Download Error

Atomic Booty
Atomic Booty
Joined: 10 Sep 05
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Topic 216487

I've been unable to download WU's from Einstein for the last few days. All of my other projects are running fine.

370867623 12669328 29 Sep 2018 19:39:25 UTC 29 Sep 2018 19:40:02 UTC Error while downloading 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gamma-ray pulsar search #5 v1.08 (FGRPSSE) windows_intelx86

9/29/2018 2:39:24 PM | Einstein@Home | Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
9/29/2018 2:39:24 PM | Einstein@Home | Requesting new tasks for CPU
9/29/2018 2:39:26 PM | Einstein@Home | Scheduler request completed: got 4 new tasks
9/29/2018 2:39:28 PM | Einstein@Home | Started download of LATeah0041F.dat
9/29/2018 2:39:28 PM | Einstein@Home | Started download of JPLEPH.405
9/29/2018 2:39:31 PM | Einstein@Home | Finished download of LATeah0041F.dat
9/29/2018 2:39:34 PM | Einstein@Home | Finished download of JPLEPH.405
9/29/2018 2:39:34 PM | Einstein@Home | [error] MD5 check failed for JPLEPH.405
9/29/2018 2:39:34 PM | Einstein@Home | [error] expected d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, got d6ce12bacd2a81a56423f5f238ba84eb
9/29/2018 2:39:34 PM | Einstein@Home | [error] Checksum or signature error for JPLEPH.405



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Please look at this post from

Please look at this post from last year

Joined: 9 May 05
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@ZALSTER: The hint under this

@ZALSTER: The hint under this comment doesn't help.

I couldn't find the item JPLEPH.405 in the file client_state.xml.

Please help me to find another work around.




Atomic Booty
Atomic Booty
Joined: 10 Sep 05
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I dug through some of last

I dug through some of last year's posts and seem to have it working. Here's what I did:

1. Exit BOINC manager, making sure all work has stopped.

2. Open your BOINC program files and look for "client_state.xml" (Mine was in C > Program Data > BOINC)

3. Open the file "client_state.xml" with a simple text editor like Notepad.

4. Search for the line:


The "XXX" part doesn't matter, it's just version number info. I did a Ctrl+F search for occurrences of "hsgamma" and found the right line almost immediately.

5. JUST BEFORE that ^ line you just found, paste in all this:


 6. Save your newly edited "client_state.xml" file, overwriting the old one. Make sure it does NOT save as a Text Document (*.txt),  use the All Files (*.*) dropdown option. Also make sure it DOES save with ANSI coding (which seems pretty standard).

7. Restart BOINC

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This is the same as the MD5

This is the same as the MD5 check error thread. No need to start yet another message thread. I have dropped Bernd a private message so hopefully the project will do whatever they did last time to fix it.

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