Einstein@Home public event July 2, 2011

Dear All,

as the preferred day of the week for the E@H public event at AEI Hannover turned out to be Saturday, we have now scheduled it for the 2nd July, 2011.
There will be a couple of interesting talks and guided laboratory tours at AEI in the afternoon and an informal get-together in the evening.
A more detailed program will be available shortly.




Richard Haselgrove
Richard Haselgrove
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Einstein@Home public event July 2, 2011

Could you also please post links to any transport/accommodation guides that might be helpful to more far-flung crunchers, in case any of us decide to pay a visit?

I've found some travel notes on the MPI site, but no accommodation suggestions yet.

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: I've found some travel

I've found some travel notes on the MPI site, but no accommodation suggestions yet.

Mike and I are both planning to attend the open day and the hotel schlafgut has been suggested to us (well at least to me but I imagine also to Mike). I had a quick look at the website and the location in the university precinct with close proximity to the Herrenhausen gardens and the city centre seems to be a plus for it.

I'm not sure how big it is or how many people might be planning to stay in Hannover but perhaps we could impose on Bernd/Felicitas to do some sort of deal to get a good rate for all who need accommodation for the event. It would be nice to be able to meet others who may be attending and stopping over for a day or two.


Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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Was already

Was already underway:

Preliminary program (PDF)

Hotel list (PDF)



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Also for this

Also for this thread:

Ageless wrote:
So... is one's invitation to the "Einstein@Home Meeting on July 2, 2011" still valid, when the name on the invitation isn't exactly yours? Will there be checks at the gate and will I be cut out if I don't get a new one where the n is an r? ;-)

By the way, I think about coming. It would make more sense to me than going to the Workshop, to be honest. But I'll let everyone know of my final decision in due time. With the present invitation I won't be able to enter the compound anyway, if security is tight. ;)

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So, the public event is

So, the public event is planned for one day only. But I'm coming from far-far away from this place, and of cause I plan not a one day trip. And therefore I have a question to everybody there: can you suggest me what to do there for about 2 weeks? Are there any meaningful places to look at? May be it is possible to spend some days with a project crew just to feel the GW-atmosphere, is it?

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So, I'm already here in

So, I'm already here in Hannover. Is somebody already here, so we can meet?

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RE: So, the public event is

So, the public event is planned for one day only. But I'm coming from far-far away from this place, and of cause I plan not a one day trip. And therefore I have a question to everybody there: can you suggest me what to do there for about 2 weeks? Are there any meaningful places to look at? May be it is possible to spend some days with a project crew just to feel the GW-atmosphere, is it?

I was once in Hannover visiting the CEBIT exhibition.I cannot remember much about the city, but I remember the Alte Rathaus restaurant and its beer.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: RE: So, the public

So, the public event is planned for one day only. But I'm coming from far-far away from this place, and of cause I plan not a one day trip. And therefore I have a question to everybody there: can you suggest me what to do there for about 2 weeks? Are there any meaningful places to look at? May be it is possible to spend some days with a project crew just to feel the GW-atmosphere, is it?

I was once in Hannover visiting the CEBIT exhibition.I cannot remember much about the city, but I remember the Alte Rathaus restaurant and its beer.

Hannover is a beautiful city. I have already spent a morning soaking up the atmosphere in some lovely outdoor gardens. If you tend toward bicycles then the infrastructure is very conveniently arranged. I will be here for another week so please do look me up ( Hotel Schlafgut room 203 ).

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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Hi all! I'll arrive at

Hi all!

I'll arrive at Hannover tomorrow morning, Friday. I'll also stay at the Schlafgut Hotel.

CU in Hannover

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Ok, I've joined EVO and

Ok, I've joined EVO and installed a Koala!

There's a list of meetings with the current fifth from the bottom marked as 'Einstein'. Click on it and agree to join. Of course it's only showing a photo of Mr Einstein's right elbow now, but I expect more on Saturday. Looks good to go. :-)

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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Hi all, I'll be arriving

Hi all,

I'll be arriving sometime on Friday, probably in the late afternoon or evening. I'll also be at the Hotel Schlafgut :)


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I canceled and will now be

I canceled and will now be attending the BOINC Workshop instead. Sorry guys!

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Here are my video impressions

Here are my video impressions from the event:

Best regards

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Great job! I found myself on

Great job! I found myself on the video ;)

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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Thanks,nice video. Wish I

Thanks,nice video.

Wish I could have went on the tour.

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Thanks for the nice video. It

Thanks for the nice video.
It shows to me, what I hve missed due to some heavy malaise.

Kind regards

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Thanks for the video. Some

Thanks for the video.
Some of my foto from ATLAS is here:
http://drvit.livejournal.com/13965.html almost no faces (this is usual for my pics), words is just brief story Bruce Allen told us(you can check it by http://translate.google.com/).
Some foto from garden of Hannover friday is here(no faces too):http://drvit.livejournal.com/13455.html

Bruce Allen
Bruce Allen
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RE: Some of my foto from

Some of my foto from ATLAS is here:
http://drvit.livejournal.com/13965.html almost no faces (this is usual for my pics), words is just brief story Bruce Allen told us(you can check it by http://translate.google.com/).
Some foto from garden of Hannover friday is here(no faces too):http://drvit.livejournal.com/13455.html

Thank you for these nice photos. Many of the Atlas photos are better quality than the ones done by the "professionals"! I also like the photo from your hotel window or roof.


Director, Einstein@Home

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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Yes very nice pictures

Yes very nice pictures Vitaliy

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RE: RE: Some of my foto

Some of my foto from ATLAS is here:
http://drvit.livejournal.com/13965.html almost no faces (this is usual for my pics), words is just brief story Bruce Allen told us(you can check it by http://translate.google.com/).
Some foto from garden of Hannover friday is here(no faces too):http://drvit.livejournal.com/13455.html

Thank you for these nice photos. Many of the Atlas photos are better quality than the ones done by the "professionals"! I also like the photo from your hotel window or roof.



In his blog, Vitaliy wrote that ATLAS has made for crunching Einstein@Home units, but now ATLAS RAC lower than my RAC. It is a mistake or ATLAS loaded by another computations?

Thank you!

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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RE: In his blog, Vitaliy

In his blog, Vitaliy wrote that ATLAS has made for crunching Einstein@Home units, but now ATLAS RAC lower than my RAC. It is a mistake or ATLAS loaded by another computations?

ATLAS is the largest computing cluster of the LSC (LIGO Scientific Collaboration). All these clusters perform single threaded, trivial parallel computations, i.e. searches that iterate over large numbers of independent points in parameter space. Therefore all the clusters built for GW data analysis have a lot of local computing power, but relatively low network bandwidth. From the perspective of computing per bandwith (data volume) Einstein@home represents the extreme end of the searches that can be ran on such clusters, but by far not the only type. Most LSC clusters run Einstein@home on nodes that would be otherwise idle, but most of their computing power goes to searches that can't be ran on Einstein@home. These are all searches that are somewhat similar to Einstein@home, but no LSC cluster has been built to run primarily or exclusively Einstein@home.