labeled Performance. On the Visual Effects tab, click the "Settings" button and check "Adjust for best performance" and click "Apply". Before you leave this box, on the Advanced tab, ensure that the "Scheduling" and "Memory use" are both set to favor Programs, then on "Virtual memory", click "Change", check "Custom size" and enter "288" (1.5 x your RAM") into both "Initial size" and "Maximum size", then click "Apply" and OK yourself out of everything. Windows does a fine job of adjusting pagefile size by itself, but doing so takes precious cycles AND increases fragmentation.

B. AntiVirus. I've never heard of anybody getting a virus from a DC project, certainly not from Einstein, and not at all when not connected to internet (except by swapping CDs, and Ariane's CD drive is MIA). Disable AV when not on the internet.

I'll add more later, as I recall them.


"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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RE: Gary and Ariane, Here

Message 17420 in response to message 17419


Gary and Ariane,

Here are some adjustments to save a few cycles:

A. Eye Candy

1. Gary mentioned this one before. The XP Luna GUI vs Classic. This is entirely a matter of user preference, but the Classic desktop saves.

2. Wallpaper can be set to "none"

3. Animations, shadows, etc. Right-click "My computer", then "Properties". On the "Advanced" tab is a box labeled Performance. On the Visual Effects tab, click the "Settings" button and check "Adjust for best performance" and click "Apply". Before you leave this box, on the Advanced tab, ensure that the "Scheduling" and "Memory use" are both set to favor Programs, then on "Virtual memory", click "Change", check "Custom size" and enter "288" (1.5 x your RAM") into both "Initial size" and "Maximum size", then click "Apply" and OK yourself out of everything. Windows does a fine job of adjusting pagefile size by itself, but doing so takes precious cycles AND increases fragmentation.

B. AntiVirus. I've never heard of anybody getting a virus from a DC project, certainly not from Einstein, and not at all when not connected to internet (except by swapping CDs, and Ariane's CD drive is MIA). Disable AV when not on the internet.

I'll add more later, as I recall them.


Dear Michael, thank you again for your instructions, i will just now follow what you said on "my computer".



Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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RE: RE: Gary and

Message 17421 in response to message 17420


Gary and Ariane,

Here are some adjustments to save a few cycles:

A. Eye Candy

1. Gary mentioned this one before. The XP Luna GUI vs Classic. This is entirely a matter of user preference, but the Classic desktop saves.

2. Wallpaper can be set to "none"

3. Animations, shadows, etc. Right-click "My computer", then "Properties". On the "Advanced" tab is a box labeled Performance. On the Visual Effects tab, click the "Settings" button and check "Adjust for best performance" and click "Apply". Before you leave this box, on the Advanced tab, ensure that the "Scheduling" and "Memory use" are both set to favor Programs, then on "Virtual memory", click "Change", check "Custom size" and enter "288" (1.5 x your RAM") into both "Initial size" and "Maximum size", then click "Apply" and OK yourself out of everything. Windows does a fine job of adjusting pagefile size by itself, but doing so takes precious cycles AND increases fragmentation.

B. AntiVirus. I've never heard of anybody getting a virus from a DC project, certainly not from Einstein, and not at all when not connected to internet (except by swapping CDs, and Ariane's CD drive is MIA). Disable AV when not on the internet.

I'll add more later, as I recall them.


Dear Michael, thank you again for your instructions, i will just now follow what you said on "my computer".


Hello again Michael, i followed all in intruction 3 and changed the memory to 288 , and the visual features of my screen is changed. But i don't know what is XP Luna GUI and wallpaper .

Til later , Cheers


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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Dear Gary and Michael ,

Dear Gary and Michael ,

The progress of Seti is : 58.42 %

Einstein is always preemted.



Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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RE: Dear Gary and Michael

Message 17423 in response to message 17422


Dear Gary and Michael ,

The progress of Seti is : 58.42 %

Einstein is always preemted.


P.S. I never use any CD in my pc and my AVG anti-virus is always updated.


Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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Ariane, Do you have a


Do you have a picture on your display, background behind the icons? Windows does, by default. It can be removed and changed to a blank, in your choice of several colors. Right-click on an open part of your screen, click "Properties", and the "Display properties" box will open. You did this before when Gary had you adjust for no screensaver. This time, on the "Desktop" tab, you will see a box in the lower portion labeled "Background" with several entries. You can select "(None)" and then click the "Color" button on the lower right, and a dropdown with 20 color options will appear. As you try different colors, the small preview window above will reflect the change. When you decide which you prefer, click "Apply", then "OK".

These changes I've suggested here and in the previous posts shave a little background work from your CPU's load, and I am unable to quantify the savings. For argument's sake, let's suppose they save 80Khz. On my rig, or one of Gary's, that may translate into less than 0.5%, below the threshold of our perception and amounting to perhaps a minute or two less crunchtime/WU, but we do it to squeeze the last few bits of power to channel them into whatever work we direct the computer to do. On your computer, though, that 80Khz would amount to 8% of it's workload being freed for crunching, and becomes quite significant. Again, the 80Khz is just a figure that I grabbed arbitrarily, but the end result for you should be a noticable shortening of your crunching time. Give it a try, and after your BOINC runs Einstein through another turn or two, add the CPU time and the Time to Completion, and let us know if the sum has changed from the earlier 100-hour figure. I'm guessing that the difference will be several hours lower. ;-)

I am so happy that you have achieved so much already!


"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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RE: Dear Gary and Michael

Message 17425 in response to message 17422


Dear Gary and Michael ,

The progress of Seti is : 58.42 %

Einstein is always preemted.



This is an area in which I am not yet knowledgable enough to address. I regret my limitations, and defer to the experts here. I'm sure that Gary will help you fix the preemption problem straightaway.


"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

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