CPU work units stopping at 14% and never finish

Joined: 1 Dec 17
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Topic 211666

Hi, new user here, having problems with CPU tasks getting to a few % (anywhere from 4% to 14%) and then going no further. I can see that the cpu's are being used and putting a high load on 4 cores but not getting any progress once they all hit a certain %. Having to pause all CPU tasks now as dont see any point in loading the pc for no return. All a bit odd!

All my GPU tasks are working fine though. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I have checked all the settings and it all looks ok.

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daved_3 wrote:Hi, new user

daved_3 wrote:

Hi, new user here, having problems with CPU tasks getting to a few % (anywhere from 4% to 14%) and then going no further. I can see that the cpu's are being used and putting a high load on 4 cores but not getting any progress once they all hit a certain %. Having to pause all CPU tasks now as dont see any point in loading the pc for no return. All a bit odd!

All my GPU tasks are working fine though. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I have checked all the settings and it all looks ok.

Check your Boinc Manager settings to make sure you don't have it set to not crunch when the cpu usage goes above a certain point, that is the default setting. Open the Boinc Manager down by the clock and then click on Options, computing preferences, then under the computing tab you will see the 2nd section titled "When to suspend" uncheck everything in there and click okay at the bottom of that page. If Boinc starts back up again then that's your problem, it could take a minute but not too long. If it does get you crunching again then you can go back in and reenable the setting but tweak them so they work for you, for me all of those boxes unchecked is the way I prefer it.

Joined: 1 Dec 17
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Hi, thanks Mikey, tried all

Hi, thanks Mikey, tried all those thoughts but sadly still the same. Is it possible to just have GPU only tasks running? I dont use the GPU for games etc so have no worries letting it work 100% for this task. Cannot see any way of achieving that at the moment!

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How long did you wait to see

How long did you wait to see any kind of progress happening with those tasks? I took a look at the CPU tasks your host had run so far and they were 'Continuous Gravitational Wave search Galactic Center lowFreq'. Tasks of that app do not show very continuous ticking on the progress bar. It looks like you aborted 3 tasks after 20 minutes of running and 1 task run for about 1h 12min. That matches well with 4-14% progress at that point, because your host would probably need something like 7+ hours to finish those tasks. My strong guess is they were not jammed, but the progress bar just gets updated quite rarely.

Anyway... for your question: "Is it possible to just have GPU only tasks running?"

If you really need that, it would be possible.

Check the 'Location' of your host (https://einsteinathome.org/account/dashboard ... and computer...), Then go to https://einsteinathome.org/account/prefs/project , choose same Preference set as Location of your host. Set 'No' for "Use CPU" and 'Yes' for your preferred GPU type. You might also want to set 'No' for "Run test applications?" and for "Run CPU versions of applications for which GPU versions are available". Save changes and click 'Update' for Einstein in Boinc.

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