No new work recxeived for 2 weeks

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Topic 203854

Hi all.  I check my crunching results every few weeks.  I just checked today and saw that my Einstein hasn't grabbed new work for 2 weeks.  I restarted my computer and clicked the "update" command it just said "communication deferred".

My other crunching projects are fine. What is happening?

My machine:

1) 64 bit Linux Kubuntu 14.04, Kernel generic, Intel i3 540 @ 3.07 ghz, 3.2 gb ram

2) Nvidia GeForce GTS GT 250 (Yes, GPU computing is enabled as it always has been)

Any thoughts?



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In the last contact log for

In the last contact log for your computer this message can be seen:

2016-12-18 15:57:37.5019 [PID=29003] [version] NVidia device (or driver) doesn't support OpenCL

I don't think that message is fully accurate but it gives a hint to the problem. The new FGRP GPU tasks require double precision floating point support and according to what AgentB posted here your Nvidia GTS 250 doesn't support it, so I don't think trying to update the GPU driver will help, but you could always try.

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Holmis wrote:In the last

Holmis wrote:

In the last contact log for your computer this message can be seen:

2016-12-18 15:57:37.5019 [PID=29003] [version] NVidia device (or driver) doesn't support OpenCL

I don't think that message is fully accurate but it gives a hint to the problem. The new FGRP GPU tasks require double precision floating point support and according to what AgentB posted here your Nvidia GTS 250 doesn't support it, so I don't think trying to update the GPU driver will help, but you could always try.

I suggest you try a driver upgrade.  I got that exact message on a host with a GTX 1060 and a GTX 1070 (rather modern cards) which was running driver 372.54 (not old at all).  On rebooting after upgrading the driver to the latest then available for my configuration I immediately got work.  Possibly that was not cause and effect, but I think it worth your while to try.

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I will look for a driver

I will look for a driver upgrade.  If I can't find one then is it safe to say I can no longer use my GT 250 for this project?

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Yes, without support for

Yes, without support for double precision you can't run the new GPU work. There's always CPU work to be done so the machine won't be useless.


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I found this thread because I

I found this thread because I was looking for something similar to what I'm seeing.  I'm getting no new work on Einstein (GPU only), but my Milkyway (CPU only) is going gangbusters.  I'm running Kubuntu 14.04.5 LTS 64-bit with current update 4.4 series HWE kernel on a Core2Quad/8GB RAM, with an nVidia GTx750 and driver 367.57, the newest driver Kubuntu offers me (generally the newest one the repo maintainers believe to be adequately stable, or adequately tested -- not always the same thing, especially on a release that would be EOL if not for LTS status).

Should I be manually searching the repos for a newer driver than this "recommended" version?  Or looking for some other problem?  I found a host log entry as follows:


2016-12-25 20:36:42.2667 [PID=18458] [debug] [HOST#11475150] MSG(high) Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo) is not available for your type of computer.

2016-12-25 20:36:42.2667 [PID=18458] Sending reply to [HOST#11475150]: 0 results, delay req 60.00 2016-12-25 20:36:42.2668 [PID=18458] Scheduler ran 0.070 seconds

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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Holmis wrote:Yes, without

Holmis wrote:
Yes, without support for double precision you can't run the new GPU work.

This should not be true. Double precision is only required for the last stage of computation, and if this isn't supported by the GPU, this part is ran on the CPU.


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My misunderstanding also, the

My misunderstanding (about DP) also, the real limitation is actually GPU memory and OpenCL.

Looking at your server log here

2016-12-20 20:59:40.2414 [PID=25489]    [version] NVidia device (or driver) doesn't support OpenCL.

I don't know how you have installed your Nvidia drivers + OpenCL libraries (or what versions) but you will probably need to replace them with ones which include OpenCL.

To install

$ sudo apt get install nvidia-opencl-icd-367

should get everything you need and then restart.

$ clinfo

will show the VRAM memory available and that needs to be (at the moment) 1GB.

You should see an OpenCL entry in the boinc startup event log.

The GTS 250 is only 1GB so that probably will fall short at that hurdle.

Good luck.

dqualls wrote:
I'm getting no new work on Einstein (GPU only)

Your case you have these drivers installed, but server log shows insufficient VRAM.

OpenCL GPU RAM required min: 1071644672.000000, supplied: 1021444096
Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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AgentB wrote: edit:dqualls

AgentB wrote:


dqualls wrote:
I'm getting no new work on Einstein (GPU only)

Your case you have these drivers installed, but server log shows insufficient VRAM.

OpenCL GPU RAM required min: 1071644672.000000, supplied: 1021444096

This should be fixed after the holidays, when Christian releases the Beta versions with lower RAM requirements (~768MB),



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Thanks, Bernd and AgentB --

Thanks, Bernd and AgentB -- this seems a little surprising, given the Einstein GPU tasks were working fine on my GTX750 less than two weeks ago.  I'm pretty sure I haven't lost any VRAM.  However, if there was a client update that bumped the RAM requirements, that would to it.  I'll watch for the next update and see if I start getting tasks again.

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dqualls wrote:Thanks, Bernd

dqualls wrote:
Thanks, Bernd and AgentB -- this seems a little surprising, given the Einstein GPU tasks were working fine on my GTX750 less than two weeks ago.

Two weeks ago you were running the BRP4G application, which has just finished and which needed less VRAM.   The new application FGRPB1G needs more VRAM, so cannot run until the next update which hopefully will help us here.

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