Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: I wonder if they will

I wonder if they will tell us what broke.

They usually do, I can't see it being any different this time.

What I find most enlightening is that all those around the world, that are complaining in different places, are all unhappy about the loss of the forums. It appears not to matter at all that the upload and download servers are still working normally, and that work is still being crunched. No, its the fact they cannot post is what matters most.

That just goes to confirm what I have been saying for a long time that Seti@home is nothing more to a lot of people than just another online social networking site like facebook. The underlying science is irrelevant, and crunching is the price they are willing to pay for its use.

Outages such as this only prove my point, which I find sad.

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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It is now noon o'clock PST

It is now noon o'clock PST and we're still down, me thinks whatever broke really got broke. I shall continue to crunch on.

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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RE: RE: RE: They

They usually get in around 8 and now it's 9:45 there. Must be serious.

Well IST says there is a VPN issue to EWDC, that might complicate getting it back online.

Where IST says that? Didn't find it in

IST thinks is it fixed and for them it may be.


Groups impacted: Users of the remote access service
Equipment: and Data Center site-to-site VPN

Description: The equipment providing site-to-site and remote access VPN services to the campus community and Earl Warren data center will be updated to address security issues.

All equipment is redundant and the site-to-site service is not expected to experience an interruption of service.

Remote access users may be required to reconnect after the maintenance has been completed.

ed>Wondering if some security item needs an update and that now has to be done onsite to make that re-connection. It is Friday, normal work day. Perhaps everyone took off for a long weekend? Well as long as data flows it may not be a high priority issue. Of course perhaps it is just as good for the kitty.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Ahem. Friendly reminder.

Ahem. Friendly reminder. Distributed computing is primarily a cooperative activity. Friendly competition is nice to see. Schadenfraude is not. This is where we welcome our colleagues in the BOINC community. :-)))

Now ! I will prepare Mojitos all round, so that we may toast everyone in the BOINC community. There are many variants of this Cuban Highball but I will flagrantly risk your biochemistry with the following recipe :

- two small limes -> squeeze for juice, no pips, let some pith remain

- one flat teaspoon of sugar ( two for diabetics )

- a good dry white rum eg. Bacardi, no less than 50mls

- 2 or 3 sprigs of crushed freshly plucked mint

- ice to near fill

- top up tonic water if you have no conscientious/religious objections

{ Straws and a parasol for woosies. Obtain a solid gravitational reference prior to ingestion. Leave a minimum of 20 minutes afterwards before smoking .... management rejects any liability for airway burns ... and if you are an abstinent alcoholic then I can only say you came here on the wrong day sport ! :-0 }

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) Hmmmm. It's a shame Annie is not here. But then again if she was, there'd be none left over for the rest of us. You know, ladies first and all ....

( edit ) Oh. For any stalwart Brits I can use Bombay Sapphire Gin instead, but now we are rather getting off formula. That's further into the propellant category than most.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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Good morning Mike, you little

Good morning Mike, you little reprobate you :-))

A Mojito is essentially a white rum based highball with about 10% alcohol by volume. Of course they can be made stronger as the barman wishes, and no we don't take the pith as you say.

I have to admit to being a tad curious about the comment regarding tonic water though. Does it have anything to do with the quinine originally used as a prophylactic against malaria, in tropical areas of South Asia and Africa. But as one gentleman of good breeding to another I am sure that you know that absolutely nobody drinks the Canada Dry version, although Schweppes will do at a pinch. Discerning epicures will only use Fentimans or Fever Tree.

Now moving on to the gin. Bombay Sapphire??? My dear sir please take a copious draught of mouthwash if you would be so kind. That is the stuff that strips varnish off doors at ten paces, and is sold by the gallon down the offy by the council housing estate on a Friday night. Brits of a discerning taste will purchase Gordons of course. Beefeater 24 is an accepted alternative. If your wallet runs to it there are of course special editions Posh Gin

"Straws and a parasol for woosies" reminds me of the Monty Python Bruces sketch :-)) But they are acceptable at Henley in a tankard of Pimms.

As for dear Annie, I am in touch via text with her, and email with her daughter, and the latest news is that she is awaiting a new BT router to get back on line. I shall acquaint her with your kind regards :-))

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: Good morning Mike, you

Good morning Mike, you little reprobate you :-))

Large reprobate thank you, regardless of whatever that is !

A Mojito is essentially a white rum based highball with about 10% alcohol by volume. Of course they can be made stronger as the barman wishes, and no we don't take the pith as you say.

Taking the pith is not an option.

I have to admit to being a tad curious about the comment regarding tonic water though. Does it have anything to do with the quinine originally used as a prophylactic against malaria, in tropical areas of South Asia and Africa. But as one gentleman of good breeding to another I am sure that you know that absolutely nobody drinks the Canada Dry version, although Schweppes will do at a pinch. Discerning epicures will only use Fentimans or Fever Tree.

Sorry, did I not make it clear enough that prevention of malaria was of prime importance ? I am, after all, giving advice about a medicinal tincture. Actually I have it on good authority, Galileo himself no less, that Cosimo de Medici approves. Anyway I had an epicure last week and my toenails still look awful.

Now moving on to the gin. Bombay Sapphire??? My dear sir please take a copious draught of mouthwash if you would be so kind. That is the stuff that strips varnish off doors at ten paces, and is sold by the gallon down the offy by the council housing estate on a Friday night.

Ooops. Pardon my convict stupidity. Mind you this could be slander against the community of paint stripper producers.

Brits of a discerning taste will purchase Gordons of course. Beefeater 24 is an accepted alternative. If your wallet runs to it there are of course special editions Posh Gin

Errr. Tell Gordon himself that we are very thankful DownUnda for his gracious contributions. Perhaps some Kangarooeater may be arranged.

"Straws and a parasol for woosies" reminds me of the Monty Python Bruces sketch :-)) But they are acceptable at Henley in a tankard of Pimms.

That is : you climb into the tankard itself, no ?

As for dear Annie, I am in touch via text with her, and email with her daughter, and the latest news is that she is awaiting a new BT router to get back on line. I shall acquaint her with your kind regards :-))

Well, if I must - for the sake of gender equanimities at least - I'll keep an entire district of lime growers in South Australia on hold, and have a chat with the Queensland government about their sugar cane production. I have friends in high places you see. I know when & where they caught their nasty rashes.

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) Oh dear. You mentioned Annie and BT in the same sentence. The full import of the situation has just hit me like a gravitational wave. Are the police yet involved ? Has the Home Secretary been briefed ?

( edit ) OOooops. Oh, TEN percent rum by volume ! Um. I could have been thinking per solar mass, perhaps [ E = m*c^2 ]. So I think my calculations might be out just a little. Never mind. I guarantee No One will remember. That's the great thing about supernovae. So pure.

( edit ) I see my error now. General Relativity can make 29 + 36 equal 62 and so I didn't allow for the strong alcohol field regime.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: Sorry, did I not make

Sorry, did I not make it clear enough that prevention of malaria was of prime importance ? I am, after all, giving advice about a medicinal tincture. Actually I have it on good authority, Galileo himself no less, that Cosimo de Medici approves.

He would be the doctor on board the cruise ship in the harbour I presume?

Anyway I had an epicure last week and my toenails still look awful.

You should worry, last time I had a sinecure the priest gave me 24 Hail Mary's.

Mind you this could be slander against the community of paint stripper producers.

Well it could be if I had told them that face to face, but as "it woz wot I rote" they'll have to put up wiv libel instead.

Errr. Tell Gordon himself that we are very thankful DownUnda for his gracious contributions.

I most certainly shall pass on your kind regards. The Gin Act of 1751 paved the way for Sir Alexander Gordon's distillery in 1769. But don't get mixed up with Geneva Gin, it doesn't actually come from Switzerland but from Holland. There is an unfortunately named French version which gets regularly mistaken for a toilet cleanser and probably tastes like it as well.

That is : you climb into the tankard itself, no ?

Er no. We do have pitchers of Pimms but that is nothing to do with baseball games.

Do notice the motif on the side, I have contacts as well.* Although correctly Pimms is a Gin Sling. This comes from the days when the University types punting at Henley used to quaff the stuff and chuck the empty glass in the river over their shoulder.

I know when & where they caught their nasty rashes.

That would be the outbreak of voting for Gilliard in 2010, quite a nasty epidemic by all accounts.

Are the police yet involved ? Has the Home Secretary been briefed ?

Well MI5 were examining her bricked up cellar the other day with a list of missing persons in their hand. The PM was debriefed but was told to get dressed as they were expecting visitors.

I thought that a solar mass was a church service in the sunshine, but I now see my education was sadly lacking. It was no better with general relativity. Didn't he command the 3rd Foot and Mouth in India during the Raj?

* But I prefer to wear glasses.

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

David S
David S
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You poor subjects of the

You poor subjects of the queen. You're stuck with your mojitos.

Here in 'Murica, it's National Margarita Day. The Tex Mex one sounds good, and perhaps the guava.

(Actually, I've never had one, but I will one of these days.)

(I suspect I would like something made with gin (I have, in fact, I think), but I'm not a fan of lime. Would a mojito work with orange?) (Maybe that's why I've never had a margarita.)

(The irony of it being the US national day of a Mexican drink in the current political atmosphere is not lost on me, but I don't want to get into politics here.)


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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There's a place here that

There's a place here that make Margaritas from the fruit of a cactus.

They cut it up and then let it ferment for 3 days then make the Margartias. One of the best I've ever had.

Don't worry about the irony of national holidays, or even unofficial ones.

No one in Mexico celebrate Tequila day, nor do they celebrate May 5.

Those were only created to give tourist a reason to drink...As if you need a reason to drink while laying on a white beach in front of blue green warm water, lol.....

Chris S
Chris S
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Well Texas must have a few

Well Texas must have a few cactus's to spare :-))

Is this stuff any good?

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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