File missing

Joined: 19 Oct 05
Posts: 754
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Topic 196886

Recently I've suffered some "Error while computing" events, such as this one:

Seems to be a file that's gone missing... I've never experienced this error before; what could be causing it?

Click my stat image to go to the BOINC Synergy Team site!

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File missing


Recently I've suffered some "Error while computing" events, such as this one:

Seems to be a file that's gone missing... I've never experienced this error before; what could be causing it?

You seem to be experiencing the same problem as discussed in this thread in the problems and bugs area.

Joined: 19 Oct 05
Posts: 754
Credit: 39882799
RAC: 22369

Right, thanks!

Right, thanks!

Click my stat image to go to the BOINC Synergy Team site!

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