BRP4 ATI error while computing: "output file...for task...absent"

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RE: Ok, here some WinDbg

Ok, here some WinDbg output:
does that help?

No not for me but this might:

It shows another person having a similar error on the exact same unit you did. This means it could be a bad batch of units and not on your end at all.

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I don´t think so. This

I don´t think so. This happens on every workunit i try.

Joined: 3 Oct 11
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RE: I don´t think so. This

I don´t think so. This happens on every workunit i try.

You're right, the other user is trashing all the BRP WUs, with another error code related to an issue with the dirvers, libraries and/or permissions...

I can't give you any insight on the debug of the error codes...
But, let me suggest to do a certain set of preventive things:

First, be sure there is no dust bunies inside the case, and that all the fans work, and then check the temps of the GPU.

Also, take out and re-seat the GPU board, some times they get slighlty missaligned in the slots (due to vibrations or thermal stress) causing weird faillures and/or they get dust inside the slot preventing a good contact.

Another good preventive thing is to uninstall and reinstall the GPU drivers using the advanced option to do a clean install, just in case something got wrong in the last installation.

Another thing, check your Firewall and AV apps and set them to exclude the BOINC data directory. Its not supossed to be needed, but sometimes they interfere.

If nothing of that helps, another option is to get some OC utility like Afterburner or EVGA Precission and use it to underclock the GPU cores and or the GPU memory... Sometimes a wonky chip can fail at nominal values... of course, if this fixes your issue then it means that there is something wrong in the hardware...

I know, none of this is the answer, but this things are easy to try and they worked in a lot of cases...

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