Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein

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*sweep eyeballs round empty

*sweep eyeballs round empty thread* I see Chris warned you all... heh heh :) Just as well you legged it - I'm out of insults.

Help yourself to what ever you like Anniet, they always bring enough for 2.

Awwww... thank you Zalster :)

And that is avocado, just smushed up to put on the sliced steak.

Why did no one tell me this before? *sudden glare* That I could smush up avocado and put it on steak?

*pause to consider unturning vegetarian*

*furrow brows*

Do cows mind being licked? I suppose the first question should really be: do they like being smeared with smushed avocado... I will find out for us :) in a controlled experiment...

But first.

Counting from th-e-e-e-e-e... left... bottle 2, bottel 3, blottel 4, 'nd blotto 5 of the... hold on. YES! Yes, them ones. Them wreckawlthelegs things. They're my favourites 'nd the order doze-n't matter at allfromwhatI can-Ohhhh-N-I-C-E parking. You should put that on your website Mike. You really should.

Imagine what you could do if you were let loose with one of David's trains...

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Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: Incoming!

Incoming! incoming!
AnnieT alert
Secure all positions
Prepare for onslaught

Thanks Chris ! I'll just jump into a position I prepared earlier :

Uh oh .... too late.

Imagine what you could do if you were let loose with one of David's trains...

What can I say but Pure Armageddon. Every one else has substandard Armageddons. Mere 3D. Mine will be a topo-bottle-o-logical nightmare ....

... see if you can drink Wreckawlthelegs from that !

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) Oskar Klein has much to answer for IMHO. :-)

( edit ) I'm becoming cross-eyed looking at that glassware, and I feel some .... temporary loss .... of consciousness .... happening too. I've just gone ( I've just gone ( I've just gone ( I've just gone ( I've just gone ( I've just gone re-entrant ) re-entrant ) re-entrant ) re-entrant ) re-entrant ) re-entrant.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: Why did no one tell me

Why did no one tell me this before? *sudden glare* That I could smush up avocado and put it on steak?

Hey lookee, what about trying smushed up avocado instead of mushy peas on fish 'n chips???

ooooooppps, just received this ....


Dear Sir,

On Behalf of Blackpool Town Council I must protest in the strongest possible terms about your proposal to sideline our traditional mushy peas. If this catches on we will get protests from the Mushy Pea Growers Society about redundancies, which will not go down well with the Mayor's re-election shortly.

Yours Sincerely

R. Soles

Town Clerk

(sent by my carrier pigeon Percy)

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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You will be pleased to know I

You will be pleased to know I found your previous vehicular transport, Mike - to the one you so inspiringly parked I mean :)

That's all I have to report on the cow licking study so far. There was some...


Pizza anyone? :)


@Chris - *blink* ... I don't DO mushy peas...


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Becareful Anniet, you know

Becareful Anniet, you know cows pick up habits easily

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: @Chris - *blink* ... I

@Chris - *blink* ... I don't DO mushy peas...

Wot??? Not acceptable, me & thee must have some words lass!

Umm these here pizzas of yours *puzzled frown* are those rows of black olives, or did someone burn something. *even more bemused facial expression* why is Mikes portion apparently hanging *shock horror* half out of the oven??

Even more intriguing is a "cowby chee" mat that helped to collect said remains.

Questions will be asked in the house in due course. No not that one,

This one

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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I don't





*open oven*


I suppose that's Mike's portion giving up again... *glare*

@Zalster. I will :) but the way they goo hair into towering cowlicks is a lot cheaper than getting a hairdresser to do it I've found. Speaking of hair... I think mine has converted to Rastafarianism without me. Distinct dreadlocks this morning - the kind combs and whatnot don't shift.

*consult mirror* it's growing on me I must say :)

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Chris S
Chris S
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*Stern look from under

*Stern look from under furrowed brow*

No mushy peas? No olives? Hmmmm this calls for drastic counter catering measures ...

Ah, I see one has already resorted to those!!

Now if the oven could be photo shopped out, that could pass for a Lucie Award for the Hiroshima thing.


Uncle Chris's Catering tips

No. 104

When heating or cooking pizzas in an oven, they need to be on a baking tray.

And BTW if we are into the dreadlocks bit, be aware that means loads of weed and the rejection of the degenerate society of materialism, oppression, and sensual pleasures.

Quick find a comb!

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: You will be pleased to

You will be pleased to know I found your previous vehicular transport, Mike - to the one you so inspiringly parked I mean :)

The insanely intended intense interest initiated instantly here is "what is the cow on the right thinking ?" Possibles :

- gee I wish I had one of those on my head.

- first driving lesson, huh ?

- it's been there for two weeks now.

- the fads of youth.

- you do realise that it's no longer funny.

- this always happens to the newcomers.

- now this is exactly why you couldn't get Cow Insurance last year.

- no, you can't blame Apple or Microsoft for this.

- you promised to give me a turn sometime.

- how do you go at the drive thru ?

- slow day huh ?

- no one is going to vote you in as Queen Of The Paddock now.

- you're a shoe-in for Queen Of The Paddock now.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Joined: 6 Feb 14
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That last bit. You

That last bit.

You know.

What you said.

*waggle hand*

Before the comb.

Where do I sign?

In view of our extended... stranding *wave politely at einsteinians or at least try to* ERM... here.... and imminent munchies...


One that stayed on the same shelf it started... *beam extra specially happily*

I meant to serve it a little while ago...

Just one of many menu options available people... :) just click image (includes comprehensive dish reviews)

edit: caused by belated spotting of Mike's post:

:)))))))))) very good

*blink* ... *chew cud* ... well it's an improvement on that gate

nope. Just as I thought. Can't top the drive thru. :)

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