I am trying to compile the applications provided at Source Code License page, how-ever they both fail at my build system (Fedora 28). To be able to find the solution to the problem I am facing. (Hunting down source code file: /home/bema/fermilat/src/bridge_fft_clfft.c:1150).
ZLIB_VERSION needs to be bumped from 1.2.8 to 1.2.11 in 'build.sh', since the old package cannot be found anymore on the net. How-ever I getting errors compiling boinc (open errors, etc).
The referred version in both packages is 7.3.0 how-ever this version is based around 2015 and is starting to fail to compile. The standalone version 7.3.13 compiles fine. Also using git tag testing_gw_apps (using 7.3.0) does not work.
Leaves me wondering which guide/advice with regards to compile environment to follow when compiling the source code?
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You are trying to solve an
You are trying to solve an issue with the gamma-ray pulsar search on GPUs which uses data from the large area telescope (LAT) on board NASA's Fermi satellite. The page you referenced applies to quite different searches. The gravity wave (GW) search uses data from the LIGO detectors whilst the various radio pulsar searches use data from various ground based radio telescopes. They use quite different applications with different source code so I don't think that looking at those apps will be of much use.
I seem to recall some time ago that someone else was wanting to look at the source code for the FGRPB1G search and that the response might have been to the effect that the ultimate intention was to make it available at some point but that approval to do so was not yet available. It was some time ago so things might be different now and I could easily be wrong in my recollection.
Addressing your request to Bernd Machenschalk is probably your best option for knowing if there is any way to diagnose the problem.
Gary Roberts wrote:You are
Both observations are correct. In the process of debugging how-ever I found myself some code improvements in the other applications, which was suggested be posted over here as well :-)
Thanks for the
Thanks for the notes!
Actually we didn't build the Radio-Pulsar code for quite some years, so I'm not too surprised that the build stopped working. Also too for maximum compatibility we are building our "official" binaries on rather old system installation and build environments, so we are not that much affected by recent changes e.g. to compilers. We are still trying to hire a computer-experienced radio astrophysicist to pick up the development of that search code, (and explore new sources of data etc.), but currently this is pretty much stuck/frozen.
The LALSuite should compile with a gcc-7.1, at least it did a few days ago. What exactly "does not work" with the "testing_gw_apps" tag of our BOINC repo?
The main Einstein at home
The main Einstein at home page:
Gives a link for the source code at:
This then redirects to:
Which looks to be a blank template that nobody has bothered to fill in. The previous link has some vague references to source code but lots of links are broken. I guess that's what he meant by "does not work". Where exactly is the source code for gws and brp available?
bowguy wrote:The main
The first link from our source code and license page is really old, and needs to be updated. The new link is: https://wiki.ligo.org/Computing/DASWG/LALSuite . I will change the link on our page as well. Also, gitlab repository link.
Einstein@Home Project
Perfect! Thanks
I now have compiled the
I now have compiled the entire LAS suite from source. Is there a guide on creating an app_info xml with those programs for use in boinc? I know their are directions but kind of generic.
bowguy wrote:I now have
I think you need to make Anonymous Platform changes to the app_info.xml file. It is probably what you referred to as generic