Counting Credits

Bill Turner
Bill Turner
Joined: 21 Nov 12
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RE: Since claimed credits


Since claimed credits per WU make little or non sense, because all WU are "rewarded" allways with 500 credits.

I wasn't aware till I read this post that all WU's only award you with 500 credits, so I checked on my tasks, here's one of my completed ones...




21 Nov 2012 2:50:49 UTC

23 Nov 2012 12:45:06 UTC

Completed and validated

145,061.42 <---Run Time

197,671.10 <--- CPU time

461.60 <--- Credits claimed

500.00 <--- Credits awarded

Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo) v1.22 (BRP4SSE)

I suppose I should just be happy I received more credits than I claimed!

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Looking at your host tasks it

Looking at your host tasks it seems that you are only accepting BRP tasks, those are processed much more faster on GPU than on CPU.
If you are worried about credits, then it will be better to accept the gravitational wave search tasks for CPU and set the prefference to not receive the CPU versions of the BRP tasks.

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RE: RE: Since claimed


Since claimed credits per WU make little or non sense, because all WU are "rewarded" allways with 500 credits.

I wasn't aware till I read this post that all WU's only award you with 500 credits, so I checked on my tasks, here's one of my completed ones...

Actually, the "all" 500 thing is only for the ALL included in current BRP work. BRP is the only type currently offered for GPU, so those running GPU-only will indeed see only 500.

On the other hand, if one runs CPU on Einstein, one is likely to execute quite a bit of "Gravitational Wave S6 LineVeto search v1.13" work (often called GW), as to which the most recent completions on my hosts have been getting a little over 251 cobblestones (I've seen 251.18, 251.21 and 251.23 in the last couple of days). GRP works seems to be over for the moment, but that has been yet another situation regarding awarded credit.

Bill Turner
Bill Turner
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I'm currently accepting

I'm currently accepting everything. I see where you're going as far as running the GPU WU's, but since I've only got 1, my other projects would get jealous, revolt and probably melt my computer! I'm not too concerned about credit per say, I just want to make sure that what my computer cranks out is fairly accounted for, and from what I can tell it is. The numbers just threw me off.

juan BFP
juan BFP
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I´m not worried about

I´m not worried about credit, for that i go to a bank not here, i was talking about a easy way to measure the real WU daily production of your hosts, something easy to get in other Boinc projects. Just the total of WU nothing else, the credit per unit, another important information about the performance of the host, remains unchanged.

Something like this at the end of the page:

Pending credit: 6,174.80 in 813 WU

A subrotine allready calculate the total, so is "childs play" just show the number of WU... with no "overload" to servers database...

And please sorry if i put in some way that causes a missunderstood of that i asking for, must be a translation problem, english is not my native language.



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RE: I'm currently accepting

I'm currently accepting everything. I see where you're going as far as running the GPU WU's, but since I've only got 1, my other projects would get jealous, revolt and probably melt my computer! I'm not too concerned about credit per say, I just want to make sure that what my computer cranks out is fairly accounted for, and from what I can tell it is. The numbers just threw me off.

BRP tasks on CPU may need a whole day or more to be processed and they will give 500 points, the GW will take 1/4 of the time and will give around 250, so in the time your CPU does one BRP (500 credits) it can do 4 of the GW (1000 credits). But besides the better payload, also as the GW task are short, then it will play better against all the other projects. That's why it could be good if you unselect the option: "Run CPU versions of applications for which GPU versions are available".

GW app is close tho the end of the search, so tasks are scarce and may be you wont get any, but if you are attached to other projects than supply CPU work it wont be an issue as your CPU will be still bussy.

By the way, this are just ideas to help you understand how things work and then be able to set everything in a way that fit your taste. If you are happy with your current settings you dont need to do anything of what Ive said.

(PS: Juan, your post was clear, and nothing of what we were talking about credits and etc. was related to your comment)

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I am not here for the

I am not here for the creds.
There are other Boinc projects where I could harvest beaucoup creds if that's all I was after.

I happen to think this is a worthy backup project to Seti.
If Seti were online right now, I would not be here.

Those who know me know that fact.

juan BFP
juan BFP
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Mark Dont´take so strong,


Dont´take so strong, we all now why you and some other mates are here, because we are a team, friends, mad chrunchers, totaly out off mind people, etc. Some just because i ask, Why? because we want to be together. Credits means nothing, friendship means everything.

We all are comitment to the GPUUG-SETI cause, we just give some help and share some of our resources, for a small period of time due the continuous SETI outages, with our E@H friends, who receive us with opens hands and, help then to reaches is goals a little sooner.

But i belive all know, when SETI returns, our GPUs will return to try to find our little green friend.

And never forget: I love the kitties, I´m a kitties fan #2!



juan BFP
juan BFP
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Hi Friends Could be just

Hi Friends

Could be just curiosity, but some one could enlight me and explain whow a Host created an 12 Nov 2012 12:40:51 UTC with a RAC 29,585.14 have 2,009,475 in Total Credits? Thats is > 143K/day just with one CAL AMD Radeon HD 79x0

Some type of warp credit engine? And please, i don´t ask about the credits, i´m asking beceause i´m curious to learn whow to configurate a host, with just 1 GPU, to do so much science in so few days.



Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: Hi Friends Could be


Hi Friends

Could be just curiosity, but some one could enlight me and explain whow a Host created an 12 Nov 2012 12:40:51 UTC with a RAC 29,585.14 have 2,009,475 in Total Credits? Thats is > 143K/day just with one CAL AMD Radeon HD 79x0

Some type of warp credit engine? And please, i don´t ask about the credits, i´m asking beceause i´m curious to learn whow to configurate a host, with just 1 GPU, to do so much science in so few days.

RAC is not actually a daily average, except possibly in the long term if processing is a constant. If there are rapid changes to processing, in this case upwards, then the RAC has 'lag'. I forget the exact formula but it is roughly a rolling average with 'decay' or 'accumulation' semantics.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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