Host 12648426 with a Gtx1060 -6Gb
The estimated running is about 10 hours.
But WU are returned after 20 min (1200ssec)
On secondary GPU : one hour.
See https://einsteinathome.org/workunit/409734039
or https://einsteinathome.org/workunit/409734131
Why is estimated running on 7 hours ?
I returned about 200WU all crunched in the same running : about 20min.
Why estimated running do not go down ?
My settings are set on 3 days. so I received 7 WU. yes seven WU.
In about 2 hours they are returned ! Not three days .
The only explanation is that I have add a secondary little GPU.
But the how to say to Einstein to ignore or consider this second GPU ?
1060 is device (0) ; the little GPU : device(1)
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Upon checking your returned
Upon checking your returned results I found 4 tasks that ran for ~36300 seconds or ~10 hours so to me it seems Boinc is working as designed.
They were all downloaded on the 27th and returned on the 29th of June.
Tasks 864663897, 864831687, 864658598 and 864836452.
As to why these tasks ran for 10 hours and not the 20 min or 1 hour as the rest I don't know and the stderr output is trunked so don't give any clues. Try to think of usage patterns that might impact task performance, or environmental changes.
Hello Homis And all the tasks
Hello Homis
And all the tasks : same host of corse :
The one with 36.300sec are correct it comes from a secondary GPU.
So how to do do to exclude one GPU ?
As a stupid I have set "store at least...." to 10+10 additional days
I got 99 WU. Nice !?!?
All will be crunched in 1.5 days !!!!!!!!
Oh well, increasing the cache
Oh well, increasing the cache to 10 + 10 will probably (certainly!) lead to disaster down the road!
To exclude one GPU either check the project preferences and applications, then choose searches that's only available to the faster GPU or go down the road of cc_config.xml.
The full documentation of cc_config.xml is available here: https://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/Client_configuration
There is an option in cc_config.xml to exclude a GPU via the <exclude_gpu> tag in the options section. Read up on that and if you have any questions then don't hesitate to ask!