Project sending Wu's that are not selected

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The preferences you showed

The preferences you showed were from Albert, not Einstein. These preferences change from project to project, you'll have to set them all separately. There's no project preference page where you can set the preferences for e.g. the Seti, Milkyway, WCG, Einstein and Collatz projects all in one sweep, since all of these projects use different applications. So you'll have to set them separately.

And thus when asked what your preferences are for this project, you go to and get them. Not to the Albert project, not to WCG as these show different applications that don't run here.

Now, you can stomp away from your problem as if the people trying to help are the bad guys, but how does that fix your problem? And even then, since the helpers aren't the ones with the problem, all they do is shrug and be on their merry way, running all the tasks that they want and can, they won't sleep worse over you still having the problem.

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I never said the Preferences

I never said the Preferences I showed were from the Einstein Project but was just showing them as a reference for the problem I was having at Albert. I also know each Project has to be set Individually. Not that it really matters since nobody probably really knows what my original problem was anymore but here are my Preferences for the Einstein Project:

Resource share
Determines the proportion of your computer's resources allocated to this project. Example: if you participate in two BOINC projects with resource shares of 100 and 200, the first will get 1/3 of your resources and the second will get 2/3. 100
Enforced by version 6.10+ yes
Enforced by version 6.10+ no
Enforced by version 6.10+ no
Is it OK for Einstein@Home and your team (if any) to email you? yes
Should Einstein@Home show your computers on its web site? yes
Default computer location work
Graphics setting: frames per second (FPS)
Warning: affects CPU consumption! Default value: 20 20
Graphics setting: render quality
Warning: requires hardware 3D acceleration! Default value: low low
Graphics setting: window width (pixels)
Default value: 800 800
Graphics setting: window height (pixels)
Default value: 600 600
Run only the selected applications Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo): no
Gravitational Wave S6 LineVeto search (extended): no
Gravitational Wave S6 LineVeto search: yes
Gamma-ray pulsar search #2: no
If no work for selected applications is available, accept work from other applications? no
Run CPU versions of applications for which GPU versions are available no
GPU utilization factor of BRP apps
DANGEROUS! Only touch this if you are absolutely sure of what you are doing!
Wrong setting might even damage your computer! Use solely on your own risk!
Min: 0.0 / Max: 1.0 / Default: 1.0 1

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Your top two computers show

Your top two computers show the following in the contact log:

2013-03-10 11:34:40.8990 [PID=7768 ] [debug]   [HOST#6582031] MSG(high) No work sent
2013-03-10 11:34:40.8990 [PID=7768 ] [debug]   [HOST#6582031] MSG(high) No work is available for Gravitational Wave S6 LineVeto search
2013-03-10 11:34:40.8990 [PID=7768 ] [debug]   [HOST#6582031] MSG(high) No work available for the applications you have selected.  Please check your preferences on the web site.

Neither shows that you have any work here.

You will probably want to change your preferences as such:

Run only the selected applications Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo): no
Gravitational Wave S6 LineVeto search (extended): yes (was no)
Gravitational Wave S6 LineVeto search: no (was yes)
Gamma-ray pulsar search #2: no

the present LineVeto search is the extended one, no longer the 'normal' one. See this thread for more information on that.

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RE: Default computer

Default computer location work

+ you are sure you havn't mixed up the venues?

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I already stated in an

I already stated in an earlier Post I only have 1 Venue & that's the Default Venue & all the Computers are set to the Default Venue ...

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Ste\/e as Ageless pointed the

Ste\/e as Ageless pointed the settings you posted should have not sent you any work. My guess is that, may be, that settings confused the servers (or may be there is a bug) which is not affecting others or is not known here as it's very unlikely that the active members of the forum have that particular settings. (I have not seen that issue on any of my hosts but Ive deselected only the Gama-Ray pulsar search)

So, I think you should change the settings to something that is supposed to be able to give you work and test them to see if you still get wrong tasks. And to be sure that you will not get undesired tasks, you should first set the hosts to not receive new tasks for Einstein, then change the settings, next do a manual update to allow the the host to learn the new settings and after that turn of the no new tasks mode (it shouldnt be necessary to follow all this, but just in case...)

There is also a tricky thing. Your first post says that you want to receive only BRPs (Binary Pulsar Search), and in your settings you have selected to not use the GPUs, if thats on pourpouse then you should set to YES the Binary Pulsar search app, all the others should be NO, but also, you will need to accept CPU tasks for which there is a GPU apps... (The BRPs are GPU aps and they wont be sent to your CPUs if you dont allow this setting).

The last setting about receiving other tasks when there is no work for the selected ones, should remain in NO as it is...

And there is something else to take into account, this project tend to suspend the delivery of BRPs to CPUs when there is some issue with the servers, they ussually post in the technical news when that happens...
But if thats the only work you accept it may lead to the issue you have seen about receiving tasks not wanted if they suspend them. (under the assumption that the servers may fail when a hosts cant receive any of the selected tasks).

By the way, do you know that the BRPs running on the CPU take a very long time and compared to the GPUs they will be a highly "inefficient" use of the CPUs? (Its not a criticism, Im just saying in case you dont know it. Obviously you can choose whatever app you want and the project will be happy with the contribution anyway)

Oh... Ive remembered something else, Einstein servers use an old version of BOINC which resends ghosts tasks even if the client is not asking for work... That could be another reasson for you receiving tasks not wanted... may be they were assigned previuosly to the cahnge in the settings... This is simple to fix, just set the project to NNT and update it, if you get work keep doing the updates under the NNT until you stop receiving them ... you will probably want to abort any unwanted app and try the update again to be sure that there is no more ghosts and then you can try the procedure stated above to change the settings...

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hey wait a min. I had this

hey wait a min. I had this problem. "Now thinking about it" sorry didn't remember it before now. If I remember right the web setting and the client setting got messed up and the local client setting was overriding the web setting. I had to open the options "settings" of local client and clear it so the web settings would be the right settings. That fixed my problem but I can't say it will fix yours but could be worth a shot.

PC setup MSI-970A-G46 AMD FX-8350 8 core OC'd 4.45GHz 16GB ram PC3-10700 Geforce GTX 650Ti Windows 7 x64 Einstein@Home

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RE: ...all the others

...all the others should be NO, but also, you will need to accept CPU tasks for which there is a GPU apps... (The BRPs are GPU aps and they wont be sent to your CPUs if you dont allow this setting).

To make it more clear, BRP4s are both available for CPU and GPU. If the user only wants to receive them for his GPU, he should set:
Use CPU = no.
Use ATI or Nvidia GPU = yes.
Only check Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo) as option to receive work.
Uncheck both If no work for selected applications is available, accept work from other applications? and Run CPU versions of applications for which GPU versions are available.

Those settings work for me. I've been running only BRP4s on my ATI GPU since about a year now. Don't run any work on the CPU from here, and I never run out of work from here either.

hey wait a min. I had this problem. "Now thinking about it" sorry didn't remember it before now. If I remember right the web setting and the client setting got messed up and the local client setting was overriding the web setting. I had to open the options "settings" of local client and clear it so the web settings would be the right settings. That fixed my problem but I can't say it will fix yours but could be worth a shot.

Project preferences can only be set through Your Account on the website at the project. They are a specific set of instructions for that project only.

The global preferences, which dictate how and when to use the computer can be set through Your Account at any of the projects that you added to BOINC, plus as local preferences in BOINC Manager. These local preferences override all the same preferences as those from the website. Clearing these preferences only reinstate the last set of global preferences found by BOINC, they do not affect the project preferences.

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Well I got work units I

Well I got work units I didn't want and that's how it got fixed some how...

PC setup MSI-970A-G46 AMD FX-8350 8 core OC'd 4.45GHz 16GB ram PC3-10700 Geforce GTX 650Ti Windows 7 x64 Einstein@Home

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I got wrong wus, too: On BAM!

I got wrong wus, too:
On BAM! host list I told machines not to fetch work for CPU, but always got GPU- and CPU-wus.

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