My new 'toy' einstein cruncher

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Topic 203761

I have been crunching off and on on this project since 2005.

I have a decent PC with a decent Nvidia card crunching einstein and other projects.

This one though, is a dedicated Raspberry pi cluster for einstein.

A 4 core Pi2 'host, and four pi zeros populating the Clusterhat, crunching 8 WUs total.

I am using a $1 usb charging station from Dollar Tree for the power, plugged into a 2.1A USB charger.


Not very efficient, but a cool little linux cluster in a compact package.


It is nice in that the Clusterhat acts as a ethernet switch, so no ethernet cables cluttering things up. (Correction: There is one Ethernet cable from the PI2 host to my router, but no cables to an external switch to connect the 5 pi computers together.)




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Don't you find the Pi Zeroes

Don't you find the Pi Zeroes to be rather slow compared to the Pi2?

i used to run a B+. When the Pi2 came out I got a few of them. Then along came the Pi3 so the Pi2's were retired and I now have a little cluster of three's. The Pi3 takes about 42k seconds for a BRP4 work unit. What sort of times are you getting for the Zero and Pi2?

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Yeah, these things are

Yeah, these things are slow.


The tasks are still being processed, so don't have any feel for how long they will take.


This cluster is just a novelty, I am just running Einstein for a while until I start doing something different with the cluster.

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Looks like the Pi2 has done a

Looks like the Pi2 has done a few work units at 100k seconds, nothing for the Pi Zeroes yet.

In your project preferences on the web site you might want to select the "run test applications" which should get you the 1.47 BRP4 neon beta app. We've been beta testing it for months now Smile

It should improve your Pi2 output at least. Unfortunately it doesn't run on the ARM v6 that the Pi Zero has. I'm not too sure if the server can tell the Pi2 apart from the Zero and still use the old app on the Zero.

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Some Pi Zeros units should be

Some Pi Zeros units should be finishing up shortly.


I had a few crashes slowing things down due to using a power supply without quite enough amps output.


I went to a 2.5A power supply and things seem stable now power-wise.

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Wonder if that board works

Wonder if that board works with the new Raspberry Pi Zero's...

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These should be the latest

These should be the latest zeros, just got them a couple weeks ago

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Ahhhh, good to know.

Ahhhh, good to know.

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The zeros are doing WUs in

The zeros are doing WUs in around 95,000 seconds, so each one seems to be slightly faster than a single core on the Pi2

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