Not getting WU's on Intel GPU?

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Topic 198195

Set up my windows box last night to recive units for the Intel GPU on my Haswell chip and nothing through overnight?

Any thoughts?

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Not getting WU's on Intel GPU?

As per the last contact log you are using a driver for the Intel GPU that is known to cause invalid results and thus is blocked from getting tasks.
To get task downgrade the driver from to driver

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Ahh ok cool, it actually

Ahh ok cool, it actually looks like there is a newer driver out, worth using that?

Also dumb question, where did you find the contact log? didn't realse it was even a thing :)

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Oh and is there a certified

Oh and is there a certified drivers list anywhere I can quickly check before any update?

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
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RE: https://downloadcenter.

Doesnt tell me if the driver works with the project though?

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RE: https://downloadcenter.

Doesnt tell me if the driver works with the project though?

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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RE: RE: https://downloadc


Doesnt tell me if the driver works with the project though?

I don't use Intel but I just use the newest driver if the driver is the problem running GPU's

Mine are all nVidia GeForce so we have many versions of the drivers that seem to always work.

And your log

That 11698360 is the Host number

Just look at the host you want to check on the *Your Computers page

Then *Details and scroll down to *Last time contacted server

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You can find the contact log

You can find the contact log by going to your account and clicking link to view your computers, in that list furthest to the right is the date and time of that hosts last contact with the project servers, that text is a clickable link to the contact log. The log itself can be a bit tough to decipher sometimes.

Here's the relavent part for your last contact:

[pre]2015-08-19 18:56:10.6296 [PID=3491 ] [version] [HOST#11698360] device name: 'Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600'; OpenCL driver version:; platform version: OpenCL 1.2; device version: OpenCL 1.2
2015-08-19 18:56:10.6296 [PID=3491 ] [version] driver version 1018103540, min: 0, max: 1018103906[/pre]
As you've change your driver to one that's allowed to get work the error message is naturally missing, but as you can see on the second line the max allowed driver version is 1018103906 and that translates to if you add the dots in the right places. That's one place to find out which drivers are ok and not. The other place would be in the "BRP4 Intel GPU app feedback" thread and especially in this post by Bernd.

Edit: So no there isn't any list as driver is the newest allowed as long as your not willing to enable beta apps in your Einstein@home prefs and test out newer drivers. Be warned though that enabling beta app might lead to tasks not running correctly and/or not validating, one has to be active in monitoring how things run and report any problems that might pop up. If your not prepared to do that then I recommend you stay with a driver that works and keep beta apps turned off.

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Rolling back to a much older

Rolling back to a much older driver fixed it thanks :)

Shame the newer drivers mess things up :/

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Good to see you got it going!

Good to see you got it going! =)

There might be some light in the tunnel as newer drivers under Windows 10 seems to work, if something got fixed and that also finds it way into the drivers for Win 8.1 and Win 7 then all should be good. Might be a good idea to keep an eye on the feedback thread for any new developments.

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