Ahoy there any pirates that have scrambled aboard...

Kenneth Larsen
Kenneth Larsen
Joined: 18 Jan 05
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Aye, sure matey, I've joined

Aye, sure matey, I've joined this boat too, but that does not mean I'll ever leave the ole ship, why not have a whole fleet?

Joined: 18 Jan 05
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> For those of you who do not

Message 1665 in response to message 1659

> For those of you who do not already have a team, you are welcome to join the
> Pirates@Home team.

To them that do already have themselves a ...ahem... team. Ya filthy landlubbin bastards aren't fit to call ya selfs pirates no more. I say ya need join the Pirates@Home team. Then the legacy of us good Pirates that were at home can be remembered in this project for the years to come. Arrrgh!


Catch your own wave...

John McLeod VII
John McLeod VII
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I was in the original

I was in the original boarding party.

Kenneth Larsen
Kenneth Larsen
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Yarr, I'll be joining the

Yarr, I'll be joining the Pirates team indeed!

Joined: 22 Jan 05
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the way they list out the

the way they list out the team, i guess i'll forever be at the bottom. i'd have thought it would be by RAC or total credit.

i guess i shall just have to protect the stern. the rear is definatly better then ther' plank!

[B^S] RicketyCat
[B^S] RicketyCat
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Betterin' gettin' bilge duty.

Betterin' gettin' bilge duty. Is where I be. Ha'n't got a unit fer months. Even I mis' the new'ns whut come in. E'en th' rats ha' let me in th' dark.

Makse me so sad I needs a happy song!

"Who lives in a pineapple under da sea?..."

Joined: 10 Nov 04
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Arrr. Got me a boatload o'

Arrr. Got me a boatload o' them new Pirate WU's! Har, Har, Har!

Hans Sveen
Hans Sveen
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Yehaa, a desent boat need

Yehaa, a desent boat need some desent crew, what about some old norse viking like Hagar the Horrible( horrible kind!!)

Lets pull the ship together, allready on 20th yesterday, lets get some more crew to help our pride forwards!!
Let us sail!!

Hans Sveen

D.J. Schweitz
D.J. Schweitz
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Arrgh Byron, me bucco tis a

Arrgh Byron, me bucco tis a grand day to see yas a postin m8

Captain Avatar
Captain Avatar
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> Arrgh Byron, me bucco tis a

Message 1673 in response to message 1672

> Arrgh Byron, me bucco tis a grand day to see yas a postin m8

Arrgh! thats all I know Buccos!

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