SuperHost reminder

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Topic 196644


some days ago I posted a message in the BOINC forum. I thought I had a good idea.
Jord sent me a link to the 'SuperHost'

I have sent a mail to David Anderson and received an answer:
We have no plans to provide this feature.
-- David

Now I would like to ask all of you:
Is this a good idea which should be promoted?


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SuperHost reminder

Unfortunately they would produce a lot of half-finished wu's

why half-finished for several days run? because they run cpu only?

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RE: RE: Unfortunately

Unfortunately they would produce a lot of half-finished wu's

why half-finished for several days run? because they run cpu only?

Yes, most likely CPU-wu's. Many of these pc's are equipped with less powerful cpu's; a LineVeto runs 8 - 10 hrs. Some of them are Intel Atom's, a LV takes 28 hrs there.
On the other hand I could do more work with my laptops.

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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I remember having seen a

I remember having seen a project once that promoted itself with a version of BOINC preinstalled on a USB pendrive. In general I think this would fit your needs pretty well: to give a PC a burn-in test, insert the USB stick and let it crunch. If done, remove it and put it on another PC. I'm not quite sure how BOINC would cope with the changing hardware (new host id???), tho.


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RE: I remember having seen


I remember having seen a project once that promoted itself with a version of BOINC preinstalled on a USB pendrive. In general I think this would fit your needs pretty well: to give a PC a burn-in test, insert the USB stick and let it crunch. If done, remove it and put it on another PC. I'm not quite sure how BOINC would cope with the changing hardware (new host id???), tho.


I saw something like that also, but it was just a standard BOINC installation on a very, very light version of Linux.

If the sequence number of the RPCs is correct (greather or equal than the one kept at server side) BOINC (ussualy) does nothing. At least BOINC has not changed my host IDs after any hardware upgrade Ive made (and I did a lot of changes in the last year...).

If those hosts are not going to continue crunching after their "testings" you just need to copy the Boinc Data directory (and all their contents), paste it in the new host before installing BOINC, and during the installation just use the advanced settings to specify where is the BOINC Data. It will resume from where it was in the previous host with no need to reattach, reconfigure or anything else. Just be sure to uninstall or at least to no start BOINC on the retired host after you have copied the data, because if it tries to connect again after you have copied it you will have a wrong sequence number in the new host and it will be assigned a new ID, and will loose all the already assigned tasks.

EDIT: the last thing works on Windows, I dont know if its possible on other OS, as they have not something as an universal installer...

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what is RPC?

what is RPC?

Gundolf Jahn
Gundolf Jahn
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RE: what is RPC? Remote

what is RPC?

Remote Procedure Call
[edit]In this context, probably "Number of times client has contacted server", which corresponds to in client_state.xml[/edit]


Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)

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RE: I remember having seen

I remember having seen a project once that promoted itself with a version of BOINC preinstalled on a USB pendrive.

Not preinstalled on a pendrive, but easily done when you have one:

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Hi all, THX for all the

Hi all,

THX for all the responses here.
I found the link to dotch yesterday, took a look on that and the applied help-files.
Unfortunately I do not 'speak' linux. But it brought up another idea.
I copied a virtual-xp.vdi onto a usb-stick, started this virtual xp, installed boinc there. After adding einstein I made a setup to get only one wu, started this one on this machine. 30min later I closed the vm and moved over to another system, started the vm there and continued crunching there. ATM its at 13% progress; let's see what happens with the wu when it finishes on a different machine than it was downloaded.

I keep you informed.


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RE: RE: what is

what is RPC?

Remote Procedure Call
[edit]In this context, probably "Number of times client has contacted server", which corresponds to in client_state.xml[/edit]


LOL...Thats exactly what I meant.
Sorry for the cryptic technobabble...

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first wu is finished now.

first wu is finished now. Uploaded and accepted by einstein, waiting for validation.
Wu was downloaded running on an i7 and uploaded from an A8, seems not to make any problem.
Will continue tomorrow.

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