I'm a happy cruncher NOW !

Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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RE: RE: RE: Thank you

Message 17406 in response to message 17397


Thank you all my friends in Cafe Einstein , not only "grace" to all your care and attention i could become a cruncher , but i could even observe the fabulous graphics of Einstein and Seti . It's enough for me even with my famous 0.00 credits (LOL)

Cheers, Warm Regards to all

It is true that i owe all of this to Gary and Michael, i expressed already my gratitude to both and also to all the nice people in Cafe Einstein , i hope good luck to you too .

Au contraire, Ariane! You owe nothing to us, but to your perseverance - many would have succumbed to exasperation during the course of your travails. Your innocent enthusiasm and excitement are an inspiration. I shall continue to follow your progress, and post here from time to time, and I await the successful conclusion of your first Einstein workunit. You will make me wish that I'd put some $$$ down on that 1000-1 wager.

One thing - since your machine is rather time-constricted and your internet connection tenuous, I would suggest you forgo the screensaver graphics, for both the instability problem and the large increase to crunching time that they cost. Also, be forewarned that the beta app mentioned earlier, while solving the graphics problem (by most accounts), is not particularly kind to we who crunch on AMD processors, exacting an 8-10% crunchtime penalty, which would verge on critical, given the the conditions you are already suffering.

an aside to Gary: "I like the eloquence of your "tiny islet" metaphor :). You actually sell yourself far too short..."
Thank you for the encouragement, Gary, but I believe that I am quite realistic re: my assets, and while I hope that I am humble, I am not modest. I was gifted with MENSA-level intelligence (qualified 30+ yrs ago, but never joined), there is no direct correlation between that and knowledge, except that I can assimilate knowledge more easily as I am exposed to it, as I am here. I know enough now to more-than-suspect the incredibly huge realm of knowledge, the whole of which I, nor anyone can never make claim, the "vast sea", and it humbles me. I've spent my life, so far, sponging up knowledge, and finally begun wringing out the sponge, giving back to others what has so freely been given to me. Here I find myself among peers, moreso than in my daily life, and it excites me. While I have an affinity for math and science, studying math, chemistry and physics in university, I work as an auto tech and help friends and acquaintances with computer problems, upgrades, etc as a hobby. Under-employed, perhaps (and certainly underpaid LOL), I am still working with people, helping them, and problem-solving, which do play to my strengths.

"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

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RE: But "en ce qui concerne

Message 17407 in response to message 17404

But "en ce qui concerne Jane Fonda" , i think she's a bit old for this role, she's now almost 67 or 68 and i'm 53, i would prefer choosing for this role a middle aged strong actress, a sort of spider woman , an adventurer facing and overcoming all sort of obstacles and traps and having always "plus d'un tour dans son sac", and finally winning the "Great Honor Prize"(LOL)

I´d like to suggest Jessica Alba for this casting. She seems to fit perfect, not to forget that she´s an eye-catcher.

(Sorry for being off topic, but I had to say this ;-) )

Es gr

Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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RE: RE: But "en ce qui

Message 17408 in response to message 17407

But "en ce qui concerne Jane Fonda" , i think she's a bit old for this role, she's now almost 67 or 68 and i'm 53, i would prefer choosing for this role a middle aged strong actress, a sort of spider woman , an adventurer facing and overcoming all sort of obstacles and traps and having always "plus d'un tour dans son sac", and finally winning the "Great Honor Prize"(LOL)

I´d like to suggest Jessica Alba for this casting. She seems to fit perfect, not to forget that she´s an eye-catcher.

(Sorry for being off topic, but I had to say this ;-) )

Thank you Oliver for your suggestion, yes i agree with you Jessica Alba is perfect , perhaps we will hire you for Direction of the movie,

Vielen Danke& Grussen (Ich habe einen Klugen Freund !)


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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OK fine. Just in case you

OK fine. Just in case you have any problems here are the steps:-

1. Go to your account on Seti and click "View or Edit Seti preferences"
2. On the next page you are only viewing so click "Edit ..."
3. Change the resource share from 100 to say 300 (or 30 if you like) & "Update .."
4. Now go to your account at EAH and do exactly the same except use 700 (or 70 if you previously used 30)
5. Once again "Update ..." after you have set the appropriate value.

Now the important step. After you finish with the websites you have to "Update" the project you last edited using the Update button in BOINC Manager. If all is well, you will see the 50/50 resource share change to 70/30 in EAH's favour. From this point on BOINC will take care of switching between projects at the appropriate time.

On another matter, here is what I suggest to save your internet connection and to get those all important first credits as soon as possible. When you are finished with the internet for a period and about to disconnect your modem, you should be able to find a button in BOINC Manager which allows you to suspend network activity. If you click that option BOINC will not try to connect to the internet until you re-enable it. You could leave it like that until one of your results gets above 95% which is going to take a little while. Then instead of turning off your computer at the end of the day, allow it to run overnight so that it can rack up those valuable hours. Of course please don't do this if it causes you any difficulty or unnecessary electricity expense.

Please keep us posted each day if you are able as to the accumulated hours and the % completed.


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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Oh Gary ! Great ! It has been

Oh Gary ! Great ! It has been adjusted !

Fortunately you added that i should update the 2 projects on Boinc Manager, if not i hadn't the expected result . Now it s just 70% Einstein and 30% Seti, but the Einstein status is still preempted .



Sir Ulli
Sir Ulli
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RE: Thank you all my


Thank you all my friends in Cafe Einstein , not only "grace" to all your care and attention i could become a cruncher , but i could even observe the fabulous graphics of Einstein and Seti . It's enough for me even with my famous 0.00 credits (LOL)

Cheers, Warm Regards to all

welcome to the Forums

and Welcome to BOINC

hope you have fun

Greetings from Germany NRW
[img]http://boinc.mundayweb.com/one/stats.php?userID=380 [/img]

Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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RE: RE: Thank you all

Message 17412 in response to message 17411


Thank you all my friends in Cafe Einstein , not only "grace" to all your care and attention i could become a cruncher , but i could even observe the fabulous graphics of Einstein and Seti . It's enough for me even with my famous 0.00 credits (LOL)

Cheers, Warm Regards to all

welcome to the Forums

and Welcome to BOINC

hope you have fun

Greetings from Germany NRW
[img]http://boinc.mundayweb.com/one/stats.php?userID=380 [/img]

Gruss Gott ! Liebe Sir Ulli ,

Vielen Danke fur Ihr freundlisch und wunderschone Gruss von Deutschland , ich mir sehr gefreut im Einstein, das ist mein Heim und family.



Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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Dear Gary, i wonder why the

Dear Gary, i wonder why the status of EAH is always preempted, although i changed the share resource (70 /30), the progress of EAH is stopped to 1.70%.Yesterday Friday EAH was running for a while and the 0.90% reached 1.70% of progress and is stopped at this level. Should i change something or letting things going their train ?


P.S. the progess of Seti is : 44.36 %


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: Dear Gary, i wonder why

Message 17414 in response to message 17413


Dear Gary, i wonder why the status of EAH is always preempted, although i changed the share resource (70 /30), the progress of EAH is stopped to 1.70%.Yesterday Friday EAH was running for a while and the 0.90% reached 1.70% of progress and is stopped at this level. Should i change something or letting things going their train ?


P.S. the progess of Seti is : 44.36 %


As the progress of EAH has gone from 0.9% to 1.7% then it is not always preempted. Please just be patient and have confidence in BOINC. Just report each day the progress you see and BOINC will take care of things. Just leave your computer on as much as possible and you should see a pattern of EAH getting 7 hours and Seti getting 3 hours for every 10 hours total time.

The time to completion estimates are also of interest. To get this you add together the current cpu time and the estimated remaining time. Yesterday for Seti these numbers were about 10.5 and 21.5 giving a total of 32. Today it will probably be longer because Seti seems to run very fast initially and then slow down. I wouldn't be surprised to see the total today much closer to 40 hrs rather than 32 hours. Hopefully EAH will still be about 100 total.

To make sure you give the maximum cpu cycles to the two science projects, I want you to confirm that you have no screensaver running. If you right click on your desktop and select "properties" you will get a window with the "screensaver" tab. Select that tab and confirm that the word "Blank" is visible in the screensaver drop-down box. If it is not, then click the drop-down arrow and select "Blank" and apply the change. This will prevent any screensaver from stealing your precious cpu cycles. You need every one you can get :).

@ Any-other-lurker
If anyone else knows of good easy ways to save cpu cycles then please chime in. If we get desperate, I'll probably get Ariane to turn off any unneeded services that might be running. BlackViper used to have a very good page for this which now seems to have been hijacked by "Network Solutions" claiming to own "www.blackviper.com"???? Does anyone know what is going on with BlackViper??

Anyway Ariane, I've checked the results lists on both websites and everything seems totally as expected. Keep up the good work and you'll soon have some Seti credits!! :).


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
Joined: 30 Aug 05
Posts: 347
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RE: RE: Dear Gary, i

Message 17415 in response to message 17414


Dear Gary, i wonder why the status of EAH is always preempted, although i changed the share resource (70 /30), the progress of EAH is stopped to 1.70%.Yesterday Friday EAH was running for a while and the 0.90% reached 1.70% of progress and is stopped at this level. Should i change something or letting things going their train ?


P.S. the progess of Seti is : 44.36 %


As the progress of EAH has gone from 0.9% to 1.7% then it is not always preempted. Please just be patient and have confidence in BOINC. Just report each day the progress you see and BOINC will take care of things. Just leave your computer on as much as possible and you should see a pattern of EAH getting 7 hours and Seti getting 3 hours for every 10 hours total time.

The time to completion estimates are also of interest. To get this you add together the current cpu time and the estimated remaining time. Yesterday for Seti these numbers were about 10.5 and 21.5 giving a total of 32. Today it will probably be longer because Seti seems to run very fast initially and then slow down. I wouldn't be surprised to see the total today much closer to 40 hrs rather than 32 hours. Hopefully EAH will still be about 100 total.

To make sure you give the maximum cpu cycles to the two science projects, I want you to confirm that you have no screensaver running. If you right click on your desktop and select "properties" you will get a window with the "screensaver" tab. Select that tab and confirm that the word "Blank" is visible in the screensaver drop-down box. If it is not, then click the drop-down arrow and select "Blank" and apply the change. This will prevent any screensaver from stealing your precious cpu cycles. You need every one you can get :).

@ Any-other-lurker
If anyone else knows of good easy ways to save cpu cycles then please chime in. If we get desperate, I'll probably get Ariane to turn off any unneeded services that might be running. BlackViper used to have a very good page for this which now seems to have been hijacked by "Network Solutions" claiming to own "www.blackviper.com"???? Does anyone know what is going on with BlackViper??

Anyway Ariane, I've checked the results lists on both websites and everything seems totally as expected. Keep up the good work and you'll soon have some Seti credits!! :).

Ah Ok Dear Gary, i will set just now the problem of screensaver and will leave the computer doing its works. Thank you again for the instructions.



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