Support of AARCH64

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Topic 198523

Are there any plan's to support AARCH64-Architecture for Linux?

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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Support of AARCH64

No, not officially. The source code for the radio pulsar search "BRP" is public, though, you may build an application yourself.



Christian Beer
Christian Beer
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RE: Are there any plan's to

Are there any plan's to support AARCH64-Architecture for Linux?

What specific hardware do you want to use? I plan to buy an Odroid C2 as soon as they are available again.

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RE: No, not officially. The

No, not officially. The source code for the radio pulsar search "BRP" is public, though, you may build an application yourself.

I'm getting a Forbidden Error trying to download.
You don't have permission to access /download/ on this server.

What specific hardware do you want to use? I plan to buy an Odroid C2 as soon as they are available again.

I have four of these ;). The SoC itself is great.
Stay's cool even after 8h of 100% CPU-usage. Temperature is around 65°C without a Fan. With a very slow 40mm-Fan, rated for 12V but only running at the 5V-Rail (spin's so slow that I can't feel the airstream) temperature is around 48°C.

But by now there was many compatibility-issues with the 64bit-Linux(There is no 32bit-Image available). There is no multilib-support, so you don't can run 32bit-Programm's.
If you planning to use these Device for Boinc(Linux) mainly, I don't recommend it (by now). I was able to get Boinc running without Problems but no Project supports this Architecture. The only way to get Task's running on this device was to install Android. But I think Android is stupid for headless-configurations.

I try to compile BRP-App by my own to get at least Einstein running. I really don't want android ;).

So for now I think getting a Raspberry PI3, mounting a Heatsink/Fan and overclock it is the better option. Because Raspberry only run's 32bit-Systems(at the moment) because of these compatibility-issues. And I think it was a good desicion, to stick at 32bit, at the moment.

Geeting's from Germany

P.S. Hopefully my english isn't to bad.

Christian Beer
Christian Beer
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The download is currently not

The download is currently not working because we have problems with the server this is hosted on. But it should be available within the next day or two.

Is the C2 downclocking when running at 100%? I'm not sure how to find this out on Android. On Linux you usually do:
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq

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No I don't think...have an

No I don't think...have an Monitor-App(CPU-Z) Installed to watch. 2016MHz at all 4 Cores.

Here is my first valid result from C2.

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double checked using your

double checked using your command (SSH-client on Android):
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq
gives: 2016000

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I received 4 Odroid C2,

I received 4 Odroid C2, running stable at 62-65°C under Seti/Collatz load, no throttling.
While the Seti app comes as 64bit from the Ubuntu repository, the Collatz one is 32bit. I think I tricked Collatz into handing me this one through compiling the Boinc client with --with-boinc-platform=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf (from thread 11209)

Seti: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, BuildID[sha1]=7df0a9b1b4f167ac0a8cc94a98f13df9b8f19556, stripped
Collatz: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 3.7.3, not stripped

Long story short, the 32bit app doesn't work here yet. I'll try compiling E@H once that server becomes available again, but have usually little clue what to do once it doesn't work ;-)
In that case I bring you a C2 to the AEI, I live in 0511 as well...

Right now has 18 units available, I had ordered mine from there as well.

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The C2 is now sold out at

The C2 is now sold out at Vesalia as well.
Luckily I had ordered another 4 boards before ;-)

Christian, if it helps with porting, I can give you one of mine (+ SD & wireless if needed)...

Temperatures under Universe@home (seems less optimized) now max 56°C passive, without throttling.

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