RX 480 Results

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RE: If you do find time to


If you do find time to fire up the devil this weekend could you jump straight in to testing at x3 or above please? My 480 will run happily at x3 for anything up to around 30 minutes before the memory controller activity suddenly drops to zero and crunching stalls...

Hmmm i just checked and this is quite a big ask, this would be a first penguin free cobblestone i have even made. Even in a VM, all tasks were aborted so as to keep the penguins happy.

Letting the gimp out on a lead is one thing, but letting it have offspring... This is how situations get out of hand, we all know what happened to the dodo birds.

What happens if it is a lot faster?
What happens if it is a lot slower?
What happens if it introduces a virus?

I'll call Winston Wolf, see what he suggests.

Meanwhile 6x results are in
1x: 3000 s/WU, 220 W
2x: 2660 s/WU, 230 W
3x: 2587 s/WU, 235 W
4x: 2575 s/WU, 235 W
5x: 2520 s/WU, 235 W
6x: 2800 s/WU, 235 W
8x: 2912 s/WU, 235 W

There hasn't been any black screens for a couple of days.

Winston Wolf
Winston Wolf
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RE: I'll call Winston Wolf,

I'll call Winston Wolf, see what he suggests.

Hello i'm Win-ston Wolf, i'm here to help.

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Written 20 Dec 2012 by Daron

Written 20 Dec 2012 by Daron Stinnett, CTO at Playgrid

I can't add much about the character, but I do know something about his name... In 1993 I was working at LucasArts on a Star Wars game that called Dark Forces and we hired a young programmer named Winston Wolf (credits). Winston was / is one of the nicest, most unassuming persons you will ever meet, and a talented programmer. His role on the team was to build our tools for creating 3D interior environments, something that the games industry as a whole had very little experience with at the time, and critical to our success.

We were big fans of Reservoir Dogs so when Pulp Fiction was released the entire team went to see it on opening day. We were all sitting in the movie watching when Jimmie opens the door and Harvey Keitel says "I'm Winston Wolf - I solve problems". We went nuts!

Afterward we were talking about the amazing movie and marveled that Harvey Keitel's character had the same name as our tools programmer. Winston explained that a few years before, he had been in LA at a party and had briefly met Quentin Tarantino, who at the time remarked that he really liked Winston's name. Winston had never spoken to Quentin since and had no idea that he ended up using his name until he saw Pulp Fiction that day with us.

And that's the story of where "The Wolf" got his name.

I know I am a part of a story that starts long before I can remember and continues long beyond when anyone will remember me [Danny Hillis, Long Now]

Winston Wolf
Winston Wolf
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Lets get down to brass tacks,

Lets get down to brass tacks, the clock is ticking.

If the penguins finds out win10 is running boinc, they won't be pleased none too much.

Get the boinc installed, use my account, run only BRP6 at 0.33 and abort the rest.

No sleeping, and stop after 10 tasks.

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Thanks AgentB, sorry, Winston

Thanks AgentB, sorry, Winston :-)

I'm very interested to see your results.
I myself have had an industrious morning and have managed to install Kubuntu 16.04 with the latest gpu-pro driver from AMD and of course boinc. My little RX480 is now crunching away at x3 and past the 20% completion mark without issue - yet.

Also not wanting to rock my apple cart, my RX480 host can be found at my not so very well named alter ego account Gavstestbed.

I wonder if Winston could ask AgentB what he was using in Ubuntu to measure GPU temperature?.. At my current test settings the 480 is too cool and quiet for my liking!

Thanks again,

Winston Wolf
Winston Wolf
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RE: I wonder if Winston

I wonder if Winston could ask AgentB what he was using in Ubuntu to measure GPU temperature?..

Start with sensors and lm-sensors

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RE: Start with sensors and

Start with sensors and lm-sensors

I'm getting a reading of 79C which is surprising given how cool to the touch this card is... I don't suppose you've found a method to adjust fan speed or clocks yet?
My initial run of 3 tasks is nearing 70% completion and all is looking fine for this card under penguin power but I do reserve the right to change my mind later as I have shut down and restarted several times during this run whilst trying to achieve other things! I need to stop meddling now and let it run :-)

I was hoping to do some accurate power draw testing today as I have 3 Olson remote power monitoring devices - non of which are working correctly unless the supply to my secret lair has been upgraded to the reported 414 volts overnight by MI5... They must also have tinkered with my computer as it appears to be drawing a current of 49.9 amps from a 16 amp circuit!.. I'd better check that the breaker hasn't been glued in the ON position!

I'd be grateful to anyone who can recommend an accurate power monitoring device that's available in the UK / has 3 pin UK plug.


Winston Wolf
Winston Wolf
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RE: RE: Start with

Start with sensors and lm-sensors


Excellent i'm here to solve problems.

I'm getting a reading of 79C which is surprising given how cool to the touch this card is... I don't suppose you've found a method to adjust fan speed or clocks yet?

No. But clues here, i can say the fan is working harder under Win10, and certainly drawing more power.

I'd be grateful to anyone who can recommend an accurate power monitoring device that's available in the UK / has 3 pin UK plug.

Corsair HX-750i and similar models PSU have a USB control, is what i use for approximately accurate readings.

CorsairLink shows the power in at 275W running 3x. ebay has the KiloWatt style meters which i have a SilverCrest version, it matches up within 5% of the PSU values.

GPU-Z shows the card is dropping out at certain intervals, saying 100% usage but power draw suggest 0% usage. See here showing two dropouts.

Temps are typically 83C, average elapsed times ~8400s - so ~2800 would be the x3 figure. Results here

RX-480 Driver Version: 16.200.1035.1001 (Crimson Edition 16.6.2)

We need to get the boinc out of Dodge in the next few minutes, so 3x results are variable due to the dropouts so i suspect AMD and MS have work to do to improve stability. The penguins are on their way..

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Winston Wolf wrote:We need to

Winston Wolf wrote:
We need to get the boinc out of Dodge in the next few minutes, so 3x results are variable due to the dropouts so i suspect AMD and MS have work to do to improve stability. The penguins are on their way..

Thanks Mr Wolf i don't think they noticed.

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Its good to have the direct

Its good to have the direct line back to AgentB. Please thank Mr. Wolf for helping clear up my issue's.

The penguins are certainly working hard for me but my Linux results remain very, very different from yours. The fact that Winston was able to crunch multiples above 2 on his Windows 10 machine speaks volumes, even given the hiccups in the GPU-Z image it looks as though work continued normally whereas my card under Win 10 stalls and the memory controller doesn't recover...

I'm unsure as to what to do now.

Return the card or not?


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