Oh my, is this rules box on the side of the message post new?
At any rate, getting to the topic thread of milestones...
I hit 11,000 credits in Einstein, an odd number I know, but its my second highest project to hit such a number, the first being SETI@home, so hopefully in the next month I'll surpass my Seti total :) Scarily enough the credits system here is so vastly different than at Rosetta at home, and as a result I seem to have amassed over 8,000 credits in one month and counting at Rosetta...At that rate I have the feeling that Einstein won't be my top project...I'll have to rework that out!
Congrats to everyone for finishing the S4 units! Bring on the S5's!
RE: An important milestone
Congrats, Bruce. Good job on S4.
Now let's get S5 done a lot faster.
RE: An important milestone
Terrific news!
Congratulations to all and sundry!
Phew! :-)
Cheers, Mike.
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal
Just hit 250K Einstein! Hit
Just hit 250K Einstein!
Hit 400K SETI this AM.
Hit 200K CPDN a couple days ago.
Am at 900K all projects! 1M here I come.
Oh my, is this rules box on
Oh my, is this rules box on the side of the message post new?
At any rate, getting to the topic thread of milestones...
I hit 11,000 credits in Einstein, an odd number I know, but its my second highest project to hit such a number, the first being SETI@home, so hopefully in the next month I'll surpass my Seti total :) Scarily enough the credits system here is so vastly different than at Rosetta at home, and as a result I seem to have amassed over 8,000 credits in one month and counting at Rosetta...At that rate I have the feeling that Einstein won't be my top project...I'll have to rework that out!
Congrats to everyone for finishing the S4 units! Bring on the S5's!
Human Stupidity Is Infinite...
My first E2H half million,
My first E2H half million, next one should be easier. :-)
Congratulations to MIKE on
Congratulations to MIKE on achieving the half-million!!!
75K Einstein@home!
75K Einstein@home!
20k Einstein,50k total boinc
20k Einstein,50k total boinc when pending returned.
250K BOINC & 25K Einstein :-)
250K BOINC & 25K Einstein :-)
[pre] [/pre]
Intel I7 930 - GTX 480 - Windows 7 64
Join BOINC Synergy, the best team in the galaxy!
100k sometime today.
100k sometime today. Woohoo!
A64 X2 4400+ @2.85GHz, 2x XP 1800+ @2000+