eLISA lives!

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Topic 197289
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eLISA lives!

I have used your link in another thread - also about eLISA.

I enjoyed reading it, not undestanding much, but thought you might enjoy the thread in News entitled "Please register YOUR support for eLISA."

If you haven't I think there's still time to sign up your support, and also see the post from astro-maril, [url]Message 128183[/url]

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Hallo! Unexpected early this

Unexpected early this realy nice news :
In the final report now delivered to ESA, the Gravitational Observatory Advisory Team concludes that the L3 mission in gravitational waves is technically feasible. Laser interferometry between free-falling test masses is a well-established technical baseline.

This great news happened at April 18th 2016

Hopefully the NASA will come back on board of this project to close the third leg with an additional interferometer arm, which will increas the sensitivity to its formely projected value.

Kind regards and happy crunching

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"Nature" says that both USA

"Nature" says that both USA and China are interested in eLISA, but this might be a problem since Americans are forbidden by Congress to cooperate with Chinese scientists. One might exclude the other. Italy cooperates with China.

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Hallo Tulio! Germany

Hallo Tulio!
Germany cooperates also with China. Several german equipment is flying on chinese satelites.

Kind regards and happy crunching

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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RE: "Nature" says that both

"Nature" says that both USA and China are interested in eLISA, but this might be a problem since Americans are forbidden by Congress to cooperate with Chinese scientists. One might exclude the other. Italy cooperates with China.

My understanding is that for eLISA, it was decided that any US contributions must be limited in scope to be non-essential (so that if the US drops out (again), their contributions could be replaced without endangering the mission). So I see no reason that China would not be able to participate in eLISA in general.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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I wasn't aware of the China

I wasn't aware of the China 'issue' eg. the IEFTCSS : International Except For The Chinese Space Station .... :-))))

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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Hallo! The interferometer

The interferometer technology used on LISA-Pathfinder will be tested soon on the GRACE-Fo mission, sceduled to start in late 2017. This is a cooperation of ESA/NASA. In the final report for LISA-Pathfinder on page 53 is said :

In the area of interspacecraft interferometry the US and Germany have invested considerably
in a first demonstration of interspacecraft interferometry with the Laser Ranging Interferometer
on theGRACE Follow-OnMission. Flight hardware has been delivered to the spacecraft,
with launch scheduled in late 2017. Funding and motivation for this activity come from the
Earth Science area, but with large technical and programmatic overlap with LISA as described
in Section 1.4.

This will test the interferometer over an intermediat distance of some 100Km ( LISA-Pathfinder about 40cm , LISA 5 Million Km ), and the test results will be available before the ESA will decide over LISA in 2019.

Kind regards and happy crunching

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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I've just received an email

I've just received an email :


Dear Dr Hewson,

back in 2014 you supported the Gravitational Universe Science Theme.
We thank you very much for supporting our proposal. Your support was successful:

ESA has selected The Gravitational Universe as the Science Theme for the L3 mission opportunity,
and is now asking for Mission Concept proposals. We will submit a proposal for a LISA mission with three arms
in about one week to ESA and we are assuming that you are also supporting this mission concept proposal.
A link to download the proposal will appear on our website once the proposal is ready.

Currently you are listed as a supporter on our website

If you would like to have your name removed, please click on the following link

Thank you for your continued support! LISA will fly!

-- Lead Proposer: Prof. Dr. Karsten Danzmann Albert Einstein Institute Hannover karsten.danzmann-[at]-aei.mpg.de Tel.: +49 511 762 2229 LISA Mission Homepage: www.lisamission.org Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/LISAcommunity Google+: www.google.com/+LISAmissionORG YouTube: www.youtube.com/LISAcommunity Twitter: www.twitter.com/LISAcommunity

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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I have finished the

I have finished the Gravitation online course by Diderot University in Paris with a 98% score on tests. While the session chapter on the LIGO detection of GW was up to date, the chapter on LISA Pathfinder was evidently filmed before the launch of the Vega rocket which sent LISA Pathfinder to L1.On a Discussion session I mentioned Einstein@home which was not mentioned in the course.

Joined: 28 May 05
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Hallo Tulio! Congratulations

Hallo Tulio!

Congratulations for you!!! Espacially because of your age!

So, we no have an expert in this field in our community.

Kind regards and happy crunching


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