[solved] nVidia 295.51 beta driver problems - Failed tasks - Cannot create a symbolic link in a registry key that already has subkeys or values. (0x3fc) - exit code 1020 (0x3fc)

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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RE: New beta drivers

New beta drivers (301.24) released today! I was trying to test them, but it looks like the server will still not give me any tasks (http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu//host_sched_logs/5099/5099778)

We'll change this for you to test.

Should work in a few hours.



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RE: RE: New beta drivers

New beta drivers (301.24) released today! I was trying to test them, but it looks like the server will still not give me any tasks (http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu//host_sched_logs/5099/5099778)

We'll change this for you to test.

Should work in a few hours.


I did 7 Setiathome offline Benches last night and couldn't get it to fail (But i'm using a different monitor to when i could get to fail with 295.xx drivers),
Before i upgraded i grabbed some BRP4Cuda work and have done some of it this morning no problem,
In a little while i'll downgrade to 295.73 and check i can get offline benches to fail on this monitor.



Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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RE: RE: New beta drivers

New beta drivers (301.24) released today! I was trying to test them, but it looks like the server will still not give me any tasks (http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu//host_sched_logs/5099/5099778)

We'll change this for you to test.

Should work in a few hours.

You should get work now with a driver version > 301.00 (plan class BRP4cuda32nv301).



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I downgraded my

I downgraded my i7-2600K/GTX460/HD5770 host to 295.73, ran a setiathome offline bench, proved that the cuda apps do fail with this monitor, then upgraded back up to 301.24,


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I've been waiting for you to

I've been waiting for you to open up your app, since I've got a 680 been dying to use. Crunching several right now, if you wish for me to attempt to "disrupt" with monitor sleep I can switch it on (currently disabled) Otherwise Ill let them run (I am NOT using new BETA though) since as far as I can tell this beta looks about the same as the 680 301.10 but for 500 and below cards.

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After letting the monitor go

After letting the monitor go to sleep for awhile, i moved the mouse, and looked at EVGA Precision, and it showed a constant usage of 71-72% (what it's been running at)

Will have to wait and see if it validates, but so far its looking good. Again this is on W7 machine 680 using 301.10 and NOT 301.24 beta.

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I would post this also in

I would post this also in Number Crunching, but since I'm still waiting on wingman cannot (0 credit):

Completed, waiting for validation





Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo) v1.22 (BRP4cuda32nv301)

Jacob Klein
Jacob Klein
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RE: You should get work


You should get work now with a driver version > 301.00 (plan class BRP4cuda32nv301).


My preliminary testing (Windows 7 x64, BOINC 7.0.25, 2 GeForce 9800 GTs, ForceWare drivers 301.24)... is looking good. I'm able to start and resume tasks successfully even though "Turn off the display" is used, with Windows turning off the display before the tasks start/resume.

I will reply again once I verify that tasks can complete without error. (I'm going to let it run overnight).

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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Hi! Thanks for testing!


Thanks for testing! We'll keep an eye on the new results.


Jacob Klein
Jacob Klein
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My testing of the 301.24

My testing of the 301.24 drivers is successful. The overnight run resulted in several completed Cuda (Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo) v1.22 (BRP4cuda32nv301)) tasks... and one has already been successfully through the validator.

My results are at:

I'm probably going to detach from the project indefinitely, because I'd like to use my 9800 GT cards on Folding@Home, but if you ever need me to test something, feel free to PM or email me.

Jacob Klein

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