The Beer & Wine thread

Chris S
Chris S
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Topic 208781

So as not to hijack another TLPTPW thread with long non trivia posts, I thought I might try this one.

If anyone has a particular favourite beer, ale, wine or spirit, let us know so we can look out for it. At present I am quite into the Polish lager/beers which have a pleasant aftertaste not bitter, and vary from 4.5% to 9%. For me anything over about 6% is just too strong, part of the pleasure of being a beer drinker is a full tummy, if two cans knock you out it is a bit self defeating!!


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For me drinking is not about

For me drinking is not about that full tummy, but about enjoying a good taste. The percentage to me is rather irrelevant, as long as it tastes good. It doesn't mean I have to finish some drink the minute I get it, so why not take your time for a good can of beer? It will save you from having to go to the bathroom a few times leaving you more quality time with friends!

Chris S
Chris S
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Beer drinking means many

Beer drinking means many things to many people and I think for me it is a combination of a number of things.

Yes a full tummy of beer is satisfying, I challenge any man to deny that. That it where the words replete and sated come from. But being drunk at the same time is not conducive to enjoying convivial company if you end up sliding under the table!

Yes of course taste and aftertaste all come into it, and so it should. To savour is the phrase to use :-)  I think the odd one out is Guinness. It's like Marmite, you either love it or hate it.  For about 10 years in my 40's I drank draught Guinness because my local pub knew how to serve it properly. My corner shop sometimes has the bottled Foreign Extra stuff, but at 7.5% it is just too strong for my palate.

As to trips to the bathroom/gents the longer you can hang on for the first one the better. After that it's one visit per 1/2 pint :-)) As for the girls its more of a make-up trip and who fancies who. It took men decades to discover that their fate was sealed in the Ladies loo at the disco :-)))

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

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I must say that when you are

I must say that when you are tired that a single 0.5 liter can of 7.9% strong beer can hit pretty hard. But it is a nice taste regardless. But not that full tummy of beer, that is still full of dinner.

Chris S
Chris S
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I simply can't drink beer

I simply can't drink beer above 6% it is just too strong for me and I don't enjoy it at all. But having said that, wine is 12-14% but then again you sip that out of a glass not down pints of it. It's a necessary balance between strength and volume.

The Warka strong I enjoy is 6.5% but I mix it 50/50 with the standard Warka at 5.6%, then I can manage three cans over some hours with food. I don't drink when I am tired as that is the time that you make silly mistakes.



Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
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Chris S
Chris S
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We do get Aussie beers over

We do get Aussie beers over here mainly Castlemaine XXXX and Fosters, but generally we think the ads are far better than the beers. Not much Yank stuff about except for Budweiser which at 4.8% is no lightweight. But it is marketed as a pale lager, whereas we go for pale Ale or straight lager.

The Continentals drink what I call lager/beer. If you haven't been to an Oktoberfest you really should. Went to the Munich one and the Brussels one many years ago. Also the wine Oktoberfest at Königswinter  In Germany near Bonn. Plus many local beer festivals in the UK. 

That is the best way to sample many types of brew and decide what best suits you. Every palate is different.

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

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I was drinking IPA beers,

I was drinking IPA beers, meaning high in hops and made fairly cheaply and quickly, but my son sent some Heffa Weisen(sp) beers for Father's Day and they have been a refreshing change for the better! They are a bit higher in the percentage of alcohol but not by alot, some are in the nearly 8% range and I can't drink very much of them for lunch or dinner so they last a few days, but most are in the more normal 6% range.

Chris S
Chris S
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This is over a year old now

This is over a year old now but a good read nevertheless.

Best IPA 2016

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
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I'll have Heineken, Jupiler,

I'll have Heineken, Jupiler, Warsteiner or Hertog Jan mostly.

Chris S
Chris S
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My corner shop has just got

My corner shop has just got some 14% Polish beer in ......... I'm not touching it with a 10 foot bargepole !!!

I'll try and get a picture.

Late edit

Ah!!! I read the can wrong. It's 14.2% alcohol by weight, but 7% alcohol by volume. I thought Beer at 14% was a bit odd.




Oh well, you live and learn :-)


Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

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That's weird, as water is

That's weird, as water is heavier then alcohol by about 25% So if the alcohol is 7% of the volume and 14.2% of the weight, the rest of the fluid must have an even lower weight to volume ratio.

So 7% = 14.2% of total weight, while alcohol has a weight to volume ratio of 0.79 and water about 1.0.

So 93% of volume = 85.8% of weight.


If 7% was 7 liter that would be (7*790) 5530 grams, resulting in a total weight of (5530 / 14.2 * 100) 38944grams.
The 85.8% would then have a weight of 33414grams for 93 liters or an average weight to volume ratio of only 0.359!

That would mean that there could not be a lot of water in that can! I doubt it would even be possible to have a liquid at that weight to volume ratio at room temperature! It's possible if you include H2 at a temperature below 22K, but then almost everything else would be solid.


So I'm guessing it's the other way around, 14.2% alcohol volume with 7% of the weight.

So 14.2 liters of alcohol resulting in a weight of 14.2 * 790 = 11218 grams of alcohol resulting in a total weight of (11218 / 7 * 100) 160257 grams.

So the 85.8% of volume would have a weight of 149039 grams or an average weight to volume ratio of 1.737. So that can won't float in water as I would expect.


Edit: I just did some searching, the 7% is alcohol volume and the 14.2% is not related to alcohol.

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