Title says it but I can provide more details - Upgraded my GPU from EVGA GTX1080 to a new Nvidia RTX2080TI FE. Now then any tasks within Einstein@Home that use the GPU are being marked as "Computation Error". Oddly enough this is not happening on my SETI@home tasks on the same PC. Any help would be appreciated.
Machine is I7, 32g ram, 2tb SSD, Windows 10 Pro
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It's a known
It's a known problem:
2080's can't seem to handle the "fast" tasks at the moment. If you are lucky to get some "slow" tasks they should run just fine on that card.
Thank you very much for your
Thank you very much for your report, and my condolences on your unfortunate experience. I am the owner of a month-old 2080 card--the lesser Turing-generation sibling to your 2080 Ti. Over in Cruncher's Corner there is a Turing thread. While the thread is rather long, if you skip to the recent posts, you will find that both SBYIE and I have seen bad outcomes on the "high-pay" WUs here at Einstein closely resembling your experience.
It appears to me that the current combination of Einstein application, Nvidia driver, and Turing cards has 100% failure rate on the high-pay Einstein Gamma-Ray Pulsar WUs.
In the hope that this might be fixable by a driver adjustment, I have intentions of soon attempting to file a driver trouble report.
In the meantime, you, SYBIE, and I can check each new Nvidia driver in hopes it may accidentally have fixed the problem, and bide our time for the issue of a different flavor of Einstein WU which perhaps our cards may successfully process. (The immediately previous flavor worked fine).
We could also hope that Einstein might look into the matter from their end, or help us construct a useful NVidia filing, but I'm afraid they have other things higher on their priorities.
Same Here
Same Here, we will just have to wait it out.
Crunching@EVGA The Number One Team in the BOINC Community. Folding@EVGA The Number One Team in the Folding@Home Community.
I was having a similar issue
I was having a similar issue with 1080Ti's. After I reduced background .exe engines it went away. I uninstalled every app I could, not involved in BOINC and NVIDIA and terminated every app not relevant to BOINC that I could not uninstall and started running my System mechanic app again to give our registry some oversight and my computation errors all but disappeared. Very rarely if I upgrade GPU driver or some other .exe engine, tasks sometimes computation will error on the active task if I don't suspend BOINC tasks first.
Can't afford the "20" series but worth a try anyway to see if it will help. Too many background .exe engines running in the latest Windows O/S!!!!
Work runs fine on Bosons reacted into Fermions,
Sunny regards,