Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein

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lol, tell you the truth I've

lol, tell you the truth I've never tried that.

This tend to be the favor of the land.

Whiskey is a very close second.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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So ..... does the cactus look

So ..... does the cactus look that blue before or after you drunk the Margaritas ? :-)

I'll admit Aussies are rather amateurs at the top shelf liquor .... and the bottom shelf liquor too.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: Agave tequilana,


Agave tequilana, commonly called blue agave (agave azul) or tequila agave, is an agave plant that is an important economic product of Jalisco, Mexico, due to its role as the base ingredient of tequila, a popular distilled beverage. The high production of sugars, mostly fructose, in the core of the plant is the main characteristic that makes it suitable for the preparation of alcoholic beverages.

The tequila agave is native to the states of Jalisco, Colima, Nayarit and Aguascalientes in Mexico.

Whiskey spelt with an e is traditionally Irish Whiskey made in Ireland, Whisky without an e is Scotch Whisky made in Scotland. Generically both are called Scotch outside Scotland and Ireland. Of course the USA muddies the waters by selling American whiskey with an e and Bourbon which is a type of whisky.

Things are tightening up though with the Scotch Whisky Association insisting that anything labelled Scotch whisky has to be made in Scotland, in the same way that Champagne has to be made in the Champagne area of France in the traditional way to be labelled as such. Even the wine growers of Napa Valley in Northern California have trademarked their product.

I'll admit Aussies are rather amateurs at the top shelf liquor .... and the bottom shelf liquor too.

According to the Castlemaine adverts over here Australians wouldn't give a XXXX for anything else :-))

Cheers :-)

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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RE: So ..... does the

So ..... does the cactus look that blue before or after you drunk the Margaritas ? :-)

Lol, yes they actually are that color. There are also the green ones but those aren't the ones used for tequila. Only the Blue ones.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: RE: I'll admit

I'll admit Aussies are rather amateurs at the top shelf liquor .... and the bottom shelf liquor too.

According to the Castlemaine adverts over here Australians wouldn't give a XXXX for anything else :-))

Yes mate. Ure right. The Blokes drink the beer and the Wimmen drink the Shardy*.

Cheers, Mike.

* Chardonnay. Obviously subject to copyright ...

( edit ) Last year I tested a chap and found that he had the ( rather rarer ) blue problem for his color vision :

.... so I wouldn't be sending him out amongst the cactii to help with the Margartias. :-)

( edit ) In fact he's best kept indoors in a desert country. Everything below the horizon looks pink for a start. Everything above the horizon looks a funny grey.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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Good morrow dear Sir, And

Good morrow dear Sir,

And there was us wot woz finking that the Sheilas drank sweet sherry * :-)

Actually Chardonnay is the variety of green-skinned grape used to make white wine, not the name of the wine or where it is made.


It originated in the Burgundy wine region of eastern France but is now grown wherever wine is produced, from England to New Zealand. Chardonnay is the commune in the Saône-et-Loire department in the region of Bourgogne in eastern France. Chardonnay and its surrounding Mâconnais region are probably the cradle of the Chardonnay variety of grape, and certainly the semantic origin of the grape.

In 1994 the vineyard co-operative of Chardonnay amalgamated with that of Lugny.

* Oooops

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Fair points indeed. However

Fair points indeed. However such distinctions only apply in a country that has kulture. I reckons that if yoos offered a ladie a Lugknee then you'd probley get a Bigknee in the fork. Cripes ! :-)

Sherry is more of an outback drink 'cos it doesn't go off in the sun like them city folk's woosey white whines.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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Oh I dunno, over here in

Oh I dunno, over here in Blighty if we offered a laydee a lug over the knee she might be quite keen to accept Fancy a lug over?

I always remember being in a wine store once and some upper class twit walked in and asked for some red wine. The owner showed him some a number of reds on the shelf, but the chap said no, I always buy the one from the Cabernet Sauvignon people. The chap had to patiently explain to him that Cabernet Sauvignon was the variety of grape used not the grower, bottler, or vintner.

But there is so much snobbery over wine, that you just don't get with beer drinking. Strewth!

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Oh. I thought Cab Sav lived

Oh. I thought Cab Sav lived up in Woollongong. Well he died when Ben Chifley was in, but I thought his great grandson was running it now. Funny that.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: Last year I tested a

Last year I tested a chap and found that he had the ( rather rarer ) blue problem for his color vision :

Does that ban them from driving? They can still see red for stop, but apparently not green for go. Or are they allowed to remember that the order from the top down is red, amber, green? Must be the same on the railways, of course irrelevant in the old semaphore signal days.

Was chatting yesterday with a friend and he said the main difference that he could see between lager and beer drinkers is not snobbery as in wine, but that lager is drunk cold for refreshment (42F), whilst beer is drunk warmer for the taste (50F) British cellar temperature is 55F.

In the USA most beers are served much too cold for serious appreciation. In fact, ice-cold temperatures ruin the flavour of good beer. The average refrigerator is set to keep food and drinks chilled at around 38-40 degrees Fahrenheit but serving beers at this temperature means the palate is numbed to the point that it can’t discern many of the beer’s flavour nuances. (So this explains why some beers are best served just above the freezing mark!)

Bottoms up :-)

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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